View Full Version : Alternative calcium sources

11-21-2011, 10:12 AM
I have to say all these MBD threads freak me out. Butchie and Joey seem very healthy and show no signs (Lethargy? LOL NOPE!!) but I also know that this does a lot of damage BEFORE symptoms develop.

I am still out of work. I am feeding these guys plus the ones outside, plus trying to give the best I can to Flower's Orphans (http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31106)

What are alternate calcium sources I can use? Do I need Vitamin D as well?

I have on hand:

(very limited and won't be able to get more, most likely) Fox Valley Formula. I have been mixing the powder in the babies food, and the boys get some as well.

Reptical -- Reptiles also suffer MBD and this is a fresh container. I have two box turtles and one anole.

Dairy free calcium enriched drinks (almond, rice, coconut, and hemp milk at present).

Eggshells -- could crushed eggshells be used when I run out of formula?

The boys don't like rodent blocks; they stash them (I have very few left, maybe a handful at most). They do have a couple of antler pieces stashed around here somewhere. Every so often they "find" them and chew those. They completely chewed/consumed the first two pieces they got (think I got them from Chris?). I need more, or a bigger one, but won't be able to get for a while.

Emergen-c the calcium formula. I do mix this from time to time in their food and they seem to like it. I need to get more but it may be a while for this too.

I have to admit my boys can be picky. They will eat greens and like broccolli, etc but sometimes they stash the leaves. Buggers. They don't get nuts often because they tend to stash and/or fight over them. I do feed seeds sometimes, admitedly to keep them busy if I need to leave for just a few minutes (they don't like caging, another topic to post).

Would any of these work? If so how much of each would I give? Would a calcium supplement be better?

And yes, I know I have been lax. I want to correct this BEFORE any damage is done. I have to say they get pretty crazy over coconut milk (the new type out in containers, with calcium added). They will attack my tea if I add it to my tea in the morning. SQUIRRELS DON'T NEED CAFFEINE!! LOL!! But they like the other non dairy milks a lot too.

Guess my biggest question would be how much in mg do they need per day? Given their diet would it be ok to give extra for a couple weeks even though no symptoms of any problems have been noticed? What woudld be first signs? These are fox squirrels; sorry I don't have weights. Joey is bigger. They do get sun through a window, screen plus wire mesh. They sun sometimes. They love to pull down the blanket covering the window when it is freezing out ;).

Ideas on helping Flower's little ones would be great too; I don't want them to develop any issues on top of being without Mommy :(. I mix fv powder in their food at least once a day. They get some non dairy drinks mixed in as well, but I am guessing this may not be enough? They seem lively and active.....

Jackie in Tampa
11-21-2011, 10:21 AM
deer antlers...clean cooked beef bones...
seashells...egg shells

Vit D is mushrooms baby! and sunshine!!!!:thumbsup

it's not hard to keep them healthy...the bad habits are the hard part of good nutrition...
once they have had junk food, they always want junk food...so no chips no cheating!:thumbsup
If sqs do not know that there is junk food, they won't miss it!:D

The lkonger you are here and the more you read..the easier it will be to raise a healthy long living sq friend!
Thank you for your questions, that's where we all started!:)
:Love_Icon jit

11-21-2011, 10:37 AM
I agree with 4s, Block is a must. It really is the only way to keep them healthy. I will send you an e-mail this evening and go over a few ideas I have that might help you. Almost any good commercial block will do but you have to make block 80% of a squirrel's diet. Don't worry it can be done and will be fairly "painless" for B&J. I have switched dozens of squirrels from "pizza and chips" to healthy block. Check your e-mail later.


11-21-2011, 04:05 PM
I give my Reds eggs...with the shell twice a week.
I just boil the eggs....a soft boil...not too done....then when its done and cooled...I smash it...shell and all and divide it up. They LOVE it!

11-21-2011, 06:13 PM
I use the reptical for my flyers...cause it has the D3 in it which is essential for their bodies to absorb the calcium...without D3 the calcium cannot absorb. Some people say not to use it cause its for reptiles...but its just calcium with D3 and its phospherous free which is a plus. i just sprinkle it over their favorite food. I also give them boiled chicken and yogurt everynight (dannon french vanilla)! I also use a cuttle bone...

So if you are unable to get the block, you could substitute for the reptical...in my opinion!


Mavrycs Mommy
11-21-2011, 06:37 PM
I give my Reds eggs...with the shell twice a week.
I just boil the eggs....a soft boil...not too done....then when its done and cooled...I smash it...shell and all and divide it up. They LOVE it!
they eat egg shell?! it doesnt hurt their tummys?! huh!!!! maybe ill give an egg to Mavie!!!

11-21-2011, 07:24 PM
I use the reptical for my flyers...cause it has the D3 in it which is essential for their bodies to absorb the calcium...without D3 the calcium cannot absorb. Some people say not to use it cause its for reptiles...but its just calcium with D3 and its phospherous free which is a plus. i just sprinkle it over their favorite food. I also give them boiled chicken and yogurt everynight (dannon french vanilla)! I also use a cuttle bone...

So if you are unable to get the block, you could substitute for the reptical...in my opinion!


IMO, I think you are not wrong, really... it is just that we do not know how much or how little to give to greys or foxers or any squirrel in general. I would need to take a look at the "numbers" to know even a little about reptical with D3. There is no real way to measure how much they are absorbing from the sprinkling on foods. However, I do feel it is most likely better than nothing or if not feeding block regularly. I am just not sure, however. I am going out on a very shaky limb here. :sanp3 (That was the limb breaking off behind me).


11-21-2011, 07:59 PM
IMO, I think you are not wrong, really... it is just that we do not know how much or how little to give to greys or foxers or any squirrel in general. I would need to take a look at the "numbers" to know even a little about reptical with D3. There is no real way to measure how much they are absorbing from the sprinkling on foods. However, I do feel it is most likely better than nothing or if not feeding block regularly. I am just not sure, however. I am going out on a very shaky limb here. :sanp3 (That was the limb breaking off behind me).


WOW someone from Maryland??? I miss the weather there :shakehead Ive been in FL for almost 6 years but grew up in Maryland till then! Throughtout Baltimore, Westminster and Pasadena Areas!

11-21-2011, 08:05 PM
WOW someone from Maryland??? I miss the weather there :shakehead Ive been in FL for almost 6 years but grew up in Maryland till then! Throughtout Baltimore, Westminster and Pasadena Areas!
Ellicott City here. I know the areas you mentioned well. I grew up in Tampa. I miss the weather in FL. 47 degrees here now.

11-21-2011, 09:00 PM
Ellicott City here. I know the areas you mentioned well. I grew up in Tampa. I miss the weather in FL. 47 degrees here now.

LOL...you miss what you dont have...:-) My cousins live in ellicot city!

11-21-2011, 09:21 PM
Reptiles also have very high vitamin D requirements, much higher than rodents. So again, the ratio is off in reptile supplements.

It really is a basic principle of animal nutrition to never feed a food or supplement that was designed for an entirely different type of animal.

True... I wonder if there is a small mammal version of Reptical D3. I don't use supplements except in the case of MBD treatment.( Tums or Cal carbonate) A small mammal version would be somewhat better. The BEST way is really to feed some kind of block.

11-22-2011, 09:51 AM
Repti-cal also sells plain calcium carbonate powder.

There are various "small animal" liquid vitamins, but they all seem to be basically bird vitamins--mostly vit A. The amounts of the vits don't make sense for a rodent. Remember, there are half a dozen essential minerals too.

You're right, supplements aren't needed with the Healthy Diet. Except with MBD, calcium is supplemented, mostly to help maintain steady blood calcium levels.
Seems like HHB's or some kind of block is the way to go.
I did just see that the NWRA conference this year is having a session on MBD in mammals and avian species. I don't know if I can go but if anyone else goes... we need any new info that is available. MBD is so ugly and hateful.
