View Full Version : hi-introducing me and Dexter

11-10-2011, 08:39 AM
Hi... i posted a week or so ago a few days after I found Dexter, he had a scab on his penis. Everything worked out, I did exactly what I was told and he is doing perfect. I think ;) his eyes opened last Friday and are getting bigger and bigger. I have always been a huge animal person, having almost one of everything at some point and at the same time :D ... i had never had the opportunity of meeting a squirrel. i at first didn't know what it was and began my research and well here we are. I was scared to post at first as i was scared you might judge me for wanting to nurse him, i just really felt an obligation too and it seemed right. I am a mother of five and as my neighbor said the other day... well you wanted a baby, you just didn't specify what kind, so this is the baby you got :rotfl i thought that was funny. Anyway now that he is getting a little older I hope that you can help guide me in the right direction when i have questions :) which i am starting to have.. i feel like I crossed one big hurddle by bringing him back to life and now the next step :)) i am gonna post a couple of pics so you can honestly tell me how hes looking . it will take me a minute as it was hard for me to figure out, lol

11-10-2011, 08:55 AM



11-10-2011, 10:57 AM
Hello bcelisa,:Welcome
Glad to hear little Dexter is coming along. :thumbsup You have questions TSB has answers... we often also provide our own questions and suggestions to go along with that. :D Never hesitate to ask any questions you may have, knowing something beforehand is better then having questions later. It helps to keep one step ahead of things.
Have you been able to get a weight on little Dex yet? Curious to know what formula you are feeding him and how much he is taking at a feeding, knowing his weight helps to determine if he's eating and gaining as he should.

11-10-2011, 03:32 PM
:Welcome to both you and Dexter :D

I'm only new myself, but already feel at home and have had lots of help and advice given already and i have been able to better the life of my girl

as stepnstone said, it is better to research possible problems etc before they happen, so take a good look around, there is lots of info on here :D

11-11-2011, 11:54 PM
I am new also and I would like to introduce me and Stewart. Stewart was found by rehabbers who did not want anymore squirrels so they were going to throw him out. Stewart's eyes had just opened and he had aspirated several times with them. They informed me he was a boy. The only problem is Stewart is not a boy but I can't change her name as she knows her name quite well and does not care that it is a boy's name. Hahaha I knew she was weaned when she whipped the nipple out of the bottle and spit it out. Hahahahaha She is the love of our life!!!!
This is a WONDERFUL site and I feel so blessed to have found it. It is rare to find a site where there is so much love for their babies. Blessings to you all.




11-12-2011, 07:34 AM
More beautiful babies for TSB!!! Thanks for sharing!
Now I see in the pics that Stewart is using a "bottle". Not a good idea for a squirrel. What you need is a syringe (1cc - 3cc) with no needle so that you have control over how much she gets at a time. Aspiration is too easy with a bottle. Below is a link to a great site where you can get all the feeding supplies you need. Fox Valley is the preferred formula for happy healthy squirrels and Chris has that too.
Good luck a keep up the good work!:thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup

11-12-2011, 09:18 AM
Ms. Stewart is sooo cute. is that a forever squirrel or will you release her?

Dexter is actually the one using the bottle.. i started out with a 1cc syringe and got really ferocious with it.. not mean, just difficult.. he has been doing GREAT on the bottle until last night and today seems to be gnawing at it more ... i was wondering if maybe he needed a bigger nipple, but.. idk his front teeth are coming in he is starting to get playful... how does one play with a squirrel properly, lol... he pees all over and it smells soooooo bad, so its hard to just let him run around? but itsn't he still too young to just run around? i let him on me, but he always pees, ugh

i got a scale so i will check his weight at next feeding. also doing the goat milk formula and ordered from fox valley

11-12-2011, 10:15 AM
Oh my gosh, Dexter is adorable! I imagine he has already stolen your heart.

Our squirrel was a little bit older when we found her, so I don't have any experience with that particular age. Our Venus had a big cage that had wood shavings in the bottom (where she would do her business), and a shelf halfway up where we placed a small wood hut. We lined her hut with cloth, small stuffed animals, etc., and that's where she slept. I don't think she pee'd there, but we did have to clean it out frequently.

Anyway, she stayed in her cage until she was approx. 10 weeks old (my best estimate; I could be way off). At that point, she only pooh'd a little when she was out of her cage; but pee'd once when she was abruptly freightened.

So it is my inclination that Dex should pretty much remain in an environment where pee can be absorbed and otherwise go un-noticed. My guess is he will stop pee'ing during play time pretty soon.

If you intend to release him, I think you are not supposed to handle him too much (very hard to resist) or let him get used to other people.

If you haven't been soing so, read up on squirrel nutrition, which will become critical when Dex decides he doesn't want formula anymore.

11-12-2011, 10:26 AM
thank you.. i'm doing that now.. but i'm getting so overwhelmed with the information, lol.. i gave him a rodent block and he is chewing on that... i still have him in an aquarium lined with fleece and a poptart box for him to go in :) a sock buddy and a liter of warm water... and heating pad underneath

11-30-2011, 02:41 PM
Dexter is so adorable! :)

11-30-2011, 03:07 PM
Hello :) although he might seem fine on the bottle I strongly urge you to use a syringe. He will show eagerness with it but that is the whole point so you have control over how much and the rate in which he is gettin the milk to prevent him from aspirating. Do you hear clicking noises from him? Also what formula are you giving him it could explain the bad urine smell.... Welcome more will be on i can't type to much I am using my phone lol.....but welcome there are amazing people on here and just a heads up tsb LOVES PICTURESso keep them coming :)

11-30-2011, 05:32 PM
oh he is too cute!!!:crazy