View Full Version : Squirrel Block for the UK...where can i buy it?

11-10-2011, 10:43 AM
Little Casper is healthier on emergency Tums as he's been avoiding the rat block...to be honest i don't blame him. Its the only stuff I've got hold of, which is from pets at home and its like cardboard.
I've taken away all his nuts and fruit and mashed up the rat block in mashed avocado, but he's not stupid and spits it out.
There aren't any pet shop in central London that sell an alternative rat food its just cats and dogs and I'd love to make this squirrel block but the ingredients are in the US or I don't know what is the UK equivalents.
Please can anyone recommend a British version or recommend a website that I can buy Casper's food from the UK.

11-10-2011, 12:11 PM
you can make your own blocks ... you'll need to buy the ingredients (all human grade ) and the vitamins....

(4 swerlz sells the vitamin mix but i'm not sure how long it would take you to get from the u.s.)


she also had a thread that had all the vitamins in it and how much you'd need of each one... but i can't find it... this was for people that wanted to buy their own vitamins/minerals etc...

i'll ask her where it is....

11-10-2011, 12:25 PM
if you can please contact tasha here is her information....


she had a grey that she gave to a sanctuary near her house (they're excellent ... they love greys)

she also was able to buy some food at the pet store for her grey

this is the link from when she was in the pet store...


this is what i think she ended up buying(please confirm with her)


(also please tell her we're thinking of her... her degu died a few weeks ago and she was/is devastated... but i'm sure she is willing to help another grey - she has a very big heart).