View Full Version : Help Baby Boy is suddenly lethargic

My boys
11-09-2011, 09:53 PM
He was doing so great until today. About a week ago he took himself off of his yogurt I ran out of Henry Blocks & $$ to buy some but he was eating his balanced diet & was doing real great playing, eating, play fighting etc but today he didn't eat anything. Oh wait he did eat his monthly treat of banana but that was it. When I got home from work his veggies were still there. I offered him a rat block which he loves & he didn't want it. It is scaring me. I love him so much & try to do everything for him. Can he have MBD again?
Please help me

11-09-2011, 10:05 PM
get some calcium into him right now... to begin with ... or if you have to buy get ....fruit flavoured tums

make sure he's warm ...put him on a heating pad (half under the box etc)

11-09-2011, 10:08 PM
if he had mbd then yes he can have it again....

but it doesn't mean that everything else doesn't get considered....


and this is for hypothermia/hypoglycemia



My boys
11-09-2011, 10:13 PM
He's very warm he has a hanging fleece bed that he loves. How should I give him the tums?

My boys
11-09-2011, 10:14 PM
I have some FV formula 32/40 should I give him that?

11-09-2011, 10:21 PM
He's very warm he has a hanging fleece bed that he loves. How should I give him the tums?
you can crush the tablets and mix them in water or some juice to a paste-like consistency, administer with a syringe or a spoon. Burrito him if necessary, but make sure he takes the entire dose.

i don't remember 32/40 is for babies or older babies?... but still, i'd think it could not hurt

My boys
11-09-2011, 10:26 PM
32/40 is for new babies Baby Boy is 11 months old I don't have any tums right now so I'll give him the FV

11-09-2011, 10:27 PM
many older squirrels still take it ... it's fine....

and yes mix the calcium as astra said into it...

how did you treat mbd before? it's the same way i'd guess...

go to the first link i gave you ...it explains it....:grouphug

11-09-2011, 10:28 PM
32/40 is for new babies Baby Boy is 11 months old I don't have any tums right now so I'll give him the FV

if he's got mbd he needs calcium!!!

what are the symptoms???

you're sure it's nothing else ...bloat etc???

if mbd he needs:grouphug calcium ....

My boys
11-09-2011, 10:36 PM
He had MBD back in March (not exactly sure)I treated it just like the instructions said. I didn't know that he can continue to have it for the rest of his life.
No it's not bloat either his belly is fine I massage it al of the time

11-09-2011, 10:37 PM
get some calcium into him right now... to begin with ... or if you have to buy get ....fruit flavoured tums

make sure he's warm ...put him on a heating pad (half under the box etc)

Yes do start the Tums tonight. If it is not MBD it will not hurt him to start the Tums treatment.
How much does he weight? For the Fox Valley, he can have 5% of his body weight in cc's, 4 times per day. Go slowly drop by drop.


11-09-2011, 10:42 PM
He had MBD back in March (not exactly sure)I treated it just like the instructions said. I didn't know that he can continue to have it for the rest of his life.
No it's not bloat either his belly is fine I massage it al of the time

do you still have those supplies?

11-09-2011, 10:48 PM
Do you have any new toys or any items from outside or anything he could have eaten?? Do you hear any clicking in his chest or nose(Sinus?) Does he seem dehydrated?? Pinch test? Is his breathing steady and regular?


My boys
11-09-2011, 10:53 PM
Thanks for your questions Marty there is no clicking sound, he is hydrated enough, & yes he loves to eat everything but he hasn't eaten anything in a few weeks that would cause his lethargy & he's not hurting in his belly also he's urinating & defecating normally

11-09-2011, 10:57 PM
my boys what were you using for his mbd before ..do you have any left? if not i'm sorry but the closest convenience store or pharmacy is your best bet...unless your neighbours might have tums etc... don't tell them its for a squirrel if it's not safe to do so in your state....:grouphug

you just want calcium it doesn't have to be tums....

My boys
11-09-2011, 11:04 PM
gs1 I put him back on formula & got him to eat yogurt & stopped giving him "the bad food" so no I really don't have anything but the FV formula that I had mentioned (unopened) before.

11-09-2011, 11:18 PM
Thanks for your questions Marty there is no clicking sound, he is hydrated enough, & yes he loves to eat everything but he hasn't eaten anything in a few weeks that would cause his lethargy & he's not hurting in his belly also he's urinating & defecating normally
OK, I just did not want to assume it was MBD with out even asking about these other health risks. I would start him on the MBD treatment. The emergency treatment and the long term protocol. I think you have the links and info or do you need it?? If he perks up after the calcium then most likely it is MBD and he will need the 8 week treatment and maybe a diet adjustment. Let us know if his condition changes or anything changes with him.


My boys
11-09-2011, 11:25 PM
Everyones help is so welcomed the more questions I can answer is always greatly appreciated. Baby Boy is in my sweat shirt (where he loves to be) & he just took a massive poop!! Which I'm going to take to work tomorrow (I'm a vet tech) to check for worms. I didn't know that squirrels get intestinal parasites. Maybe it's that too.
I have another question do squirrels get heart worms? There has been so many mosquitoes in my house (eating me!) & I was thinking that it could be that too?

My boys
11-09-2011, 11:52 PM
He's better!! It turned out that his hair was stuck & he couldn't poop. I cleaned his bum he pooped a bit he ate some formula & he's now purring like he was doing before. His little bum hole is so red & sore but I think he'll be ok. :jump
OMG raising a squirrel is stressful but very fun & rewarding
Thank you all for your help :thankyou
I just put more hay in his cage & he's making his bed bigger!
I'm going to keep him on formula for a week or so

11-09-2011, 11:58 PM
i might be confusing something here, but... i do not think hay is good for them....please check that with experienced rehabbers, but I think hay can cause allergic reactions or something like that...

post it as a separate thread to get answers faster, because again, i might be mistaking something here (e.g., species, animals, materials, situations), it might be fine after all, but better to be on the safe side.:grouphug

island rehabber
11-10-2011, 12:01 AM
He's better!! It turned out that his hair was stuck & he couldn't poop. I cleaned his bum he pooped a bit he ate some formula & he's now purring like he was doing before. His little bum hole is so red & sore but I think he'll be ok. :jump
OMG raising a squirrel is stressful but very fun & rewarding
Thank you all for your help :thankyou
I just put more hay in his cage & he's making his bed bigger!
I'm going to keep him on formula for a week or so
Keep him on formula for as long as he will take it. As an MBD squirrel, formula is your best insurance against him having a relapse. also: ditch the hay! :nono It has too many molds and aflotoxins that can make him very ill -- use CareFresh bedding, shredded paper or fleece.

My boys
11-10-2011, 12:01 AM
Astra I've been using hay for a long time & it's been fine. I use it for my rats too.

My boys
11-10-2011, 12:06 AM
Island Rehabber I will look into the CareFresh bedding but I heard that Timothy hay was ok for them I have a lot of paper @ work that I can bring home for him too
Thank you again for helping me & being here for me

11-10-2011, 12:06 AM
Astra I've been using hay for a long time & it's been fine. I use it for my rats too.
Please see IR's post #41.
Even though it's been ok up to this point, it might be just a matter of time. You do not want to take chances, because mold and aflatoxins killed many squirrels.

My boys
11-10-2011, 12:09 AM
I will definitely bring home some newspaper tomorrow & never use hay again

11-10-2011, 02:43 AM
hay can mildew really easily ... i used the very best kind of it for my rabbits but it was clean and kept away from where they peed...and if they did pee it was replaced (as it is it was replaced 2 per day)....

anyway that's all off topic.....

i wanted to say keep an eye on him that he hasn't backed up toxins in his system...

we had a most beloved little flyer die from this ... even though he pooped a lot ..... it was too late for him...

please give him extra water or watermelon and keep him moving - swinging from the chandeliers if necessary :D .... just to make sure ....

My boys
11-10-2011, 05:23 PM
Thank you all for your help last night Baby Boy is doing so much better I brought him to work with me to keep an eye on him. I think it's his hair around his butt that keeps clumping when he's pooing I guess that means he has loose stool so I trimmed his hair a little so it won't cake up I also checked his stool for any intestinal parasites & he doesn't have any that is good!! He's eating his formula again & thanks to Leaha I have some Henry Blocks on the way!!
He started to eat his cherry tomatoes this morning untill I moved him to his travel cage then he just got very nervious & didn't eat any of his veggies. I know that when we get home he'll eat his veggies 'cause he loves his kale!!
Thank you again for your help