View Full Version : Release? Don't release?

11-14-2011, 10:12 PM
One of the seven babies I released a month or so ago came back in less than a week after she went out--her nose was bloody and swollen and she was snorffeling pretty badly. So It's been awhile. She still has a tiny snorffel but I'd let her go back out EXCEPT, she seems slow. I know she can move pretty fast--she got out of the room today and it took three people to get her back in. Thing is, she isn't very squirrley as far as her everyday activities. She's exceptionally quiet and the one I can go to when I need a sweet head to skritch, ears to rub, a belly to scratch or just a little squirrel body to hug. Her reflexes just don't seem right. Am I a worry wart or was that bloody nose accompanied by trauma that's made her unfit for wide open spaces. I doubt very seriously my vet would notice anything other than a terrified squirrel.

11-14-2011, 10:21 PM
oh boy, the same "eternal" almost existential :) question: To release or Not To release!

and as usual, the opinions will divide...

... personally, from what I've learned, some squirrels are just a bit slower in their "squirrelly maturing" process: they take a bit longer to pick up all the squirrelly things, including speed, alertness, feistiness and aggression when necessary.
Most of the do catch up (I think, Kelly's Paco was a bit slower that way, unless i am confusing her with someone else's squirrel). But few do remain softies and gentle love bugs, preferring the safety of their fleece home to the wild drey.;-)
Also, do remember reading that when a more gentle squirrel's first wild experience is a traumatic one, they do get scared for a while. Eventually, they do recover from that fear, but some take longer to recover than others...

If your little girl has a combination of the above factors (plus her "snorfells"), then, she might be better off waiting till Spring to be released. And it is kind of late in the Fall...

Personally, based on what you described, I'd wait till Spring and see how she does.

one of the toughest decisions this "eternal" question...
but only you can see her and assess her and decide..:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

11-16-2011, 07:47 PM
Well looks like she made the decision for me--escaped and when a door opened out she went I really expected her back tonight At least her family hadn't forgotten her I'd kinda hoped she would be in the shed with four of the other babies but she wasn't out there when I went out earlier It's storming out and her winter coat isn't really thick like the outside babies It's turning cold Hope she knows she can come back in to her warm bed any time she wants to Sigh saw her several times today at least and she was VERY happy--rain or no rain

11-16-2011, 11:20 PM
I had one that came home and went back.

This was my release experience:
I would take my babies out with me when I went to gather their daily acorns. Little Girl was more independent than her brother and one day (about 12.5 weeks) she jumped from my back onto the tree and could not be coaxed down.

I worried so I went to the tree about twice a day to let her know I was there if she needed me. She would visit but didn't want to come home and stayed out for about a week or so. Then one day she came to visit and it was obvious she'd been through the wringer because of some knots on her tail. She was tired and hurting and crawled right up in my jacket. I brought her inside (which was a little upsetting to her at first) and she got a good night's sleep.

The next morning, she rejoined her brother outside. We put their nest box and food/water station way up in the tree. They both were happy and I didn't worry because I knew they had food and water and a warm/dry nest. I still checked everyday to see if they needed to come home, but they were good to go. I keep a trashcan full of pecans, rodent food, acorns, etc. to fill up the feeder every week.

So I think it's up to you. You can provide your baby with a warm house and food/water at the tree, but if you (or your Baby) are not comfortable with staying out then, by all means, let her come on home!

11-17-2011, 12:14 AM
Well looks like she made the decision for me--escaped and when a door opened out she went I really expected her back tonight At least her family hadn't forgotten her I'd kinda hoped she would be in the shed with four of the other babies but she wasn't out there when I went out earlier It's storming out and her winter coat isn't really thick like the outside babies It's turning cold Hope she knows she can come back in to her warm bed any time she wants to Sigh saw her several times today at least and she was VERY happy--rain or no rain

Oh! Well, there ya go...LoL! Yes, as long as she knows she can come home whenever she wants then that's really all you can do. I'd check for her occassionally and leave some food out. She'll be ok and if she needs help she will come home to her 'momma' :)