View Full Version : Possible Injury?

10-28-2011, 11:48 PM
Hello everyone, It's me again regarding Squillo, my over 1 and a half year old female 1.5lb grey squirrel. Just a quick reminder...

About 3 months ago we noticed signs of MBD in Squillo and quickly got her going on the emergency treatment plan, along with switching her diet of commercial rodent blocks to Henry's Healthy blocks (three and a half per day Adult Formula) and of course a variety of fresh healthy veggies (Kale, Zuccini, collard greens, sugar snap peas, broccoli, cucumber, bell pepper, cauliflower, romaine lettuce...etc) and a nut here and there... no more than one a day.

We have been slowly decreasing her calcium supplement (from 4skwerlz) since her higher doses in the beginning of treatment down to her current dose of about 28mg once per day (taken with small amounts of avocado or heavy cream).

She has been doing awesome. Very lively, happy, playful etc. for the past two and a half months....until today.

I noticed she was slightly less playful today (pretty normal, but just slightly off) has begun to favor her back right foot. She won't use it to grip the cage bars and holds it up/hobbles when walking. Sometimes she even squeals when I try to move it about (but not every time). It doesn't look injured, but I can tell it's hurting her. She even stumbled and fell while climbing down the cage wall, since she was unable or unwilling to grab the bars with it. Also the way she holds her foot is different than normal ie: Her toes are normally spread apart when walking around on the bed for balance...on her hurt foot, she keeps all toes strait and touching, as she has no desire to grip with them... It's kind of hard to explain...

She is acting pretty normal otherwise, still eating/drinking/and somewhat playful...shuffling around in her hammock, chewing on stuff. She did seem to get her claws stuck in my shirt more than usual yesterday and today... but I don't think that's how she got hurt... I can't imagine she is having MBD symptoms again, as she has been on such a good diet, and the extra calcium... She may have injured her foot when I wasn't home... not sure. Just thought I would update and get the ball rolling in case there are other issues around the corner. :shakehead

Thanks in advance.

Lindsay and Squillo:Love_Icon

10-29-2011, 01:07 AM

10-29-2011, 01:54 AM
Sounds like an injury of some sort.
Pin, splinter, thorn? Maybe a sprain from an unseen fall.
Hard to say.
Couple of days of observing will tell.
Naturally, if it gets worse, something needs to be done.