View Full Version : 12 week old still peeing on himself and bed

11-07-2011, 01:50 PM
Hello - I have a 12 week old gray - his name is Little Man - he is my 7th to raise and rehabb - He has had a hard time from the start - He was a pinkie when I got him - He was is very bad shape - He has always been very small (and still is) - will post pics and soon as I learn how - He had poop problems almost from the beginning - every few days it would be almost normal to loose and the very very soft - very few times it was diarehea - but that problem has is now over - Everything is going very smooth - He still takes FV once a day is a dish - (only because he has been sooo small) - He eats blocks (most of the time) and also eats his veggies and fruits - along with some nuts, acorns and seeds - Since he has been so small and with all the problems he is a very very spoiled little boy - BUT this is my current problem - he continues to pee and poop in his bed (whether it is his pouch or cube) - Since he is now growing he pees a lot - which makes is bed smell horrible - Which makes him smell horrible - but the pee also stays on his lower belly and legs - the white part of his belly is now actually starting to stain yellow - I am always cleaning him and very concerned that he will get urine burn - when I was feeding him with a syringe it was not as bad - because he would pee and poop before going back into his cage - The last fews weeks it has been getting worse - with this week being the worst ---- Would appreciate any suggestions
His bedding is usually a fleece cube (with several pieces of fleece) or in between washings a pouch that attaches to the side of the cage - they are also made of fleece with fleece pieces inside them
I am overwintering him - because he is so small - but I am wanting to release him this spring (if possible - I hope)

11-07-2011, 02:09 PM
This is a current pic of Little Man

11-07-2011, 02:14 PM
Do you keep him outside all day and night or is that just for some sunlight? Have you tried a wooden nestbox with him? Does he pee other times (like when out of cage on your? Is he drinking alot?) Sometimes UTI's can cause this. Is he peeing or marking his bedding? I have found males do this alot. (he is very cute, btw.)

11-07-2011, 08:26 PM
I roll his cage out during the day - so he can get used to being outside - my plan is to put him outside in the release cage after I release the 2 grays that are out there now - We have good weather usually all the way thru Dec. He does sometimes pee else where in is cage and of course at times on me. But this is beginning to be a problem - because he is bigger and pees more - he pees and poops in his bed - which makes him smell horrible - which makes your hands and clothes smell - the only time you can let him out and play is when I bath him - which now he really does not like - he is used to being cleaned since he had all those poop problems for so long
He does not drink that much water - just normal - is there something else I can put in his bed that might absord the pee off of him???? It is sooo bad that his hair from his middle belly down looks wet all the time - but it is really just dried pee - (sometimes wet pee) - I hate to bath him several times a day but I dont know what else to do??????? I have tried baby wipes but they really dont seem to help since he is bigger - and since he sleeps where he pees his entire body smells like pee - I am trying a wood box now - will let you know how that works?????? Sometimes when you go to get him out - say wake him up - his entire side might be wet with pee - you cant play and let him loose like that - I am just at a lost - not any of the others I have had has ever did this - I am very concerned/worried about this

11-07-2011, 08:39 PM
These are some more pics - the 1st current and then the others are when he was younger

11-07-2011, 08:40 PM
If it is a UTI what do you do?????

11-07-2011, 08:47 PM
I raised one male squirrel that was a dribbler and always wet himself.
It made me nuts! He was treated for UTI's but it would not stop.
It was only when I discontinued the formula that it stopped.
Seems he was just taking in too much fluid...maybe he had a smallish bladder :thinking
Why don't you try eliminating the FV and see if that helps...
you can make up the nutrition with solid foods but see if that reduces his...um..output :D

11-07-2011, 08:49 PM
If it is a UTI what do you do?????
UTI's can be treated with antibiotic.
I also give cranberries.

11-07-2011, 09:00 PM
He was on albon - that help straighten out the poop issues - it did
Right now I have started giving his FV at night - approx 8cc - in a dish - sometimes he drinks it all - sometimes not
He did do this very early on - pee and poop in his bed - which was horrible with loose poop - changed up to feeding less more often - that helped but he was peeing and pooping at each feeding - But now he is weaning off - so now peeing and pooping his bed and continues to lay in - and do it again and again - so he really really smells along with his bed
I put a wooden box in his cage - but right now he gathered up some of his fleece and wrapped himself up and is sleeping his his hammock (made of fleece)

11-07-2011, 09:15 PM
just my 2 cents... i can see why you're concerned he's lucky he doesn't have urine scald already .....

someone once mentioned this happened with her singletons....

she it cleared up when she put in a rice buddy with the squirrel....

if you use one please make sure that you knead it well to make sure there's no hot spots.....

( a rice buddy (a sock filled with dry rice/beans and microwaved for about 20 seconds))


11-07-2011, 10:48 PM
I do not use the heating pad on him now - how would a rice buddy help????
At this point I will try almost anything
Probably the only reason he doesnt have urine scald - is because I am soooo OCD about pee being on him and the smell (hahaha) - I use either the wipes or if it is really bad I bath him with baby wash - which this has been the case a lot lately - and plus you really have no choice but to bath him when you let him out of his cage - or watching him play etc.

11-08-2011, 10:29 PM
So far the wooden box has not worked - I am posting a pic of Little Man of what he looks like after peeing in his box - these pics are not as bad - but you can get the idea - Normally his entire hind legs and upper belly are like this
I am afraid if he keeps doing this he will get urine scald and loose his hair - so far I have managed to keep him clean - but this is several times a day

11-09-2011, 12:45 AM
I do not use the heating pad on him now - how would a rice buddy help????At this point I will try almost anything
Probably the only reason he doesnt have urine scald - is because I am soooo OCD about pee being on him and the smell (hahaha) - I use either the wipes or if it is really bad I bath him with baby wash - which this has been the case a lot lately - and plus you really have no choice but to bath him when you let him out of his cage - or watching him play etc.

well try it ...what do you have to lose??? :poke

... sooooooo ...here's the explanation as it was given to me.... singletons do this cause they're imitating having a nest mate.... the warmth of the pee makes them feel better when they sleep ...

or that's as close to squirrel psychology as i can make out....

but anyway a very good rehabber told me that trick...

:D :thumbsup

Jackie in Tampa
11-09-2011, 05:25 AM
I have had several bed wetters over the years...:rotfl
I call them all Piss Pot Pete's or Penny's...:rotfl
I know, it sounds terrible...
I will bet money {25 cents} that he will stop and be normal soon!

My last one was named Chain...go figure...Big Burly name and a bed wetter!:D

He had a brother thta had to share the wet spot...:shakehead
poor Dusty...

it just stops one day....


11-09-2011, 01:41 PM
Thanks everyone - I will try the rice buddy - I'll give it a shot
I hope it is very soon when he stops - tired on bathing, washing and cleaning - but he is such a sweetie - he is worth it
Will let you know how it goes
I had to put off releasing my flyer for a few days (weather) - she is a sweetheart also - but she will be happy with her new friends outside
I have 2 greys currently outside in the release cage - will be opening it next week
Little Man aka Mr Pee - will be overwintered - since he is so small and behind the others - wish he had a friend but just didn't work out that way

11-09-2011, 01:56 PM
i hope it works ... :grouphug

ps: it's possible to release a flyer?

will the colony accept her?

i always thought they'd chase her away.

do you know we have a flyer forum here? ... mrs skul and muffin would be excellent to talk to if you're releasing a single flyer...

11-09-2011, 02:20 PM
There is a couple her in town that works very closely with a rehabber - they really are actually rehabbers - they raised and released many many squirrels of all kinds over many years - they are the ones that have helped me with mine - and they are the reason I am doing what I am now -
They actually raised the flyer from a baby - she is staying with me to get used to me - to be released at my home - I have a lot flyers at my home -
As far as release - this is what I was told to do (they have sucesfully done it before) she is weaned now - and I will be putting her cage under the tree where the flyers are and where they come out every night - leave it there for approx a week - then open the doors and they will take her in - they said they are very social and will accept her - the more the merrier
I will be watching very closely if any problems - I actually purchased a baby monitor to make sure things go smoothly at night
My flyers outside let me get real close to them - no touching or hand feeding - but they know I am there - putting out food for them
I have never heard that they will run her off - if that is the case - I will have make other plans