View Full Version : Pet squirrel
Marnee Axelson
01-04-2007, 05:49 PM
Hi, I have a pet squirrel that I raised and is now about 1 1/2 years old. She is extremely tame. She lives in an extra bedroom when I am not home and runs around the house when supervised. I have recently been told that I can no longer keep her and I am very distraught because of our attachment to each other. I know she is not releasable because of how tame and trusting she is around humans and other animals. Does anyone know of someone who can give her a good home and not put her in a cage? Please respond I dont want to have to put her down.
01-04-2007, 05:55 PM
Who told you that she cant stay with you... This is terrible! I have asked that this thread be moved where it can get more attention!! I hope someone here can help.
Somebody's Mother
01-04-2007, 05:57 PM
hey there is someone on here, i think texas squirrel that is looking for one. he was even talking bout helping a rehabber or something to try and find one.
01-04-2007, 06:00 PM
Anyone have any info on Texas squirrel?
Somebody's Mother
01-04-2007, 06:02 PM
texan squirrel. sorry. i knew it had something to do with texas. :crazy
i pm-ed him or her. says he doesn't want email notifications. the administrator message.
Marnee, you've come to the right place, I'm sure we will be able to help you.
Can you tell us why you can't keep her? Is it illegal and someone found out, are you moving? Do we have a time limit to help you?
Secret Squirrel
01-04-2007, 06:28 PM
Yeah....:get_em what Gabe said!!! Who's the trouble maker??? I want names and numbers!!!!
All kidding aside this is a very serious situation. Of course when you take on a pet it is usually for the life of either pet or pet owner. It's like having a child...ya just don't get rid of it because of poo poo smell!!! It's a lifetime commitment. I am sure you are very distraught right now.:Love_Icon
So explain more of the who said ya gotta get rid of it....and Lord I hope it has nothing to do with a man!!!! OOOOOOOhhhhh don't get me started:soapbox
01-04-2007, 06:44 PM
Are you absolutely certain that you cant keep this squirrel? She will probably not be tame in any way with someone else. Most people wouldnt be willing to take on an adult squirrel that will probably bite and scratch and never trust them for the rest of its life which can be around ten or more years. Most squirrels will NOT take to someone new!!! If this squirrel isnt one to switch loyalties to someone else then placing her with someone else would not be fair to her or someone new! Situations like yours are the very reason a lot of people believe they should never be kept as pets. We definately will need more information about why you have to get rid of her and about how she is with strangers etc. Stacey
Hi, I have a pet squirrel that I raised and is now about 1 1/2 years old. She is extremely tame. She lives in an extra bedroom when I am not home and runs around the house when supervised. I have recently been told that I can no longer keep her and I am very distraught because of our attachment to each other. I know she is not releasable because of how tame and trusting she is around humans and other animals. Does anyone know of someone who can give her a good home and not put her in a cage? Please respond I dont want to have to put her down.
Marnee Axelson
01-04-2007, 06:52 PM
The people I am renting my home from are no longer allowing me to keep her. They happen to be my in-laws so it will be difficult to hide the fact that I have her. I don't know what to do other than to search for someone that can provide her a loving home. I know this site is a good place to start because everyone here is in love with squirrel's too!
01-04-2007, 07:01 PM
However, don't assume that she will not bond with someone else. Just ask Sparkys Mom. Some one gave her a female about a year and a half, came and basically dumped it on her poarch and although she didn't become that well adjusted to Sparkys Mom and I think that is because of Sparky, she fell in love with Sparkys Moms' daughter and has been living happily ever since with her. Some times they just have to chose the person they want to adopt themselves.
I will state this again: Squirrels Are Far More Intelligent than we Humans Give Them Credit For. Don't give up hope yet.
01-04-2007, 07:02 PM
I don't imagine it would be helpful to suggest your husband have a talk with them? No, I didn't think so. Seriously, though, (and without intending to pry into your family situation), is it possible that they have some reasons that could be rebutted with some educational assistance from the people here? This Board has a wealth of knowledge and experience to offer!
Marnee Axelson
01-04-2007, 07:03 PM
Are you absolutely certain that you cant keep this squirrel? She will probably not be tame in any way with someone else. Most people wouldnt be willing to take on an adult squirrel that will probably bite and scratch and never trust them for the rest of its life which can be around ten or more years. Most squirrels will NOT take to someone new!!! If this squirrel isnt one to switch loyalties to someone else then placing her with someone else would not be fair to her or someone new! Situations like yours are the very reason a lot of people believe they should never be kept as pets. We definately will need more information about why you have to get rid of her and about how she is with strangers etc. Stacey
She is realy tame around any human she comes in contact with and has to investigate anyone who comes in the house. She has never bitten anyone but she is a little stand offish around children. I am concerned about her being so attached to me and going through some withdrawel but I don't know what else to do.
01-04-2007, 07:05 PM
Tell you what I'd do I would move in the biggest hurry you have ever seen. Nobody would tell me if I could or couldnt have my squirrel thats like saying give up my kids!
Secret Squirrel
01-04-2007, 07:08 PM
Oh is that laws!!! :smoken Geez...I thought it was a life or death situation...I say move and let them go scratch. !!!!! :sanp3
If you are allowing the squirrel to damage the home than Yes I could see them getting mad at you and the squirrel. But if you are providing your pet with all the toys and lifestyle a happy pet needs then what is their grumbling about. We are here for you and your squirrel so lets put our heads together and whip this situation into shape.:wave123
Marnee Axelson
01-04-2007, 07:12 PM
I don't imagine it would be helpful to suggest your husband have a talk with them? No, I didn't think so. Seriously, though, (and without intending to pry into your family situation), is it possible that they have some reasons that could be rebutted with some educational assistance from the people here? This Board has a wealth of knowledge and experience to offer!
I don't think they will change their minds. I am upset with them because they waited so long to tell me they have a problem. They feel she is destructive which granted they do chew but it is easy for me to repair sheetrock. Regardless of all the research I have given them they are giving me only a couple of months. This is very hard for me because she is like my child and I feel guilty for not just finding a rehabber to care for when I found her as a baby. Before I knew it she was attached to me and I to her.
01-04-2007, 07:25 PM
Yes, it doesn't take very long at all for them to crawl right into your heart! This must be horrible for you to go through. Give it a little time to percolate here and see if someone comes up with an idea or a place for her. :)
Marnee Axelson
01-04-2007, 07:39 PM
Yes, it doesn't take very long at all for them to crawl right into your heart! This must be horrible for you to go through. Give it a little time to percolate here and see if someone comes up with an idea or a place for her. :)
Yes, it is very horrible, I cry all the time.
Mrs. Jack
01-04-2007, 07:43 PM
Well you are right that we all love squirrels. And we'll all be putting our heads together to try and help you out. and being here to support you.
I'm going to urge you to not even consider putting this squirrel down. Let's see if a home can be found for her, even a foster if necessary. And also, Texas is a big place, surely there are wildlife refuges, start looking into them so that that is another possibility, a safe haven for her to go to, a small animal rescue such as pocketpets, somewhere that she can go. Consider all your options, every avenue. And don't give up!
and your inlaws.. horrible thing to spring on someone :( did you have the squirrel when you moved in? I mean did they say it was okay and then change their mind?
01-04-2007, 07:51 PM
Well, I hate coming off cold and harsh but to say the least I have been married a few times and I have always let them know up front if it comes between them and my animals, Well so long, fare well, evetasange. And God Bless Him my poor husband that I have now been with over 20 years has loved everyone of them.
But the point being here if your husband sees how much this is going to hurt you then he should be willing to chose you over his parents and if they are giving you a couple of months to find a home for the squirrel then that could also be a couple of months for your husband to find another home for all of you.
OK, just my opinion maybe I just need to keep my nose out of it. But to me this is like telling you to get rid of your child or move. I would have to move personally.
Sorry if I have over stepped the line here. I guess if you decide to stay and hang out with us here you will discover that I often get on rants and with my big mouth I will say what I am thinking. Sorry!
01-04-2007, 07:52 PM
Boy they really know how to cause family tension.
01-04-2007, 07:54 PM
marnee, what city in Texas are you in and how soon does your baby need a home?
Marnee Axelson
01-04-2007, 08:01 PM
marnee, what city in Texas are you in and how soon does your baby need a home?
I live in The Woodlands which is North of Houston. I need to find a home as soon as possible, preferably one where she will not be in a cage. She has never been in a cage and she would hate it.
01-04-2007, 08:06 PM
Ok, let me call someone I know in Pasadena and see what they can do. Hang in there, I might not have an answer right away but in the meantime explain to your in-laws the process isn't a simple one like giving away a cat or dog. Hopefully if they know your working on it they'll give you some breather room so you can't stop panicking (and maybe check out some other places to rent) just kidding (kind-of) lol
01-04-2007, 08:11 PM
SQUIRREL!!! I'M HERE!!! Let me catch up on this thread....Just give me a few minutes.
01-04-2007, 08:21 PM
i would be glad to help you by taking your little girl . we love squirrels we have 2 right now ,spoilt rotten . e mail me and we will see what we can do
01-04-2007, 08:26 PM
Okay. We are definatly interested in you're girl. Keep us in mind in case you can't find anyone else and we'll definately help you. Can you post pics? :D
Marnee Axelson
01-04-2007, 08:32 PM
Okay. We are definatly interested in you're girl. Keep us in mind in case you can't find anyone else and we'll definately help you. Can you post pics? :D
These are a few pictures of Harley.
01-04-2007, 08:35 PM
She is so cute! Let us know what you decide! You can PM me and we'll talk more or something.
01-04-2007, 08:44 PM
Hi Marnee. My name is Judy Call. I live in Buna, TX, which is about 25 miles above Beaumont. I raise flying squirrels as a hobby, and rehab greys and foxers and whatever comes along. We have 3 non-releasable greys and a non-releasable foxer that live with us, and would love to have your girl with us too. One of the greys is paralized in the rear, but we get him out to play with us. Our newest member, Ducky, is blind and has little or no sense of smell, and has some small motor skill problems, so he is not allowed free range of the squirrel room, but he is also brought out to play. The other two, a grey and a foxer, are best of friends, and have free run of the squirrel room at all times. (After Rita, we had to buy a mobile home - three bedrooms - one for the tree squirrels, one for the flyers, and one for us!) We have a very good vet that works with us and our animals.
We would be more than happy to have your squirrel live here with us, and you would be more than welcome to visit her anytime you wanted to. Maybe you will be able to find another house soon, and then take her back home with you.
Feel free to PM or email me if you want to.
01-04-2007, 08:57 PM
wow, you got us going! i think we would all take her if we could-i know i would...but hopefully someone closer will be the right place. i have to say my first response was "i'd move", but i guess sometimes it's not possible. how unkind of your in-laws to cause such pain. i hope your husband steps up & is supportive. if there's any way at all to work things out to stay together, i hope you can make it happen. meanwhile, good luck and keep us posted, especially if anyone here can help.
Mrs. Jack
01-04-2007, 09:02 PM
No offense intended to all of you offerers (don't know you!) but Marnee, if I were in your situation, I would get in touch with Muffinsquirrel right away.. I would trust her in a minute with a critter I loved.
Marnee Axelson
01-04-2007, 09:03 PM
Hi Marnee. My name is Judy Call. I live in Buna, TX, which is about 25 miles above Beaumont. I raise flying squirrels as a hobby, and rehab greys and foxers and whatever comes along. We have 3 non-releasable greys and a non-releasable foxer that live with us, and would love to have your girl with us too. One of the greys is paralized in the rear, but we get him out to play with us. Our newest member, Ducky, is blind and has little or no sense of smell, and has some small motor skill problems, so he is not allowed free range of the squirrel room, but he is also brought out to play. The other two, a grey and a foxer, are best of friends, and have free run of the squirrel room at all times. (After Rita, we had to buy a mobile home - three bedrooms - one for the tree squirrels, one for the flyers, and one for us!) We have a very good vet that works with us and our animals.
We would be more than happy to have your squirrel live here with us, and you would be more than welcome to visit her anytime you wanted to. Maybe you will be able to find another house soon, and then take her back home with you.
Feel free to PM or email me if you want to.
Sorry about your loss after Rita. I actually found Harley when Rita blew her nest out of the tree and the mama never came back. I am interested in your offer and would love to discuss it more with you. Do you let the squirrels out in the rest of the house when you are home and how do you think Harley will do with the other squirrels since she thinks she is a human? Actually she watches the wild squirrels outside through her bedroom window, I have squirrel feeders on the trees by her window so maybe she wont be too alarmed by them.
01-04-2007, 09:15 PM
I could actually completely derail this thread with commentary. But unfortunately, people tend not to listen to me on this issue and I just don't have that kind of time to waste. So let me be brief.
1) You do not have a squirrel problem. You have a relationship problem.
2) That problem rests between
a) you and your husband, who is insensitive to your feelings and has chosen to take the side of his own family over you. And I will tell you now that I am a bible-thumping prick, and according to the Word when you walked down the isle the preacher said "And now you are one," he did not say "And now you are joint-venture." When Genesis 2:24 says A man will leave his father and mother and with his wife will become one flesh, it means he stops living under their thumb, becomes a Man and runs his household, which includes him, you, and your kids. (and if you feel strongly enough about this animal, he needs to be as sensitive or at least understanding of your feelings).
b) The both of you and your inlaws. Now I'm all for people helping their kids, I know my inlaws have helped me out a whole lot. But they gave without expectation of return, and thats a huge difference. If you guys are renting this place from them and saving until you can afford your own place one day, I am totally cool with that. But anytime you enter into a situation involving family and money, STRONG boundaries need to be established. If they knew you had this animal before you entered into this deal and are only now informing you, then they've crossed the threshold. This is not about them helping you, this is now what we call a master/servant relationship. Much like borrowing money from a friend or relative. Thanksgiving dinner tastes a whole lot different when your eating with your master.
I apologize for sounding harsh, but when it comes to God, family and money, I tend to take things and run my mouth off. :)
But my point is, whether you are able to keep or are forced to get rid of this squirrel, its only the beginning of a very, very large problem. And I hate to do it, I hate to scare you straight but here it is. If you don't sit down and talk about this with your husband and these inlaws of yours and set some clear cut boundaries, and especially make it known to your husband that you are not ok with them hurting you like this, then you are quite likely going to slip into that Great American Complacency where we never discuss our problems and our lives only landslide into heartache and divorce.
I'm really sorry. For what you're going through, and for me opening my mouth about it.
01-04-2007, 09:19 PM
Hello Marnee Axelson,
My name is SquirrelyGirly AkA Mons mom and If the are some spoiled rotten well taken care of squirrels on this board muffinsquirrels are.
Your little would be safe and sound and well provided for... these are good peoples!!! just my 2 cents.
01-04-2007, 09:23 PM
By the way harleys a stud:thumbsup
Marnee Axelson
01-04-2007, 09:29 PM
I could actually completely derail this thread with commentary. But unfortunately, people tend not to listen to me on this issue and I just don't have that kind of time to waste. So let me be brief.
1) You do not have a squirrel problem. You have a relationship problem.
2) That problem rests between
a) you and your husband, who is insensitive to your feelings and has chosen to take the side of his own family over you. And I will tell you now that I am a bible-thumping prick, and according to the Word when you walked down the isle the preacher said "And now you are one," he did not say "And now you are joint-venture." When Genesis 2:24 says A man will leave his father and mother and with his wife will become one flesh, it means he stops living under their thumb, becomes a Man and runs his household, which includes him, you, and your kids. (and if you feel strongly enough about this animal, he needs to be as sensitive or at least understanding of your feelings).
b) The both of you and your inlaws. Now I'm all for people helping their kids, I know my inlaws have helped me out a whole lot. But they gave without expectation of return, and thats a huge difference. If you guys are renting this place from them and saving until you can afford your own place one day, I am totally cool with that. But anytime you enter into a situation involving family and money, STRONG boundaries need to be established. If they knew you had this animal before you entered into this deal and are only now informing you, then they've crossed the threshold. This is not about them helping you, this is now what we call a master/servant relationship. Much like borrowing money from a friend or relative. Thanksgiving dinner tastes a whole lot different when your eating with your master.
I apologize for sounding harsh, but when it comes to God, family and money, I tend to take things and run my mouth off. :)
But my point is, whether you are able to keep or are forced to get rid of this squirrel, its only the beginning of a very, very large problem. And I hate to do it, I hate to scare you straight but here it is. If you don't sit down and talk about this with your husband and these inlaws of yours and set some clear cut boundaries, and especially make it known to your husband that you are not ok with them hurting you like this, then you are quite likely going to slip into that Great American Complacency where we never discuss our problems and our lives only landslide into heartache and divorce.
I'm really sorry. For what you're going through, and for me opening my mouth about it.
Don't apologize, I appreciate your thoughts and your opinion.
01-04-2007, 09:32 PM
Marnee, I just got my 2 new baby flyers from Muffinsmom. Ive known her for a few years now and we are able to visit frequently. Let me tell you htat as much as I have always spoiled my flyers, Im going to have a hard time maintaining the level of spoiled that these babies are used to. Your furry friend would have a hard time finding someone besides you that would care so much. She didn't tell you that the blind squirrel they have rides on her hubby's shoulders when he walks around outside....LOL
01-04-2007, 10:42 PM
If you don't sit down and talk about this with your husband and these inlaws of yours and set some clear cut boundaries, and especially make it known to your husband that you are not ok with them hurting you like this, then you are quite likely going to slip into that Great American Complacency where we never discuss our problems and our lives only landslide into heartache and divorce.Well, I thump no bibles... but I agree with DubShack that you absolutely must set the proper ground rules for your future relationship.
Otherwise, there will be no future relationship.
Somebody's Mother
01-05-2007, 06:24 AM
the squirrels welfare is the most important thing right now. this squirrel has not been one of many she/he has been the squirrel. personally i think we already have a good match in texan squirrel. this would be a one squirrel household and ts is more than willing to do whatever it takes to help harley adjust.
i really think this is the perfect opportunity for both texan squirrel and harley.
just my two cents worth. i adore grey squirrels but if i lived near you i would still default to texan squirrel. i think it is a match made in heaven.
but you do need to make it clear the next thing your in-laws can expect you to get rid of is them!!!! i may have a cage big enough if you can send them parcel post!
01-05-2007, 07:07 AM
:thumbsup There is one thing I would keep here, Harley. Toss the rest, they arent worth the effort.
01-05-2007, 08:05 AM
Well, Marnee, you have undoubtedly gotten a LOT more than you anticipated when you signed on looking for a new home for Harley. As you can see, the group at TSB is very quick to circle-the-wagons in aid of a squirrel and squirrel-person in need!! :grouphug Also, not the least bit shy in offering observations, suggestions and opinions! :D Hopefully, you will have the time and inclination to sort through and consider and mull over all that has been said and figure out what your options are. And what is really best for Harley AND for you.
It's often easier for outsiders to see objectively into a situation, and perhaps offer an invaluable reality-check. Nevertheless, it is the person living the situation that must figure out what's best. You've already seen that the folks here are very open with suggestions based on experience (with 4-footed AND 2-footed creatures!). But they also understand that it still comes down to each of us having to make the best decision for the situation and squirrel. And they will remain supportive even if they would have chosen differently. So stick around, keep listening and "talking" -- you have just acquired what can be a wonderful support system through this difficult situation, wherever it takes you and Harley! :thumbsup
01-05-2007, 08:41 AM
Buddysmoms right we only want whats best for the squirrel. And we know you do also or you wouldnt be here looking for help!:thumbsup
Marnee Axelson
01-05-2007, 08:43 AM
Well, Marnee, you have undoubtedly gotten a LOT more than you anticipated when you signed on looking for a new home for Harley. As you can see, the group at TSB is very quick to circle-the-wagons in aid of a squirrel and squirrel-person in need!! :grouphug Also, not the least bit shy in offering observations, suggestions and opinions! :D Hopefully, you will have the time and inclination to sort through and consider and mull over all that has been said and figure out what your options are. And what is really best for Harley AND for you.
It's often easier for outsiders to see objectively into a situation, and perhaps offer an invaluable reality-check. Nevertheless, it is the person living the situation that must figure out what's best. You've already seen that the folks here are very open with suggestions based on experience (with 4-footed AND 2-footed creatures!). But they also understand that it still comes down to each of us having to make the best decision for the situation and squirrel. And they will remain supportive even if they would have chosen differently. So stick around, keep listening and "talking" -- you have just acquired what can be a wonderful support system through this difficult situation, wherever it takes you and Harley! :thumbsup
Thank you, I already feel better that I have some options. I am realy amazed how many people want to help me and Harley, thank God for TSB!! God Bless Everyone here!
01-05-2007, 08:47 AM
Thank you, I already feel better that I have some options. I am realy amazed how many people want to help me and Harley, thank God for TSB!! God Bless Everyone here!
We are glad your here!!!`
Give harley XOXOXOXO for us Marnee:wave123
Somebody's Mother
01-05-2007, 10:02 AM
thank you for allowing us to help. i swear this board runs on helping people. if we couldn't help someone we wouldn't be here.
how did you come up with harley for the name? i assume that it is a little girl. i had two girls on my soccer team, twins, named harley and jessie.
Marnee Axelson
01-05-2007, 10:56 AM
thank you for allowing us to help. i swear this board runs on helping people. if we couldn't help someone we wouldn't be here.
how did you come up with harley for the name? i assume that it is a little girl. i had two girls on my soccer team, twins, named harley and jessie.
My husband actually came up with the name. When she was real little we thought she was a he. When we finally realized she was a female she was already used to her name and would come to it when called. Come to find out the name Harley can be for male or female.
Mrs. Jack
01-05-2007, 11:01 AM
Yep.. I know a little girl named Harley. It's not just for motorcycles anymore :D
Are you feeling a bit better today, Marnee? I can't say I disagree with the comments that you might have some personal things to sort through with your inlaws etc. but I'm well aware through my own experiences that those things take a lot of time and energy and are not necessarily something that can be just fixed with a conversation. And I recognize that your priority is making sure Harley is safe and happy no matter what. She's got a good mama.
01-05-2007, 12:11 PM
Wow. I am just catching up on this thread here. I'm so happy that you have some good options now Marnee.
I hope your relationship with your inlaws can recover from this. I know from personal experience that sometimes even their son (your husband) can't help put them in their place. So I personally wont be too hard on the guy for not even knowing if he's tried anything.
Harley is beautiful and I hope you figure out what the best decision is.
Marnee Axelson
01-05-2007, 12:11 PM
Yep.. I know a little girl named Harley. It's not just for motorcycles anymore :D
Are you feeling a bit better today, Marnee? I can't say I disagree with the comments that you might have some personal things to sort through with your inlaws etc. but I'm well aware through my own experiences that those things take a lot of time and energy and are not necessarily something that can be just fixed with a conversation. And I recognize that your priority is making sure Harley is safe and happy no matter what. She's got a good mama.
Yes, I am feeling a bit better today even though I have my moments of sadness. I'll miss her a lot!!!
Marnee Axelson
01-05-2007, 12:14 PM
Wow. I am just catching up on this thread here. I'm so happy that you have some good options now Marnee.
I hope your relationship with your inlaws can recover from this. I know from personal experience that sometimes even their son (your husband) can't help put them in their place. So I personally wont be too hard on the guy for not even knowing if he's tried anything.
Harley is beautiful and I hope you figure out what the best decision is.
I wont be to hard on my husband, he has made it possible for me to keep her this long.
01-05-2007, 03:30 PM
No offense intended to all of you offerers (don't know you!) but Marnee, if I were in your situation, I would get in touch with Muffinsquirrel right away.. I would trust her in a minute with a critter I loved.
Sounds like the best solution, I totaly agree! And what's really nice is that you get visitation rights.:)
09-11-2007, 08:38 AM
Alright...I gotta ask...or rather..make a statement.. ARE YOUR INLAWS..ITALIAN??!!!
MINE ARE...AND IN THE EARLY STAGES OF OUR MARRIAGE..THEY WOULD HAVE TRIED THIS.....Not w/ a squirrel..but w/ other issues...
Try to see if you can get your HUSBAND to stand up to them....
It makes me must be beside your self w/ poor thing..
TRY to see..really if he can put HIS foot down...for your sanity...
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
Rachel......................:soapbox :shakehead
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