View Full Version : new here

10-30-2011, 11:46 AM
Hi. I am new to this thread and am looking for some advice. I just released a 14 week old squirrel and was wondering if anyone here had any information on it. He was given a "soft" release, spending a month in a large cage on my screened in porch up against the screen so he could see out into our yard. After doing that for 2 weeks I opened his cage door and he came and went for another 3 weeks. He stopped sleeping in his nesting box after a few days of freedom but came and went all day for his food and water. He also spent the two weeks burying nuts all over the place. He was very friendly and would come down from the trees when I called him. We really loved him very much and now we havent seen him for four days straight. There are other squirrels out in the yard so I am thinking this is a territorial issue. Wull he ever come back or is he gone for good? I miss him alot. Thanks.

Milo's Mom
10-30-2011, 01:26 PM
Hi and welcome to TSB. Your little one is out exploring his new huge world....he's being a squirrel, just like you so carefully raised him to be. :thumbsup :Love_Icon
After he's done exploring he may come home. Some do and some do not. Sometimes they are gone for a month, but if they need Mom, they know where she is and they do come back. I released 5 this summer and about 3 weeks later (2 weeks of not seeing Cody) he came home. He was hurt, but Mommy made him all better and he's out in the trees again. One of his sisters and one of his brothers were gone for a couple weeks also, but they have made themselves permanent fixtures in my yard. Cody hooked up with his other sister, Zoey and they are now also living somewhere close by. The 5th one, Snickers hit the trees running and I have not seen him since. I have a feeling he is living in the neighbors yard, but it is only a feeling, I do not know for sure...so basically, I have not seen Snickers since he was released 4-5 months ago. None of them will allow me to touch them, and only 2 will take treats from my hand anymore, it's sad that they grow up so fast and go away to live their lives, but it is all worth it when you see them running through the trees being the beautiful squirrels we raised them to be.
It may be a territory issue, as the older squirrels do chase the younger ones away, but he may be out exploring too.
My first squirrel left and I did not see him for almost 4 months, but one day I pulled in the driveway and there he was sitting in the pine tree grunting at me. Funny little dude!
I know it hurts and makes you think of the worst, but keep your eyes open and I'm sure you'll see you little buddy again.:Love_Icon

10-30-2011, 02:05 PM
Yes...mine was released and came back daily for a few weeks, would climb down and snuggle in my arms. She stopped coming back. It's sad, it's hard....but I try not to think the worst instead I think she's out living the life she was meant to, that I helped her have that life she otherwise would not have. Try thinking that :) And who knows, sometimes they come back at the most random of times!

10-30-2011, 02:05 PM
Thank you so much for your reply. You have made us feel much, much better.
I will keep my fingers crossed and my eyes open in hopes of seeing him again. I really just want to know he is okay. He is such a great little guy, I never realized how sweet and endearing they really are. You have given me alot of faith and made my heart feel lighter, I appreciate your kind response. When I see him again I will let you know. Thank you again, it means alot to me.

10-30-2011, 02:15 PM
It is very sad because you don't know what to think. One day they are sitting on your shoulder eating from your hand, staying so close and then all of a sudden, gone. I cannot believe the emotion attached to all this. Even my husband feels sad. I too am thinking now that it will all be okay. I knew the day would come I just didn't realize how hard it would be. Thanks for your response. Makes me feel better knowing it happens this way. I feel much better. Glad I found this board.

Kelly Brady
10-30-2011, 02:20 PM
Hi Lorraine,
This is all signs that you have done a perfect job raising and releasing your boy.

I have released many now and what you describe is exactly what all of mine have done. It is my feeling that especially the males feel a need to go away for a while.

After tears and heartache, crying out to them and banging nuts together begging them to come home for a visit, it is never when I wanted it. I personally have had each one come home but it took anywhere up to a month or longer for their homecoming.

Please know that thanks to you and your family he is living the wonderful life of a squirrel now, there is nothing more rewarding than that.

Be patient your boy will come back for the good food. Be prepared he may appear a lot thinner than he was. Mine have even returned home for medical care now and then. Twisted ankle etc. With only my experience when the males return, I have noticed they are not as touchy feely as they were. The females, to me anyway, still will accept some lovin.

Rest easy you did a wonderful job and he is just feeling out his area and being independent. Continue to set food out in one spot and you will catch him munchin down one of these days.:grouphug

10-30-2011, 02:38 PM
Hi Kelly. Thanks for the advice. I have to laugh at your post as I too have been rattling the bags of nuts out in the yard. My neighbors probably think I'm nuts!
I am happy for him, as this is what rescuing him was all about. I didn''t realize how much I would love my little guy. You guys on this thread have really made me feel a whole lot better. I will take your advice and leave out food for him every day and see what happens. Probably as you say, when I least expect it there he will be. Thanks again!::)

10-30-2011, 04:22 PM
Lorraine thanks for giving him a soft release :thumbsup
I believe as rodents remember their areas well, there is every chance he will come back.

Just be sure to leave out some goodies, water, etc. Keep predators off too. I will hope he be back to report :D

There is also a chance he's off pursuing females.

My wilds can disappear up to a week then reappear :crazy. My thoughts are they hid so much food, that could afford to "disappear" a couple of days...

Usually they'll be back when supplies got low :Love_Icon

10-30-2011, 05:56 PM
Hello & :Welcome It is awesome that you were able to give the little one a soft release. We also don't see some of ours for weeks at a time and we go insane worrying about them. Usually they'll show up when we have given up waiting for them. There is so much for them to see and do out there and our tiny little neighborhood is huge to them.

10-31-2011, 06:46 AM
Thanks to all for the help and advice. I feel much better knowing that what my furry little buddy did is normal. I was thinking the worst and now I am not. I was heartsick with worry that something happened to him and you guys have made me see that is surely not the case. From all the responses I am now convinced he is just being a squirrel and doing what comes natural to him. Even thought I am happy for him I miss him very much. I found him when he was 2 weeks old (fell from his nest after a strong windstorm). His momma wouldn't pick him back up and after waiting for hours I couldn't leave him out anymore. Bugs were starting to go on him and I was fearful he would die.
Taking care of him and having him in my life has been a joy and even though I feel sad he is gone I am glad he came my way. I believe now thanks to all your advice that I will see him again.
He opened up a new door for me. I am now making sure they all have food through the winter in my yard. :Love_Icon

10-31-2011, 10:21 AM
Lorraine, I just released my first batch and I wished it had gone as smooth as yours. I also sat outside for days calling them, begging them to come home and just let me know they were ok.

I notice after my brush with studying wildlife the last two weeks :crazy they tend to stay gone longer if the weather is cold or if it is raining. If the weather is not that good, they tend to stay in or by the nest.

If it makes you feel any better, I read that squirrels are territorial except for when its cold, then they invite other squirrels to nest with them to keep each other warm, they are welcomed visitors. I noticed yesterday (its been getting cold here) my three in a tree and four more were in that same tree and they were all getting along and that was right around dusk. That made me feel so much better because I had seen mine get chased out of trees by other squirrels and it made me sick. Now, since it is cold, they are just all friends. They need each other.

They are very tuff animals as so I'm learning. I had my favorite Chip come visit me and actually come in for a little while. He let me pet him for a half hour and I cherished every minute. I know it will be less and less frequent.

Good advice here, never stop putting food out and WATER. Chip was so thirsty when he came in because he could not or did not find the water I'd left out for him so he came in for a drink and now I put a bowl next to their food. I had a water bottle attached to their cage but they did not know where it was. Even if you don't think they are going to eat it, you'd be surprised when you peek outside and there is his chowing down and your heart just jumps for joy. He will be back. Your his Mommy....:Love_Icon

10-31-2011, 10:26 AM
He opened up a new door for me. I am now making sure they all have food through the winter in my yard. :Love_Icon

You have no idea about what doors that little one just opened up, my life will never be the same!!! :jump

10-31-2011, 11:06 AM
Hi Vicky, thanks for the encouragement. This is my first time at this so I really feel like I've been knocked for a loop. Raising him up went very well, he was easy and grew up healthy. A beautiful little creature. He brought alot of happiness into our lives and we will never forge it. He was the cutest thing I have ever seen. I didn't expect him to take off so abruptly and it frightend me a bit. I got so used to seeing him every morning at 7:00 and then he would come and go all day visiting. Then last Wed. afternoon, poof, just gone. We called and called till dark and nothing. His family-mom and two sisters live in my yard still so I am hoping he will turn up again. He had plenty of time to learn what to do outside and from what I could tell he did everything pretty well. I will continue to leave his food and water where it was when he was here and feed the others in a different spot. They are already gettng a little fat! I also see a very large male with an orange face around and I wonder if he might have scared him off. I figure when he gets a little tougher from being out on his own he will return to visit.
I will keep the faith!! Thankyou.:)

island rehabber
10-31-2011, 11:28 AM
:wave123hi lorraine, from across the Sound...:D

There is also something young male squirrels do, called 'dispersal': nature encourages juvenile males to LEAVE their home territory and sometimes not return there at all. It is nature's way of ensuring that (unlike cats :shakehead) there is no inbreeding hanky-panky going on....no mating of brothers & sisters, etc. (I hear banjo music...lol...) This keeps the gene pool fresh with new DNA, so to speak. For this reason, many rehabbers who release on their own property say that their females stick around for YEARS and raise families, but the boys take off for parts unknown.

10-31-2011, 11:50 AM
Hi, Love City Island. Try to go there every summer. Not far from me at all.

I guess that's something to think about as well. I kind of think that is a possibilty (dispersal) and I'm okay with it. I really just wanted to know he was okay. I was worried about hawks but after coming on the board I am so happy that there are so many others that experienced the same thing I have with a little male. I feel so much better. I was actually in tears for three days. Now I can feel a whole lot better about this. We removed two feral cats (havaheart trap) from our property for the very reason you mention before the squirrel babies in the tree left their nest. :shakehead We noticed they were living under my neighbors shed and really didn't want them there for a multitude of reasons and I'm glad we did. I want the other little squirrels to be safe. I guess I will have to wait and see now. Thank you for helping.:)

10-31-2011, 03:00 PM
Let us know the next time he visits. They are tuff, hang in there. It is hard and I've spent a few days myself crying over these little animals. As much joy as they bring you, they bring you that much hard-ache. Everyone thinks I'm crazy for loving these guys as much as I do. I love coming here and feeling normal. Its good to know that I'm not the only one who cries over them and who worries and sits outside and calls them over and over.

Your understood and a caring person!!

10-31-2011, 04:40 PM
Vicky, I know what you mean. People don't get it unless they experience it for themselves. Even my husband is sad about it too. We really fell in love with the little guy. I guess now I'll just wait and see what happens. When (if) he comes back I will be sure to post it. This board and the people on it are great. It's good to know it is here. Thanks alot. Take care.

10-31-2011, 05:17 PM
I am glad some others have chimed in on your thread I had the same thing with my Pixel a fox squirrel. He came back for a while every day at lunch then sometimes I would catch him in the morning I last played with him on my Birthday in Sept and did not see him again until last Wed he came down out of the tree to see me for a minute and then ran off after another squirrel. As happy as I am that he is where he is supposed to be I am just that sad that he is not creating havoc in my house or at work with me every day. I got a flyer a week ago I hope she fills that spot for me.

10-31-2011, 06:25 PM
Hi Pat. I guess there are many of us that feel this way. Who knew such a small creature would have such a huge impact. I'm glad to know your little guy came back too. It makes me feel much better. I feel as you do. I never realized how much time I spent tending to him and watching out for him. It leaves a void, I know. I guess this is all part of it. I look forward to the day he shows up here again, if only to know he is okay, which I do think he is after coming on this board. Good luck with your little flyer! Have fun with her.

11-07-2011, 08:32 AM
Hi all. Looking for some answers regarding my little released squirrel again. After ten days he has come back to his release cage to eat. I was so glad to see him. I know it is him as he has a little bump in his tail he got a few days after I first released him.(fight??) For the last three days in the morning I hear him jump onto my roof, run across and climb down a lilac tree and get into his cage. (His old route) He eats all the food I leave there for him and hangs around in there for a little while. The cage is on my back porch flush up against the screen and I had cut a small opening in the screen right up against the cage door so only he could get in and out. He also had the run of the porch as the cage had a large opening on top. My question is should I leave it there and if so for how long? He is not very friendly now :thinking :thinking but also not afraid. He doesn't seem to want to get too close to me, which is good I guess. I so want to pet him though. Is it normal for them to be stand-offish after being out on their own for ten days?
I guess the more he is like a wild squirrel the better off he is. Should I continue to feed him? He is probably 15-16 weeks old by now. He was eating this morning as if he was starving! Any advice would be welcome. Thanks...

11-07-2011, 10:04 AM
Hey Lorraine, I'm so glad he came back, if anything, to ease your mind. I know how happy you must be. I don't know if you have seen my post on Chip coming back for a stay but Chip came for one visit after a release, stayed 1/2 hour and then a week ago, came in for a few days. He was not feeling so well and needed a place to rest for a while. He left the day before yesterday.

To answer your question, when Chip needed help cause he was sick or needed water, he was all over me, cuddling and running on me, and hiding in my lap. When he is fine, he keeps his distance. I've been outside the last couple of days and have seen him in the tree and he actually came down to the ground to say hi, but did not come near me. His way of saying hi, but I'm good Mom. I think if your baby needed you, he'd let you know. That is my experience so far. Its bittersweet when he sits a good distance away and just peers at me. I know he is happy. If he were to do a nose dive in my lap, I'd know he is not doing so well.

After watching Chip this last week, I know he is not happy being in the house. He seemed to love any attention I gave him while in the house but he knew its not where he belongs. He is never caged up either, he has his own room and I even let him in the living room with us. He knows his place and he knows he needs to be with the others. Yours knows the same thing and while he still loves you and knows if he needs you he can come home, he knows his place. Just speak sweet to him when he comes home and don't try to walk over to him. Let him make all the moves.

Since you released him, has he been back in the house? If it were me, I'd probably close up the hole. His scent might attract a curious squirrel and you might have some strange squirrel in your house. Other more experienced rehabbers might want to comment on that. This is my first release experience and I might be wrong. I'm still learning about them in the wild. They are the best teachers I could have too.

Let me know how it goes. I'm so happy he is ok.

11-07-2011, 10:23 AM
Hi Vicki. I am happy to see him too. I was very worried. I only have the little hole in the screen that opens to his cage open. The rest of the cage is closed so even he can't get in to the porch anymore. He can only go in and out of the cage. He hasn't been back in the house, no. He doesn't seem interested in anything but eating and I was wondering how long to feed him. If he needs the support through the winter. I don't mind doing it if that's the case. I am a little surprised at how he keeps his distance. He was salway so friendly and loveable. Is that a good sign do you think?? I guess keeping their distance means they are doing okay. I did read your post and I am glad Chip went out on his own too. It is bittersweet but as they let us know, they are wild animals.
Thanks for responding. :)

11-07-2011, 10:42 AM
Definitely feed him for the winter. I am feeding mine until they don't eat it anymore. The winter is a given, especially at how horrible my release went. :D

The distance thing is good!! Absolutely good. I know it breaks your heart. I saw Chip running down the tree this morning when I called him and I was so excited that I might get to pet him, but nope. He wanted to say hi from a distance. He definitely responded to me calling and that made me happy but no affection. That is OK!! That is what we raise them to do, be squirrels and be wild. Just think, if yours was too quick to jump on you, wouldn't you worry about him jumping on other people who might hurt him? That is the way I think about it with Chip. I've warned all my neighbors about the squirrels and they know if a squirrel comes running at them, its probably one of mine but I'd rather them not be that friendly.

My vet told me when she worked for wildlife, they used to spray them with water bottles to make them afraid of people. Kind of extreme and mean as heck but I got her point. She said to me, "I did not PLAY with them like you rehabbers do" ha ha, us rehabbers get so much more then she did out of these cute little creatures. I feel bad for her that she missed out on that.

Yeah, by all means, feed them as long as you want and keep the cage for them. Someone told me to close it at night so nothing else crawls in it if he is in it or not. Don't know if that is necessary for you but just thought I'd share that with you. Good luck.

11-07-2011, 10:49 AM
Okay, I will close it up at night and keep feeding him. I am watching him eat right now. So cute. He can see me. I will keep my distance. Thanks so much.:thankyou

11-07-2011, 11:11 AM
Well , great to hear that your "little Buddy" came back for a HOME-COOKED-MEAL.
What's his NAME.....and....
WHERE are the PHOTOS ?????
We need photos

11-07-2011, 11:14 AM
Here's the link to-



11-07-2011, 11:24 AM
Hey, thanks. I'm happy too. His name is Noonie, named after a crazy Irish cousin who really doesn't like squirrels.:dono. I will try and get some pictures up soon. My husband is in charge of that. We have alot so as soon as I can get him to do it I will. It is great to see my little buddy again, a real relief.

11-07-2011, 11:26 AM
P.S.,,,thanks for the link and BTW your squirrel is a real beauty. Very unusual and striking. Love him.

11-07-2011, 11:37 AM
P.S.,,,thanks for the link and BTW your squirrel ( Rama Rota- King of Costa Rica )is a real beauty. Very unusual and striking. Love him.
The KING says....THANKS...he expects...NO LESS !!!! Ha!

PS---I need you to stop in and say HI to RAMA...We're trying to reach 100,000 views before Christmas...ALMOST there

11-07-2011, 03:38 PM
Okay, I will close it up at night and keep feeding him. I am watching him eat right now. So cute. He can see me. I will keep my distance. Thanks so much.:thankyou

Keep your distance only if that is what he wants. I was told by some very experienced people on this board if they want love, give it to them. If they come to me, I'll pet them and give them all the love they need. Chip has come to me twice so far and I'm sure he will again. The other two never really got close to me, they were not here that long. I have a feeling Chip is a member of this family and will always be. Enjoy Noonie if you can!!! Cute name..

Definitely post some pictures. Do you plan on doing this again? Is Noonie your last one???

11-07-2011, 04:24 PM
Hi Vicky. I don't know if my heart could take doing it again. When I found him he was laying under a tree in my yard screaming at the top of his lungs. I began to care for him from reading about the first steps (hydration, warmth) on the internet. The weird thing was when I heard him crying out I followed where the sound was coming from, went over and bent over to look at him. As I was bending to look at him his mother jumped right on the flat of my back! She didn't bite or hurt me, just jumped back into the tree. Yet after hours and hours she never came for him. Even though I warmed him up on a hot water bottle she didn't want him. :dono
I called so many rehabbers but no one called me back so I just kept going and before I knew it the days went by. I finally did get in touch with a rehabber near my home and she helped me out with advice. It took so much time and care but I loved it and him. I guess if I ever came across another helpless little baby on the ground I would not be able to resist. I hopefully have learned not to get so attached. It is as you stated, bittersweet.

He was back a little while ago for some dinner and I just hung back and watched him. Then he went up into the tree he always favored so I guess he isn't far. If he comes to me on his own I will be happy but I won't push it. I'm just happy he is okay and making it on his own. I just didn't expect him to get wild so fast. What an experience this has been!! :)
I'll try and get the pictures up in a day or two.

11-07-2011, 06:12 PM
Now that everyone knows you will do it, you probably will get another one. I have yet to get one from Wildlife :crazy Its the people here in town that know I'd do it. That story is amazing. Why would mommy jump on you and take off. Maybe she figured you had him and did not need to get him. Maybe that was not mama. How do you know it was mommy? You could have saved its life from another squirrel coming to get him.

Either way, you saved his life and he will always remember you.