View Full Version : Yes, I AM Skip's Mom, but...

Skip's mom
11-06-2011, 04:43 PM
I'm proud to say that we released her successfully into the wild! We even continue to see her, but she keeps her distance--which is exactly what we were preparing her for!

NOW, I'm ALSO proud to say that I'm the mom (again) to 4 rescued baby grays! We rescued Skearl and his 2 siblings when they were a week old. We unfortunately lost the 2 siblings, but then were able to acquire 3 siblings blown out of a tree just last Wednesday. I had my reservations at first as they were wilder and older than Skearl had been, but they've eased into home life now that they realize we're not trying to harm them!

SO, we have Skearl, Buddy, Crybaby (female), and Sweet Girl (aka "Minion")! I gotta confess, I missed having a squirrel in the house!

Thanks AGAIN for providing such useful, pertinent, practical information! Pictures to come soon! :) :thankyou

island rehabber
11-06-2011, 04:55 PM
:thumbsupCongratulations on Skip's successful release! she's got what I call "Mom is Now the Jailer" syndrome -- no way nohow is she getting put in a cage again:nono :D

Can't wait to see pix of your new littles. Guess they will be overwintering with you....make sure you start them EARLY on good rodent block and HHB's, 'cause it's gonna be a loooooaong winter...