View Full Version : Found a squirrel in the road ... CALLAHAN FLORIDA!
10-20-2011, 07:53 AM
Hi everyone , Yesterday I was driving to a lesson and noticed and fluff ball in the road . I thought she was dead but I slowed down cause I was gonna move her anyway and she moved . So I quickly grabbed a jacket and wrapped her up . I had to take her with me and honestly I didn't think she was gonna make it . Today however she is more alert but had blood coming from JUST her mouth yesterday so I am still concerned about internal injuries . I live in callahan fl and have spoke with a rehabber near in the past from this board but cannot find her number . I want to make sure this little girl gets treatment and can be released back where I found her , but not in the road . I am sorry if this is not completely life threatening but since I do not know the extent of her injuries it may be for her . Any help will be appreciated
10-20-2011, 08:28 AM
Hang tight, hopefully someone in your area will be on soon. Do you have a heating pad under half her enclosure, in a quiet, dark room/area? If you have an pedialyte, try to offer her some (if you don't have a syringe, you can go to a pharmacy, tell them you found a kitten and need a needless syringe. Make sure to warm it up, too.). Is she still bleeding today? Can you see any other visable injuries? Is she moving around? If so, how do her movements look? Is she a baby or older? A pic would help. Hang tight, others will be on (I am no where near you physically to help, unfortunately.) Thank you for stopping to help this babu!
10-20-2011, 09:02 AM
I have her in a cat carrier right now , I just opened it to try and get pics but she is pretty grumpy at this point . All she wants to do in hide under her blanket , everytime I lift it she moves back under and growls at me .
So , she moves okay from that little bit I can see . She had no visible injuries yesterday . I was able to look her over well whie she was still out of it , but ofcourse afraid to open her mouth to see where the blood was coming from . She does seem in pain . I cannot hold her to give her fluids so I only put a bowl in there , I tried the syringe this morning and she attacked it and took it from me . She is a little upset ! I don't know if I should just take her back where I found her so she can rest in her own nest . I don't want something to be wrong with her and I let her go thinking she was fine . I thought of putting her in the screened in porch to see how she moves better but don't want her to hurt herself from fear of me . I don't know how to handle this . Here I have this poor girl (full grown by the way ) with probably the most traumatic thing to ever happen to her and then me . I have her locked in a cat box and keep checking on her , how aweful is her day going !! I just don't want to traumatize her anymore then necessary for this .
Nancy in New York
10-20-2011, 09:05 AM
Is there anyway that you can put a shallow small dish in there with water? Do you have a couple of nuts that you can throw in, I wouldn't usually suggest nuts, but hopefully she will be back in the wild soon, and I doubt that she would eat veggies.
Still trying to locate somebody who can help.:grouphug
I would not let her in your screened porch, only because she could panic, like you said, and getting her back in the carrier could really be a problem.
island rehabber
10-20-2011, 09:07 AM
Kirsteen, you're doing the right things: dark, warm and quiet. She does need to be seen by a knowledgeable rehabber or vet, so I'm going to put your location in your thread title to alert our amazing florida team.
If you have some watermelon or honeydew you could put a few chunks in her carrier -- this will give her hydration and sugars, both helpful for shock. be careful -- the better she feels, the harder she can bite :D
10-20-2011, 09:15 AM
Thank you everyone ! I have water in the and yes I put a pecan in there for her . But she is not interested in either right now . I am just trying to leave her alone at this point more then anything . I put the cat carrier in the sunlight thinking it may prompt her to wake up some more but I saw her move locations under the blanket to the side with no sun ...I put her back in my craft room for now . She is full grown and wild , I would love to take her to the vet but if they find her injured even if they can fix it will they kill her anyway and not give me the option to help her because she's just a squirrel ? I feel so bad for her .
Jackie in Tampa
10-20-2011, 11:17 AM
DigiandChipper is closest member I know of...
will send her a PM, she may know someone to help..
Anne is south of Jax in Orange Park, but she just was released from hospital...
maybe Lady Squirrelly can help...will PM her also.
good luck and thank you
10-20-2011, 12:27 PM
Hey Jackie , I think you are the same rehabber who help me with my Picca when I found him . Just to refresh your memory , he was the one who ran out the door and was lost for a entire week . I searched endlessly for him until I finally found him hiding in a shed down the road . He is three now and scared to death of the outside still .
Back but to the subject . Anne contacted me via email and said it sounded like she was recovering fine and I could release her and she would do well on her own .
So , I drove back to the area where I found her in the road yesterday and let her go . She walked out of the cat box, looked around and made a healthy looking hop along for the big oak tree . She stopped on the root and smelled it and then up she went . I think she is fine and that she just had a really close call . I am so glad I stopped and picked her up . I hope I did the right thing , she still had not drank any water or ate anything I offered but maybe that was just out of fear .
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