View Full Version : Teeth Issues Needs help asap

11-16-2011, 01:57 PM
I noticed my Southern Flying Squirrel getting a little thin, now I figured out what the problem is. Her teeth are too long!

I need the best advice possible to get these teeth trimmed.

She is a little stubborn with opening her mouth for me to do this, and I live in an area where vets are only in once a week, booked solid for 2 more weeks, and it has gotten really bad, so what is the best way to get her to open her mouth so I can gently trim them with my nail clippers?

I know to cut them evenly and not too short. She just needs a little help so she can eat, and I am really scared.


11-17-2011, 01:22 PM
Are you sure it is her teeth? I mean causing her to be thin. Can you get a pic of her teeth?

11-17-2011, 02:23 PM
Remember, lower teeth will be a lot longer than the uppers.
What do you have available for her to chew on?
Some diet information might also be of help to us.

You can wrap her in a small cloth like a burrito so she can't wiggle so much.
Then you can gently work on getting her mouth open.

11-17-2011, 02:32 PM
This video might help--but ONLY if the rehabbers on TSB recommend a trimming.
Please answer the questions asked in the previous posts and wait for their replies....If so SHARP, NEW cutters...and have someone hold your wrapped squirrel while the second person does the trimming.

Click here for VIDEO:


12-17-2011, 02:13 PM
Flyers lower teeth are REALLY long, so please make sure it is the teeth that are the problem. They use those wonderful lower to teeth to "drill" holes in nuts....for giggles, give your flyer a hazelnut and watch how they drill a hole in it and drill out the meat.....coolest thing EVER