View Full Version : Introducing me and my squirrel

11-05-2011, 12:42 PM
Hi, my names's Camilla and i have a squirrel :D

he is estimated to be around 7 months old now, my dad found him a couple of months ago just sitting in the garden, my mum went out and he moved into the flowerbed, but just hid, made no attempt to run away, i went out to take a look at him and he was just sat there, my first thought was that he was infured, so i kept an eye on him while my dad ran and got a carrier i could put him in to examine him.

It was clear that he was totally blind and it looked like he had major catarax as both eyes were completely white with almost a clear crust over the top, so i took him in, set him up with a spare rat cage, water and a box to hide in while i looked up online what to feed him.

The first couple of days he didn't eat much or move hardly at all except for water and some food and made an awful high pitched squealing noise evertime anyone made any movement

a couple of weeks went past and he eventually stopped squealing and got to know my voice as i talk to him all the time to try and reashore him and this seemed to work and his eyes seemed to improve a little, they were still totally white, but the crusty bits had disapeared and he was looking a much happier squirrel.

i have got 2 more chinchilla cages and addapted them to join together and there are lots of branches in there which he loves to climb, he has learnt to drink from a water bottle, he is eating normally, and is more than happy to be handled by me.

He comes out everyday for at least 6 hours of exercise (even if he does spend most of that time curled up at the end of my bed) and loves cuddles.

It is perfectly clear that he will never be able to be released, so i have decided to keep him and i am in the process of getting a liscence and building him a permenant enclosure for him.

A coupple of weeks ago i was soo pleased as he has now got partial sight in one eye, he can see a little from his right eye, he doesn't bump into many things anymore and i am overjoyed at his progress as i was expecting him to be blind and live in a cage for the rest of his life and i would be trying to decide whether it is right to keep him that way or to put him to sleep, but he has settled in very well and i am very pleased with him

Sorry for the long introduction, but this is me and my squirrel :D

Ow and i named him Squiggle

11-05-2011, 12:53 PM
Hi Camilla. :Welcome What a wonderful thing you have done! And lucky to have parents that support your efforts!

One thing you will learn is that we love PICTURES and look forward to seeing pictures of Squiggle. If you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. There's lots of good information to read in the Nutrition section also. What kind of squirrel is he? I think I remember reading that you have both the red squirrel and the gray squirrel in the UK.

11-05-2011, 12:57 PM
He is a grey squirrel, i think it illegal to even look at a red over here whereas the greys are largely seen as vermin the poor things.

I do have loads of pictures of him and will get them up asap

I have had a good look around this forum already, i actually found it as i was researching the right nutrition he should have after watching a video of chip the squirrel on youtube and found out he died of a calcium deficiency, i am making sure Squiggle gets the right stuff!

and yes, we have a large number of animals at home, some my mum approves of, some not so much (like my rats :D ) and my mum is deeply in love with him and keeps saying that i am not allowed to move out as long as i have Squiggle :D

11-05-2011, 01:02 PM
He is a grey squirrel, i think it illegal to even look at a red over here whereas the greys are largely seen as vermin the poor things.

I do have loads of pictures of him and will get them up asap

I have had a good look around this forum already, i actually found it as i was researching the right nutrition he should have after watching a video of chip the squirrel on youtube and found out he died of a calcium deficiency, i am making sure Squiggle gets the right stuff!

and yes, we have a large number of animals at home, some my mum approves of, some not so much (like my rats :D ) and my mum is deeply in love with him and keeps saying that i am not allowed to move out as long as i have Squiggle :D

Yes, I have heard that the greys are not very welcome there. :dono I am glad you found this site. Thank goodness for the internet! We have quite a few members who have rats as well. I look forward to your pictures. Squiggle is a lucky boy to have ended up in your flowerbed!

11-05-2011, 01:19 PM
:Welcome Your Squiggle is one lucky squirrel, who has not only a loving and caring Mom, but grandparents, too.

Here are the guidelines for the Good Healthful Diet - it's a result of years of rehab, research and wisdom, as finalized by 4skwerlz whose site www.henryspets.com sells Henry's Healthy Blocks mentioned here - the block specifically formulated for squirrels.
Since you are in UK, I do not know if shipping to UK is available, or if it is affordable for you. But there are some UK members here, who were able to find substitutes. You can check your local pet stores and see what blocks they have available for rats, list them here and our experienced rehabbers will help you choose the best.
There is also a Home Made recipe for HHB (henry's healthy blocks) in the Squirrel Nutrition forum http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31472, even though the ingredients are available on www.henryspets.com, too, I am sure if you contact 4skwerlz she could help you figure out the suitable substitutes.
Anyways, here are the guidelines:
Healthy Diet for Pet Squirrels and Flyers

Your pet needs a balanced diet containing the right amounts of protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. A healthy diet should include the following:

Henry's Healthy Blocks
A variety of healthy vegetables
Wild foods from outside
Limited nuts and treats

Henry's Healthy Blocks
These provide the essential nutrients: protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals.

A diet of nuts, seeds, and veggies alone is deficient in calcium, protein, and other nutrients like B vitamins. This can cause dull or patchy fur and lead to metabolic bone disease (MBD). Pets are much less active than wild animals, so they need a concentrated food like Henry's Healthy Blocks. It's the only way for your pet to get the nutrients he needs to stay healthy.

Healthy Vegetables
These add fiber, fresh vitamin C, and micronutrients. Variety is key! Don't let your pet get hooked on just one veggie.

Belgian endive
bell peppers
bok choy
brussels sprouts

cherry tomato
Chinese cabbage
cilantro, fresh

collard greens
dandelion greens
green beans
lettuce, all kinds

mustard spinach
parsley, fresh
squash, winter**

squash, yellow**
sugar snap peas
sweet potato**
Swiss chard

Wild Foods
These provide extra nutrients, amusement, exercise, and help keep teeth worn down.

bottlebrush flowers

dandelion greens
hibiscus, all parts
magnolia cones
maple seeds
palm nuts & fronds***

pine cones
rose hips


Tree branches, clean rocks, sea shells, and a box of clean dirt provide exercise, trace minerals, and help keep teeth worn down.

Before you feed an unfamiliar wild food, always make sure it's not toxic!

Treats are fun and can help with bonding, but should always be fed in small amounts.

cherries, sweet*

cherries, sour



Mealworms, moths, grubs

pumpkin seeds
sesame seeds

Also Important for Good Health:

Exercise.Make sure your pet has daily out-of-cage time to run and play; a selection of branches and other things to climb and explore; and at least one active play session per day. This will help keep her healthy and happy.

Maintaining a Healthy Weight. Being overweight causes many health problems and can lead to diabetes, especially in older animals. Healthy weights may vary, but in general, your pet should look sleek and well muscled and not have rolls of fat. If your pet is older, overweight, or less active, avoid foods that are high in sugars, starches, or fat.

So, to sum it up, a squirrel needs to eat quality blocks daily (the amount will depend on the kind of block) + good green veggies + wild foods + treates: a piece of fruit and/or a nut or two.

As mpetys said, please ask away.
and PHOTOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:crazy tinfoil

11-05-2011, 01:44 PM
I may go a little overboard with the pics, just i have quite a few and love showing him off :)

Here he is the first day we found him

a couple of days later and he is obviously not happy and you can sorta see how bad his eyes were

His first time 'freeranging' out of his cage

A couple of random pics of him

I love this picture of him, he looks like a cool little thing :)

now for cages, this was his first
his second
and his current

11-05-2011, 01:51 PM
Cam, there is no such thing as being "overboard" with pictures! One is too many, a thousand is not enough...
He is so handsome!
Sometimes, with time and good nutrition, such eye-sight problems either moderate or go away... I don't remember much about it, but, sometimes it is a temporary thing...again, our experts will be able to share more about this.

Keep the pics coming!
And you might want to start his own thread in Grey Squirrel forum, with tons of pics! He deserves it!

11-05-2011, 01:58 PM
It certainly does seem like his eyesight is getting better which is brilliant, i foregot to mention that he also has a kink in his tail where i am guessing it broke and fixed itself, also he has a bent toe, again, i presume it was broken at one time or another and finaly he has a short toe where i think the tip is missing or at least the claw is, but you wouldn't think it to look at him, he is so healthy

I thought i would also upload these two pics

this one i just love, making himself right at home!

and this one was taken by my friend who is a semi-professional photographer
http://i560.photobucket.com/albums/ss42/ferretfreak4/294552_216039365128521_100001673760152_543366_5431 17170_n.jpg

11-05-2011, 02:10 PM
Great pics! so sweet how he is making himself at home in your bed:) :Love_Icon

11-05-2011, 02:50 PM
What a wonderful story and great pics. :Welcome :Welcome :Welcome

Hoping good nutrition will keep restoring Squiggles eye sight.:thumbsup :thumbsup

11-05-2011, 05:30 PM
Oh, boy...what a beautiful squirrel Squiggle is! :Love_Icon
I'm SO happy you found him. :thankyou Poor thing kept breaking toes and tail trying to make it blind in the world. :(
I'm looking forward to getting to know more about you both. :Welcome
Noozles to Squiggles, por favor. :)

11-05-2011, 06:49 PM
Yes, i do feel sorry for the poor boy, he must have had a hard time before he found his way into my garden

and yes, it will be nice getting to know people on here

11-05-2011, 07:04 PM
Nice to meet you both He is a great looking squirrel

11-06-2011, 03:37 PM
I have a 9 year old just like yours or I should say I'm his seeing eye human


island rehabber
11-06-2011, 04:06 PM
I have a 9 year old just like yours or I should say I'm his seeing eye human


:rotflcam, I have a little grey cat named Sloopy who has one pale blue eye (corneal damage) just like Squiggle's. She says to tell him that she thinks he is very handsome. :D

11-07-2011, 06:38 AM
:rotflcam, I have a little grey cat named Sloopy who has one pale blue eye (corneal damage) just like Squiggle's. She says to tell him that she thinks he is very handsome. :D

I think he is very hansome too :D

11-07-2011, 06:40 AM
I have a 9 year old just like yours or I should say I'm his seeing eye human


Yes, to start with i was definately his seeing eye human :D but, he has learnt his way round my room and the living room downstairs as he goes down there in the mornings, but now he can see a little bit, but still bumps into some things lol