View Full Version : Squirrel vomiting after eating a mushroom

11-08-2011, 01:04 PM
We have a 14-15 week old gray squirrel that we have been rehabilitating since she was 2.5 weeks old and we plan to overwinter her. We give her lots of veggies, fruits, nuts, acorns, branches from outside with the mushrooms, lichen (I guess that's how you spell it), monkey biscuits, and salad leaves. She's very active and seems happy and loves to run up and down us and my 4 children and jump from head to head like she's playing "catch me if you can game".
Anyway, my daughters were cleaning out her cage and went to go get some fresh branches and leaves and found some mushrooms that grow in the ground and put them in the cage too. She immediately went for them and starting eating like crazy. But about 5 minutes later she started throwing up the mushroom. It's been about 15 minutes and she has stopped and seems okay, But just wanted to know if that was normal and I guess I shouldn't give her those anymore.
Any thoughts and advice is welcome.

Jackie in Tampa
11-08-2011, 01:43 PM
I only feed store bought as I do not know the difference between good and bad shrooms.
I would push hydration..lots of fresh water...
maybe activated charcoal from drug store would work if administered soon enough...

11-09-2011, 12:32 AM
Could be that she was just really thrilled to get them and ate too many too quickly, like a little kid with green appes. I DO feed my squirrels wild mushrooms, as well as store bought. The will eat both, but by far prefer the wild. But I NEVER go out gathering mushrooms without a small basic guide which shows which are poisonous and which are OK, and if there is any doubt in my mind about them, I will definately pass on them.


Jackie in Tampa
11-09-2011, 05:01 AM
How is your sq today V?

Fred says if the base on the stem/stalk, the part that meets the dirt, is bell shaped, it will be poisonous...
he reads survival and medical stuff like most peeps read novels...how boring :shakehead
but if we ever live in the woods I will be glad:D