View Full Version : which Fox Valley

Sweet Simon's Mommy
11-09-2011, 08:41 PM
For my little Simon who has broken back or pelvis, (we will know soon)
should I get the Fox Valley for the younger one or the older one, I am not sure how old he is but I think around 3 to 4 months . I kind of like the idea of the first one that has more protien, doesnt he need that??
I can always add cream for more fat right?
He is on the Esbilac and has been for 6 weeks but now his stool is changing
dont know if he has feeling back there .
I saw a poopy that looked like an acorn, his poor little hiny must have been soar! so I put him in his tubby for an extra soak and rubbed his hind quaters till I knew there wasnt anything else there, a couple more normal size pebbles did come out.
He is doing so well I am also afraid of changing formula if it isnt going to agree with him.
He is a climbing fool in his new cage:rotfl
What do you think I should do, stay or change and if change, which one

11-10-2011, 12:24 AM
I would go ahead and change his formula over to Fox Valley so you can get him onto the Good Stuff and into a better (healthier) way of eating....... You can order the 20/50 for your squirrel and if you need you can add heavy cream and yogurt to the mixture for extra fat & protein or to help entice him to eat it if he doesnt accept it right away..

11-10-2011, 01:32 AM
if he's already got rock hard stools i'd change to goats milk recipe (coming up) until the fox valley arrives ...unless it arrives tomorrow morning....

please give lots of extra water....

esbilac doesn't digest very well and you're seeing the results....

also you might want to give watermelon to keep things moving....

if you haven't ordered the fox valley (and i don't think it matters that much which to use in this case) please order the ultra boost ...(it contains the fat that you would use in the cream but easier for them to digest) ...as well fv makes - L A 200 : Lactobacillus Acidophilus (for mammals) which is even better than yogurt for them....

i think his tummy needs all the help it can get....

also when you get them transition him slowly and allow at least over an hour longer between meals... (fv takes ? 3-4 hours to go through, especially with the ultra boost) ... you don't want to over feed him and cause bloat....

also if you have an order going with him...order some more syringes ...they come in handy ....not 100% sure he sells though :thinking hmmm?? sorry...

11-10-2011, 01:36 AM

Do NOT USE ESBILAC! **TEMPORARY Goat's Milk Formula***

***While waiting for the Fox Valley to arrive...

Temporary Formula for Infant Squirrels – The Goat’s Milk Formula

Because of recent manufacturing issues, Esbilac and other puppy formulas are no longer being recommended for squirrels or other wildlife. The formula that TSB recommends, Fox Valley Day One, is currently available online at www.foxvalleynutrition.com and www.henryspets.com. But those require shipping and this baby squirrel needs food NOW.

One of our senior members who posts as Jackie in Tampa uses an excellent temporary substitute, and it can be assembled from locally purchased ingredients:

3 parts goat’s milk
1 part heavy whipping cream*
1 part vanilla yogurt

Formula will last 48 hours in refrigerator.

Goat’s Milk
This can be purchased at natural food stores such as Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods, and at most health food stores that sell groceries. It is a product for humans. Do not substitute commercial formula made for baby goats or other livestock sold at feed stores.

Goat’s milk is available fresh in a carton; evaporated in a can; and as a powdered milk. If you purchase either the evaporated or powdered versions, please blend them with water according to the package directions before using to make the formula.

Heavy Whipping Cream
This is found in small cartons in the grocery store near the coffee creamers and half and half. Regular heavy cream may be substituted if it is unavailable, but the heavy whipping cream has the highest fat content, and is preferred.

Yogurt has beneficial bacteria in it that soothes and settles digestion. Full fat yogurt is best, and a good choice that is very widely available is Stoneyfield Yobaby yogurt. However if it is unavailable, a low fat vanilla yogurt may be substituted. Avoid those that have artificial sweeteners in them. Vanilla and banana are both popular flavors, and the sweet taste of the yogurt helps to convince the baby to accept it.

It has been recently discovered that very small pinky squirrels may do better digestively if, instead of being given Fox Valley formula straight, mix the Fox Valley 50/50 with the Goat’s Milk Formula assembled WITHOUT the heavy whipping cream.

*It is recommended that when just starting to feed a new baby that the first feedings be made without the heavy whipping cream. This will give their digestive systems a chance to acclimate from mama’s milk to our substitute without the harder-to-digest whipping cream. Once they accept the formula and are eliminating properly, the whipping cream can be gradually added in.

When your Fox Valley formula arrives, please transition your babies to the new formula slowly, by blending the Goat’s Milk Formula with the blended and liquefied Fox Valley formula, increasing the ratio of Fox Valley with each feeding until you are no longer using the goat’s milk.
Island Rehabber
NY State Licensed
Wildlife Rehabilitator

Sweet Simon's Mommy
11-10-2011, 07:10 AM
so I can go cold turkey with the goats milk in the mean time?? ESBILAC

Plus the ESBILAC has a goat milk formula also, you see why this is so confussing , I know you do, and Bless you all for your paitence , guidance and understanding and constant repeating all the answers.

He does not use a syringe, its a bottle with the tip of the nipple cut off he just drinks it like he does from his water bottle, I have syringes for babies I find and feed before they go to the rescue, they get the pedialite(SP) dont give anything else becuse they go straight to rescue.
I have him because everyone else would have put him down, we couldnt do that.

Sweet Simon's Mommy
11-10-2011, 07:51 AM
on our way to the vet

11-10-2011, 10:34 AM
:grouphug very confusing for you.

why is he at vets ? has he had more problems over night?

if you can please buy the goats milk recipe ingredients today... (you can drink them if fv arrives today)

when transitioning to fv .... I would use the goats milk to fv combination of 1 to 4 over 4 feedings ... 1/4 fv in first feeding etc)

please give extra water now to flush esbilac out of his system.

i would not use goats esbilac - do not trust the company...don't know the formula.

please go slowly to avoid bloat.


Sweet Simon's Mommy
11-10-2011, 01:21 PM
Going to vet because I have had him for 5 or 6 weeks and he hasnt been to one yet.
I need the vet to tell hubby he can not be released(shhh) he thinks if his legs get better he can let him out and I dont think so, he is stronger and doing well but no tail movement and no poop control, just sort of falls out and pees on himself.
We just got the big cage and we let him in it for the first time yesterday and will not just leave him there , we are watching closely to make sure there isnt anything he can get stuck on. The climbing will make his legs stronger than dragging them around, ( 4X4x2 sugar glider cage, he loves it)
still waiting to hear from vet to pick him up and what her assesment is, they had me leave him there, they also told me I should weee nhim but I agree with you guys let him ween himself, he loves his formula that is why I hesitate to change it but want to do what is right, I thought I had tried the Fox valley, but I was wrong it was something from the store not ordered