View Full Version : Fox Squirrel w/ Pox in my yard?

11-17-2011, 08:00 PM
Hi. I am new here. I feed the squirrels in my yard. They are already brought here by the 3 black walnut trees in my yard, & I have only made it worse.
Anyways, there is an adult Fox Squirrel with what I believe to be the pox. One of it's eyes is almost sealed shut with a red boil type of thing. It HAD 1 scab on it a few days ago, but now has about 3. Can I do anything for this squirrel? Are "my" other squirrels being put at risk but it's feeding from the same feeders? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I volunteer at the local Animal Rescue, but have found in the past that they do not treat squirrels with pox. I understand their position, but I still love my squirrels, & would like to help keep them as healthy as possible.

11-17-2011, 08:03 PM
:Welcome first,

there are antibiotics that are used to treat pox - not sure which ones, but our experts will advice (maybe, Baytril - everyone's favorite?... but don't know).
If our experienced rehabbers suggest meds, would you be able to get them at that place where you volunteer?

Pox can be treated, but it's contagious and is often hard to treat.
So, yes, other squirrels are at risk. However, if their immune systems are strong, they should be ok, generally.

Sorry, could not be of more help. But hang in, keep checking - people who know will advice as to what meds you can use.:grouphug

11-17-2011, 08:04 PM
in the meantime, you could check out this forum on Squirrel Pox:

it's in Specific Ailment Information forum.

11-18-2011, 05:54 PM
Thank you for the reply. I saw one more juvenile squirrel with a pox on it's eye today. Should I, perhaps, take down the boxes I feed them from until this all has passed? Am I making it worse by bringing them to a central location?

11-18-2011, 07:32 PM
Thank you for the reply. I saw one more juvenile squirrel with a pox on it's eye today. Should I, perhaps, take down the boxes I feed them from until this all has passed? Am I making it worse by bringing them to a central location?
honestly, don't know what to tell you on this...
their food might actually be good for the sick squirrels as it is supportive in many ways: easier food availability --> less stress ---> less taxing of their immune system ---> better chances of recovery...

on the other hand... if they do not congregate in your yard, will that help reduce the number of incidents?... could be... and, maybe, not...

is there a way you could give them meds regularly?
again, I do not know what meds - experts should advice, but if you could, that might help them...

11-18-2011, 07:39 PM
in that link I gave you before Jackie in Tampa gives a lot of info about meds to treat it.
You can send her an e-mail and ask for advice thecrazysquirrellady@gmail.com

She posted this e-mail specifically for sq rescuers to contact her in times of need. She is very, very experienced and very in-tune with squirrels.

Make sure there is no standing water - empty it regularly, as pox is often transmitted by mosquitoes and other insects