View Full Version : Babies not eating much formula

11-18-2011, 05:43 PM
My babies ate 7 to 8 mls this morning and wouldn't take formula for lunch and again will only take 2 to 3 mls for dinner. I put some banana and apple down this morning and they are eating that and also had alittle bit of grape. All they want to do is run around and play. Is this tiny bit of fruit filling them up? They are only bout 7 weeks old. Eyes are open and their tails are starting to get a little bushy. They are leaping and running.

11-18-2011, 05:55 PM
they do not need fruit at 7wks, especially, something as sweet as banana - that will ruin their taste buds and you will end up with very picky eaters.

* It is likely that they fill up on sweets and do not want formula.
* Make sure the formula is very warm, almost hot, but not hot (you know) - not hot to burn them, but warmer than just warm (I think, squirrel mother's body temp is 104F). They won't eat cold or lukewarm formula.

* Are they warm?... if they are cold, they won't eat well either
If they are being difficult, try burritoing them and feed them that way.

* What formula are you using?... if it's FV - it takes longer to digest, so I do not know how often you feed them, but, maybe, if you space out feedings by 3-4hrs, they will eat more at each feeding.

* Grapes are dangerous: first of, they should always be peeled and the inside "thready" kind of thing should be taken out - there have been cases of choking.

Most importantly, do not give them any fruit at this age.
Their primary food should be formula.
You could start putting a good squirrel block with them - they won't eat it right away, will nibble, play with it, stash it etc, but eventually they will.
It is very, very important that their first solid food is rodent block (not nuts or fruit) - this will ensure that they will come to like it and will eat it for the rest of their lives and blocks will become their insurance against MBD, once they wean themselves.

Only after they start eating blocks with pleasure, can you start adding other foods: first, green good veggies. Once they like and eat their veggies, that's when it will be best to give them a piece of fruit as a treat only, and only after their daily blocks and veggies are eaten. Nuts - one or two per day, only as a treat as well, and, too, only after the daily blocks are eaten.

Also, for the future - never wean them. Let them wean themselves.

Could you post a bit more detail: how frequent are the feedings, what formula, how warm the formula is etc? - this will help our experienced rehabbers to make suggestions


11-18-2011, 05:59 PM
sorry, forgot to mention:

a general guideline is to feed 5-7% of their body weight (but might be a bit more or less - - can be very individual).
So, you need to weigh them regularly, too.

Could you post their weights? Are they grey squirrels?

11-18-2011, 06:05 PM
Thank you. I always serve the formula very warm. They are also fully furred and warm. I never let them get cold. They weren't eating their rodent block. They nibbled on it at first but then lost interest. I will only do formula and keep at the rodent block. They were given veggies yesterday and the day before. Carrot and broccoli. Which they like. I will stay away from fruits and veggies until they are eating their rodent block. Thanks again. I love this board. I'm a newbie at this and need the guidance.

11-18-2011, 06:12 PM
Thank you. I always serve the formula very warm. They are also fully furred and warm. I never let them get cold. They weren't eating their rodent block. They nibbled on it at first but then lost interest. I will only do formula and keep at the rodent block. They were given veggies yesterday and the day before. Carrot and broccoli. Which they like. I will stay away from fruits and veggies until they are eating their rodent block. Thanks again. I love this board. I'm a newbie at this and need the guidance.
you have been doing everything right: blocks and formula. It usually takes them some time to start eating blocks. Just keep blocks with them.
I do not know which blocks you are using, but if it's HHB - if they did not eat it, but did not dirty it either - you can put that block in a zip lock with a piece of apple and in the fridge: can be re-used the next day (piece of apple will prevent them from hardening).

Another thing you could try is break the block into smaller pieces.
Some people crumble blocks and pour some formula over them, letting them soak in the formula - some babies like it that way.

But def, at this point - formula and blocks first, some green veggies like broccoli are ok. Better no fruit and nuts are this stage (or they may become very picky ;-))

11-18-2011, 06:19 PM
They are grey squirrels I believe. Florida squirrels, mostly grey with some reddish brown tints on their face. They were eating 8mls every 4 to 5 hrs and are thick in appearance. I will try to weigh them tomorrow. All I have is a postal scale. The boys teeth sometimes seem to get in the way of the ml syringe but he figures it out. I let them chew on an orange tree branch because they want to chew on things. They are full of energy and just want to run, play and climb on us like we are trees. So cute!

11-18-2011, 06:28 PM
TThey are full of energy and just want to run, play and climb on us like we are trees. So cute!
now you have been officially initiated into the "Squirrel human tree club" ;-).
Yes, sounds like greys, esp. if in FL.

11-18-2011, 06:40 PM
They are on "just born" puppy formula with a helping of full fat plain yogurt. I also keep a fresh tums in their cage and they have chewed on that occasionally. I don't want mbs (?) to happen since they are not using FV. I've only had them for two weeks and started them on "just born" and they were doing great but I switched to esbilac as recommended by this board and their health suffered greatly in the 3 days I had them on it so I immediately switched back and they bounced right back to normal. They acted hungry after feedings on the esbilac and their fur started to look matty and their eyes looked sleepy, hollow. I recently read how esbilac is no longer recommended and I thank God that it is not. Something is wrong with that product! What is your opinion on "just born" with yogurt?

11-18-2011, 06:53 PM
They are on "just born" puppy formula with a helping of full fat plain yogurt. I also keep a fresh tums in their cage and they have chewed on that occasionally. I don't want mbs (?) to happen since they are not using FV. I've only had them for two weeks and started them on "just born" and they were doing great but I switched to esbilac as recommended by this board and their health suffered greatly in the 3 days I had them on it so I immediately switched back and they bounced right back to normal. They acted hungry after feedings on the esbilac and their fur started to look matty and their eyes looked sleepy, hollow. I recently read how esbilac is no longer recommended and I thank God that it is not. Something is wrong with that product! What is your opinion on "just born" with yogurt?
i do not know much about "just born" - will let experienced rehabbers comment.
I've heard of people using it. Adding yogurt to formulas is also something a lot of people do, but again: won't know anything about "Just born" and yogurt.:dono

BUT... I am a bit surprised: are you sure Esbilac was recommended on this board?... rather surprising, as this board does not recommend Esbilac anymore, quite the opposite - recommends not to use Esbilac (the mfgrs changed formula and now it's been causing problems for wildlife babies).
This board's recommendation is Fox Valley, truly the best formula on the market. It was specifically formulated for squirrels.
Maybe, you came across some old post or something, but this board does not recommend anything except for Fox Valley.:thinking

Also, another thing - exp. rehabbers here recommend to switch to FV because most squirrels thrive on FV best.

Check this thread out about formulas: http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20629

If you don't get responses quickly here, try posting a separate thread with your formula questions.

11-18-2011, 07:00 PM
It was an old post that wasn't removed. I saw the issue discussed by the rehabbers about the post still showing up. I think they have resolved it and also saw the post of "DO NOT USE ESBILAC" in a later post.

11-18-2011, 07:04 PM
You must remember that when we newbies register that it takes several hours to be able to see all the posts because we have to get clearance to be a member. Before we are accepted to the website we can only access certain areas.

11-18-2011, 07:12 PM
You must remember that when we newbies register that it takes several hours to be able to see all the posts because we have to get clearance to be a member. Before we are accepted to the website we can only access certain areas.
true, makes sense

11-18-2011, 07:12 PM
i do not know much about "just born" - will let experienced rehabbers comment.
I've heard of people using it. Adding yogurt to formulas is also something a lot of people do, but again: won't know anything about "Just born" and yogurt.:dono

BUT... I am a bit surprised: are you sure Esbilac was recommended on this board?... rather surprising, as this board does not recommend Esbilac anymore, quite the opposite - recommends not to use Esbilac (the mfgrs changed formula and now it's been causing problems for wildlife babies).
This board's recommendation is Fox Valley, truly the best formula on the market. It was specifically formulated for squirrels.
Maybe, you came across some old post or something, but this board does not recommend anything except for Fox Valley.:thinking

Also, another thing - exp. rehabbers here recommend to switch to FV because most squirrels thrive on FV best.

Check this thread out about formulas: http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20629

If you don't get responses quickly here, try posting a separate thread with your formula questions.

Pennyorf is right I brought this up in a thread before but if you are not part of the board and go to the front page www.thesquirrelboard.com and click on babies you will find this text "There is excellent milk replacement formula available everywhere, in pet stores and online. The PROVEN FORMULA FOR BABY SQUIRRELS is puppy milk replacer. ESBILAC, and Zoologic, made by PetAg, Inc., (http://www.petag.com/products), and Fox Valley Nutrition products (http://foxvalleynutrition.com) are the best and most widely used".
I know that that is no longer the case but if you read it there it makes Esibilac equal or better than Fox Valley. I hope the admin change it someday because the user who just found a squirrel and is searching the internet for help will find the front page long before they dig into the boards for advice I know that was the case with me.

Pennyorf I am glad you found your way inside the people here are life savers and would never give you bad advice follow their instructions and you will not go wrong. I am sure the front page was written before Esibilac changed the formula.