View Full Version : Grieving our baby squirrel

11-06-2011, 11:40 PM
Venus and her brother Earl needed our help. He was lying in the garden, she was near-by at the base of a big oak tree. Earl was hurt and couldn't run away. Venus was fine, but came to me as if asking for help. We gave them some shelter outside, under that big old oak, but their mother never came to get them. By the end of the day it was apparent that we were taking them in.

We kept them warm with a heating pad, nurished with a feeding syringe and special formula, and secure with a lined plastic bin. Venus loved the formula, but Earl was having trouble. They both loved the warmth of the heating pad, Earl on his belly and Venus stretched out on her back. Baby squirrels were new to us (they were about 5 weeks old), and we read everything we could find on the internet to figure out how to rehab them.

Unfortunately Earl died overnight, and we were quite sad. So we buried him in the backyard garden, and focused on our baby girl squirrel.

A few days later we got her a beautiful cage and customized it to her liking. We bought her various nuts in an effort to find what she liked. Initially it was pine nuts and granola, along with formula; then she preferred raisins, sliced almonds, and walnuts. We gave her grapes, carrots, and sliced pears too, but she rarely nibbled on them. She stopped taking formula and quickly discovered her water bottle strapped to the side of the cage. She was getting very used to us, allowing us to pet her and play. Over the next few weeks she was getting quite acrobatic inside the cage, jumping between platforms and climbing on the bars on all sides (even upsidedown on the ceiling). At about that point we found we could open her cage and she would climb around on the outside of it as well, but had no interest in exploring beyond the sanctuary of her cage. We loved our baby squirrel, and thoroughly enjoyed her.

Next we bought her an outdoor cage so she could start to experience the outdoors a little. Ultimately we hoped to release her, and this new cage could be the place where she would leave from. But for now we would just put her there for some hours during the weekend while we did yard work. Our baby was maturing, and began exploring beyond her indoor cage, pitter-pattering around the living room, dining room and kitchen. She also started eating chestnuts, hazelnuts, and even acorns that I brought in from the outside.

Venus was happy and thriving, getting bigger and bolder, and was a big part of lives (we really weren't going out anymore so we could be with her). She got plenty of alone time while we were at work, so we really indulged her (and ourselves) on the weeekends.

And then, as suddenly and unexpectedly as she came into our lives, she fell ill and passed away. We found her lying in the wood shavings in the bottom of her indoor cage, and she was lethargic. We removed her and wrapped her in a towel. She started crying out some, and then started having small convulsions. We called a wildlife rehab hospital, and drove her to their emergency room. But she died enroute, leaving us devasted.

We miss her so much, and don't understand what happened. The animal hospital couldn't say withoug doing an autopsy, but we decided to take her home.

11-07-2011, 12:19 AM
So sorry to hear of your loss. I know all to well how hard it is to love a fur kid and have to part in such a way. There is no easy way to accept their untimely parting except knowing you were there for her and loved her.

11-07-2011, 01:06 AM
I lost a rescue almost exactly like that and it turned out that a lot of other web sites are giving us bad information and she died shortly after here first convulsion. Looking back now it is clear it was MBD but I did not know about that then and beat myself up for letting her down.

11-07-2011, 01:10 AM
:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

MBD is confusing even to experienced people...usually with any problem that looks anything like MBD people are told to start pushing calcium short term until the problem can be figured out....

it's a very sneaky disease.... and usually doesn't show up until the squirrel is almost dead.....:grouphug

I"m so sorry about your squirrell/s.... :sad :sad :sad

11-07-2011, 02:37 AM
I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you both for trying to help this brother and sister. I wish there were more people like you in this world. While I have no personal experience with MBD, it does sound like that could have been the problem. :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug Dan & Sofia :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

11-07-2011, 06:23 AM
I am so very sorry to hear of the loss of your sweet Venus and Earl also. These little fuzzies can steal your heart so fast and their loss can break it and cause such grief. Your friends will not understand how you can grieve over a squirrel but I certainly understand as does ever member of TSB. I am a newbies here also. I lost my Rocky 2 months ago. Total devastation!
Thank you for helping them. It sounds like your Venus was a happy baby. She was blessed to be found by compassionate people like you that value ALL life.

Jackie in Tampa
11-07-2011, 06:35 AM
Thank you for helping them both...
I wish you would have had the experience that some of us do with watching her release...I am so sorry, I say this with tears...as I have been in your shoes.
Thank you...
My guess would be something more nuerological.
Somethimes the inital fall can cause serious damage that remains unseen for days, weeks and months.
It may have beem MBD depending on her formula and feeding schedule.
Sadly it will not change the outcome.:grouphug
Please stay around TSB, read read tread...
call around and volunteer to help the Wildlife centers that so desperately need you...
You have had a taste of sq love...it changes people...:Love_Icon
be careful...it's really debilitating...you may be driving down the street and suddenly stop when you see a gorgeous sq in the trees...it's insane, but REAL!
SQ LOVE can be forever:tilt
My hair took shape of a sq tail years ago...I haven't been the same since finding my first baby ...waiting for acorn urges:rotfl

My Christmas list is always hardware cloth, a bucket of pecans , a bolt of fleece:shakehead ...and I am in my 50s for petes sake!:D

Thank you for doing what you did!:bowdown

Rest In Peace Sweet Earl and Venus:Love_Icon :Love_Icon
You were loved:grouphug

11-07-2011, 04:46 PM
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

11-07-2011, 05:03 PM
You are in the Most Compassionate and Caring group of people I have ever met. TSB is where Squirrel Folk THRIVE...
Please stay with us...learn by reading Success Stories and also learn from our losses.
POST some photos of VEVUS (& EARL) ...We would ALL LOVE to see your FUZZ-HEADS

11-07-2011, 05:52 PM
God bless Venus and Earl. I sometimes think that when wildlife encounters humans there must be a special purpose.

11-07-2011, 05:54 PM
:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug RIP little ones.

11-09-2011, 10:16 PM
Thank you all for the kind words. Venus is buried in our backyard in a wooded area that is turning into a squirrel sanctuary. Apparently all you need to do is put out "critter mix" and they will come. Perhaps they find the spirit of baby Venus and baby Earl quite enviting also.

Attached is a picture of Venus (estimated 5 1/2 weeks old).

11-09-2011, 10:29 PM
Sorry for the oversized pic. Here's some that are reduced in size...

1) Earl at 5 weeks (my only picture of him).
2) Venus at 5 weeks.
3) Venus at 9 weeks.
4) Venus at 13 weeks (one day before she passed away).