View Full Version : Teeth Problems, HELP

10-23-2011, 02:28 AM
Previous thread:

(please refer to the above thread for information on past problems and what exactly is going on)

I have yet ANOTHER concern.. unfortunately. Today I noticed that Mocha's teeth were very odd... she seems to be able to move the bottom two together and apart... and there seems to be milk in between them? Does anyone have any advice on this? I have tried to clean in between her teeth but I haven't had much luck so far. Could this possible be where the infection originated? I am so worried. If it's not one thing with this little one, it's another :/ Thank you every one on here for being so helpful. I couldn't do this without you.
I will try and post some pictures soon!

10-23-2011, 08:01 AM
the bottom teeth are supposed to move.

10-23-2011, 09:32 AM
Is there anything I can do to get the milk out of the middle of the teeth?

10-23-2011, 11:08 AM
Does she have any natural branches that she can chew on? - if not give her some and as she chews them apart she will use some of the long strips as dental floss..... :)

10-23-2011, 12:24 PM
I will try that! I'm not sure if it will work because of how tiny she is, she has only showed minimal interest in solid food and with her infection she has kind of lost that but I will definitely try!

Mrs Skul
10-29-2011, 02:18 AM
:wave123 Hi Mochi & Mocha
I posted this in your other Thread. :thumbsup3
With the baby being 54 gm. I would be feeding every 4 hr if they will eat it." Every 24 hr!"
Are you Adding a Full Fat Yogurt to the FoxVally and Ultra Boost??? ""I will weigh my FTT Baby Be for feeding and after feeding.""
They will be 54 gm and if drinking 4cc. Then the weight will be 58 or 59 gm. When I wake them to eat the weight will be back down to 54 gm.
They will do this every feeding. Then the second day they will hold 1 gm. You just need to keep them as healthy as you can and Keep the FV coming.
They will do the rest and fight to live.
Good luck. :grouphug
PS! Do not worry about the teeth to much at this age.
(They will move around allot, Even when you try cleaning the milk out.) Just let it be and it will go down. I have seen this on 1 or 2 of my babies.

10-29-2011, 11:11 AM
Yes I'm using the UltraBoost and I'm doing exactly what you said. The weight issue sounds just like Mocha. I replied in more detail to your pm. Thank You!