View Full Version : What should I put in Nelly's cage?

Nelly's mama
11-22-2011, 08:59 AM
I have a big ferret cage that I have Nelly in. What should I put in the bottom of it? I have pine straw in there right now but I see where some people are saying not to use that. I have her food and water on the second level and the third level is empty right now. She climbs up up there to get into her hammock. :thankyou

Jackie in Tampa
11-22-2011, 09:48 AM
:thumbsup I use newspaper and fleece
some use carefresh recycled newspaper bedding/litter

hay is not advised, as it can mold and that can have ramifications.
we love pics!
I sell cage gear if you need sq safe hammocks huts etc...
all procedes go to sqs, I have almost 867 of them...j/k!


fresh non sprayed non toxic branches too, stuffie animals...
cuttle bone, pine cones....

most times the ferret cages have the pan exposed to the critter, this will be chewed soon..
if it's a marshall ferret cage ..they can escape...be careful!

Nelly's mama
11-22-2011, 02:43 PM
The pan is metal is maybe we are ok :) I will take a look at your site and see what all you have. Can you tell me what this block is that I keep reading about? I would love to add a picture to my profile but cant figure out how. I am new to the site

11-22-2011, 03:24 PM
I use feret nation cages for my bunny & my squirrels and I love the bathmats from Walmart. I wash every other day, super easy. Stays very clean, gives them nice footing and they never chew the plastic trays. I also give them a box to dig and chewstuff - wood etc - safe and clean. And yes the cage gear makes them so happy

Mavrycs Mommy
11-22-2011, 06:56 PM
i make Mavrycs cage liners!!! if youre handy with a sewing machine its incredibly simple to make! i found a really great tutorial can post later if you'd like (its book marked on my laptop but im at work lol) its just two pieces of fleece and a little batting!!!