View Full Version : EMERGENCY!! Something is wrong with my squirrel!!
10-13-2011, 10:01 PM
2 years ago I found this forum just in time to save my squirrel Izzy's life because she had MBD and brought her to an amazing squirrel rehaber and she has been perfect and healthy ever since. Well I think something is seriously wrong with her and I am extremely worried, I have the same feeling in my stomach I had when she had a seizure in my hand from MBD 2 years ago. A few days ago I noticed a bump and bald spot on her head and thought she was just losing her hair but then the next day there was a blood spot on her head in that spot and she has had excessive hunger and thirst and is becoming verrryyy skinny which is a red flag since she is always plump. I just got home and noticed she is very lethargic and irritated she even bit me! She is eating very slow when she usually eat veryyy fast! I feed her henry blocks and mixed veggies everyday and I just fed her some fox valley formula.
Someone please help me!!
Thank you,
10-13-2011, 10:07 PM
I found this forum 2 years and it saved my baby squirrels life! My squirrel Izzy had MBD and an amazing squirrel rehaber helped me save her and she has been happy and healthy ever since! Well I think something is seriously wrong with her now, and I am extremely worried. I have the same feeling in my stomach I had when she had a seizure in my hand from MBD 2 years ago. A few days ago I noticed a bump and bald spot on her head and thought she was just losing her hair but then the next day there was a blood spot on her head in that spot and she has had excessive hunger and thirst and is becoming verrryyy skinny which is a red flag since she is always plump. I just got home and noticed she is very lethargic and irritated she even bit me! She is eating very slow when she usually eat veryyy fast! I feed her henry blocks and mixed veggies everyday and just gave her some formula. Could it be worms?? If so what do i do??!!!
Someone please help me!
10-13-2011, 10:13 PM
I have no helpful suggestions due to my inexperience, but I have sent PMs to a few very exp. ppl, so let's wait.
In themeantime, could you take a photo of her, esp.of her bald spot?... a short video of her?
Just in case, could you describe everything she eats daily, amounts?
Is there a chance she could have gotten into something toxic?
What precedes her decline? (e.g.,her activity level, could she have hurt herself, fallen etcetcetc?) was it gradual or abrupt?
Anything else that might be important and helpful in determining what's wrong.
Do you have a good vet?... since you are in FL, I 'd assume you could legally see a vet.
Just in case you will need them, do you have any meds?...(to be ready just in case you need them)
:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
10-13-2011, 10:18 PM
she needs help. you need to get her to a vet asap.
10-13-2011, 10:24 PM
just re-read your post -you said there is a bump? it still there?... and she is losing weight?...well, in humans this combination could be an indication of a malignant tumor or something. But it can be many different things,too...
Definitely - get her to a vet first thing tomorrow morning.
In the meantime, could you take a pic of that bump?
10-13-2011, 10:26 PM
I tried to upload a photo of her but it wants me to give a url to the image and the pic is in my computer files and not sure how to do that. Can someone tell me how to do it? I do not have a vet that treats squirrels. My friend brought 2 baby squirrels she found to a vet and they mysteriously died while there. I brought her to Jackie from Tampa before and I have pm'd her already. She has not got into anything toxic that I can think of since I watch her every move when she is out. I feed her 2 times a day, blocks in the morning and mixed veggies in the afternoon or when I get home from class. This has just happened in the last few days but she was acting normal until today so I thought she may have scratched her head or something. The bump sort of looks like a spider bite and it has a little scap.
Nancy in New York
10-13-2011, 10:37 PM
I tried to upload a photo of her but it wants me to give a url to the image and the pic is in my computer files and not sure how to do that. Can someone tell me how to do it? I do not have a vet that treats squirrels. My friend brought 2 baby squirrels she found to a vet and they mysteriously died while there. I brought her to Jackie from Tampa before and I have pm'd her already. She has not got into anything toxic that I can think of since I watch her every move when she is out. I feed her 2 times a day, blocks in the morning and mixed veggies in the afternoon or when I get home from class. This has just happened in the last few days but she was acting normal until today so I thought she may have scratched her head or something. The bump sort of looks like a spider bite and it has a little scap.
Email me the pictures and I will post them for you.
I just don't think that a spider bite is going to cause the symptoms that you are seeing, other than the bump and perhaps the blood.
Can you get some maple syrup or molasses into her, perhaps her blood sugar is low.
10-13-2011, 10:50 PM
Sounds like the bump is probably the problem; if it's a spider bite or abscess then infection is the issue. So what antibiotics do you have on hand?
Supportive care until you can get to a good vet in the morning. Supportive care is warmth, hydration, food (formula, baby food, fruit, something easy to eat and digest), and rest and quiet.
I'd start ABs tonight.
Going from plump to skinny doesn't happen in a few days; is she dehydrated?
island rehabber
10-13-2011, 10:51 PM
Monique, there are some excellent squirrel vets in FL -- I know Jackie in Tampa has a great one. Is the bump still there? Is there a hole in it, like a bot fly warble, or is it abcessing? Do you see pus or infection? You're doing the right thing getting fluids and FV into her, but there are so many unknowns here I would really love to see her get to a good vet ASAP -- especially since you're in a legal state!
island rehabber
10-13-2011, 10:52 PM
I just replied to Monique's other thread so I am going to merge the two...
10-13-2011, 11:11 PM
I just emailed the pics to nancy in ny be posted. It just looks like a little scap. It may have been from her itching it because her nails need to be trimmed but i do not want to stress her out by doing so because it is not her favorite thing to do. I just noticed she also has a little scratch under her eye. What kind of medication should I give her?? Her weight always fluctuates. Right when she eats you can tell because she looks a little more plumb and then when she comes out to play afterwards she starts to looks a little smaller. Where is Jackie's vet and name and # of vet? I am very paranoid to bring her to a vet because I heard that if I am not a rehaber that they will put the squirrel down. :'(
10-13-2011, 11:17 PM
prayers are being sent to you and your little one.....:grouphug
Nancy in New York
10-13-2011, 11:20 PM
Here you go, I had to resize.
10-13-2011, 11:24 PM
Hmmm. That bump doesn't look too bad. Any swelling, redness, warmth, or pus around the wound?
Jackie in Tampa has a great vet. Maybe take her to Jackie in the morning and see what she thinks.
Are you sure it's not the MBD again?
Did you have her outside in the sun during the last few days?
10-14-2011, 12:04 AM
It is not swollen or warm and there is no pus coming out of it. It is not red either, now that i look closer it looks like dry blood under the skin but it is not red around it and it does not hurt or irritate her when i touch it. She seems to be dehydrated because she has been wanting water a lot and will sit there for a while drinking it. I am not able to bring her to Jackie in the morning because I have 3 midterms tom. morning which I cannot miss.. trust me I have thought hard about it but I will fail if I do because my professors do not care about my personal life. :( I can skip my last class which is at 12:55pm tom. I have pm'd Jackie but I lost her # otherwise I would call her. I definitely want to see what Jackie thinks about it because she was wonderful last time! I am NOT 100% sure whether it is or isn't MBD again. My boyfriend thinks it is because I do not give her formula anymore because it was making her too fat so I only give her the blocks and veggies. She has not been outside the past few days but she has been by an open screened in window. She seems to be a little more active since I have given her the formula. She is running around her cage now like she wants more food. I wonder if it could be a tick?
10-14-2011, 01:06 AM
I have two vets that I have used for squirrels. One is Dr. Duke. He is in Thonotosassa. His telephone number is 813-986-2448. The other is Dr. Peter Helmer with Temple Terrace Bird and Animal Hospital and he rotates between several different clinics. The one I call when I need to track him down or use one of their other vets that treats squirrels is the Temple Terrace location and their telephone number is 813-988-1189.
Another consideration is to check with area emergency clinics. I would call first and tell them that you have a squirrel and make sure they can treat and have no issues with a pet squirrel.
I have sent a txt msg to a rehabber in Land O'Lakes to see if she can offer any advice and to find out if she has a vet closer to Land O'Lakes.
When calling vets, make sure you tell them this is an emergency or they may try to put you off til Monday or Tuesday. Dr. Duke does not have Saturday hours and Fridays are usually booked. Dr. Helmers clinics are open until 7pm and I believe open on saturday til 3pm.
10-14-2011, 01:20 AM
I have two vets that I have used for squirrels. One is Dr. Duke. He is in Thonotosassa. His telephone number is 813-986-2448. The other is Dr. Peter Helmer with Temple Terrace Bird and Animal Hospital and he rotates between several different clinics. The one I call when I need to track him down or use one of their other vets that treats squirrels is the Temple Terrace location and their telephone number is 813-988-1189.
Another consideration is to check with area emergency clinics. I would call first and tell them that you have a squirrel and make sure they can treat and have no issues with a pet squirrel.
I have sent a txt msg to a rehabber in Land O'Lakes to see if she can offer any advice and to find out if she has a vet closer to Land O'Lakes.
When calling vets, make sure you tell them this is an emergency or they may try to put you off til Monday or Tuesday. Dr. Duke does not have Saturday hours and Fridays are usually booked. Dr. Helmers clinics are open until 7pm and I believe open on saturday til 3pm.
yes, as Michele said, make sure they do not have a problem with pet squirrels and will not seize her or any of that. Although, I do not understand how they could have any issues if FL is a legal state...
but just in case - make sure they do not have problems and will not take her away from you or any of that.
10-14-2011, 01:37 AM
Ok, my Land O'Lakes rehabber friend just got back to me. She goes to East West Animal Hospital. 813-948-6534. See Dr. Odachowski. She is an exotic vet and works with squirrels. She is in Land O'Lakes next to Breakfast Nook Restaurant. Ok, I am sending you a PM also.
10-14-2011, 07:23 AM
Agree, a vet is needed, although the spot on her head doesn't look concerning, she may have gotten bit and scratched it. More concerning is the drinking extra/lethargy. MBD is one of those things that can come back, and I am more worried that is the issue. MBD is painful and thus would explain the irritation/biting you. And also the weight loss, energy level and overall malaise. Can you give her the emergency treatment for MBD with calcium (tums) to see if that helps? Won't hurt her and if that is what it is, you would want to start her on it asap.
10-14-2011, 08:00 AM
I gave her formula and liquid tums last night and this morning along with her two blocks. She started acting normal and not lethrgic after she ate the tums and formula last night which makes me think it may be MBD again or at least something nutritional. When she had MBD as a baby when i got her she had a horrible diet and refused to eat any food at all. If she had mites, bot fly absess, or bug bite would it cause her to have these nutritional issues?
Nancy in New York
10-14-2011, 08:09 AM
I gave her formula and liquid tums last night and this morning along with her two blocks. She started acting normal and not lethrgic after she ate the tums and formula last night which makes me think it may be MBD again or at least something nutritional. When she had MBD as a baby when i got her she had a horrible diet and refused to eat any food at all. If she had mites, bot fly absess, or bug bite would it cause her to have these nutritional issues?
It's just really strange that she is so thirsty and that her weight dropped so suddenly.
I don't think they are related to the bite, but you never know. If it got infected she may be lethargic, but it almost appears that it's healing and not inflamed, red, and no discharge.
Personally, I would keep her on FV if she takes it, and cut out some of the other high fat veggies that you may be giving her. If she was doing so good on the FV, that's what I would go back to.
Is there any way that you can get a weight on her?
island rehabber
10-14-2011, 08:34 AM
Actually that scab is in exactly the place where so many squirrels get a scab - from pressing their foreheads against the bars of the cage while chewing at the bars. If she does this from time to time, there's your answer. I don't think the head wound is the problem.....excessive thirst can also be a sign of diabetes. Again, a vet will be the right solution here......if she is in a diabetic crisis, liquid & sugar may help her temporarily. The way diabetic people often take orange juice when they feel their blood sugar dropping, she might benefit from some watermelon, or water with a tiny bit of apple juice in it.
Jackie in Tampa
10-14-2011, 08:39 AM
I am here MC...
will call you now...
10-14-2011, 08:49 AM
If the squirrel was feeling better after dosing with calcium, then it could be a relapse of the MBD.
Even though you have your squirrel on a healthy diet now, with MBD, they need extra calcium too. Sometimes for many months, especially with severe cases.
10-14-2011, 08:54 AM
Diabetes will cause a big weight loss and excessive drinking. The fact she acted better after the tums leads me to believe this is related to MBD (remember it effects all organs, including the kidneys, so she may be having a problem with her kidneys. A urinalysis may be needed to check for loosing protein in urine, a sign of renal issues.)
Jackie in Tampa
10-14-2011, 09:04 AM
have made contact...will see Izzy this afternoon...:thumbsup
TY to whoever gave MC my number at 1am...:) :bowdown
Nancy in New York
10-14-2011, 09:08 AM
have made contact...will see Izzy this afternoon...:thumbsup
TY to whoever gave MC my number at 1am...:) :bowdown
:alright.gif :alright.gif
10-14-2011, 06:30 PM
How is Izzy today?
10-15-2011, 09:02 AM
Jackie in Tampa
10-15-2011, 10:14 AM
I spoke with Monique and we decided to moniter Izzy's doings...
Her diet sounds good with exception of veggie VARIETY...but Monique will start adding NEW veggies...
however Izzy responded to the tums/calcium mixture immediately two days in a row...
her physical description indicates she may have been in estrus..
just not sure...
Monique has been here in the past, however Izzy is a big girl with her own opinion on who she likes and does not like..
we really hate to stress her if we can watch her and decide..
MC will continue the extra calcium for the time being...
I doubt it is diabetes..Lord I hope not.
:poke I wish we had pics of Big Girl Izzy:D
Nancy in New York
10-15-2011, 10:37 AM
:poke I wish we had pics of Big Girl Izzy:D
Post #13
Do you need more pictures? Closer...:dono
Jackie in Tampa
10-15-2011, 10:52 AM
Post #13
Do you need more pictures? Closer...:dono
:D I mean portrait pretty pics:D ...not specimen/diagnose photos...
10-15-2011, 11:01 AM
Monique, please hang on to the vets name and number that I posted that is right there in land O'Lakes. She came highly recommended from a rehabber who uses her.
Can't excessive thirst also be a sign of kidney problems? I think if it were me, I would use this opportunity to have her seen by the vet near you just to cover all bases and to establish a relationship with a vet who will see your squirrel. As an established client, you may face a better chance of getting squeezed in, in the case of an emergency in the future! Just a thought! All the best for Izzy and her recovery.
Jackie in Tampa
10-15-2011, 01:34 PM
Mpetys...what test would you have done if she did take to the vet?
I did tell her we could go to my vet...and we may still go if we do not figure out what is going on..if it's not diet related.
What tests/treatments are you recommending?
I think I gave her alot of things to watch out for and solid advise about diet and MBD sqs...
If you see something that I don't see...let her know:Love_Icon
hugs to Izzy
10-15-2011, 04:18 PM
Mpetys...what test would you have done if she did take to the vet?
I did tell her we could go to my vet...and we may still go if we do not figure out what is going on..if it's not diet related.
What tests/treatments are you recommending?
I think I gave her alot of things to watch out for and solid advise about diet and MBD sqs...
If you see something that I don't see...let her know:Love_Icon
hugs to Izzy
Jackie - what test would I have done if she had taken the squirrel to the vet? I don't know, I am not a vet or a vet tech or a licensed rehabber which is why I would take the squirrel to the vet for the vet's opinion with the symptoms provided. Am I misunderstanding something here . . . from your post it sounded like you did not examine the squirrel in person. Sorry, don't mean to step on your toes or upset you, but I stand by what I said, "use this opportunity to have her seen by the vet near you just to cover all bases and to establish a relationship with a vet who will see your squirrel. As an established client, you may face a better chance of getting squeezed in, in the case of an emergency in the future!"
Your offer of taking her to your vet is wonderful. I offered the three vets names and phone numbers as she posted this an an emergency and did not have a squirrel friendly vet and was worried about finding one who would not confiscate and euthanize. I am sure your vet is wonderful and if the original poster is okay with the distance then great. I offered her the name and number of the vet in Land O'Lakes as she came highly recommended by a rehabber who lives in Land O'Lakes and it may be important for future care to have a relationship with a vet close by.
Actually that scab is in exactly the place where so many squirrels get a scab - from pressing their foreheads against the bars of the cage while chewing at the bars. If she does this from time to time, there's your answer. I don't think the head wound is the problem.....excessive thirst can also be a sign of diabetes. Again, a vet will be the right solution here......if she is in a diabetic crisis, liquid & sugar may help her temporarily. The way diabetic people often take orange juice when they feel their blood sugar dropping, she might benefit from some watermelon, or water with a tiny bit of apple juice in it.
I thought island rehabber's advice was pretty sound, "a vet will be the right solution here". Perhaps the problem is just a relapse of MBD but what if it is diabetes? Wouldn't a diagnosis and treatment be better sooner than later? As you stated, "I doubt it is diabetes..Lord I hope not." I hope not also, but wouldn't a vet visit rule that out?
Tickle's Mom
10-15-2011, 04:49 PM
If you can get to a vet, I too think that is the best advice and answer. No harm is ever done by getting them to a vet. Why wait? Could be too late by waiting and watching, IMHO. Better safe than sorry is my motto. That goes for critters and humans. :grouphug
10-15-2011, 06:03 PM
Sounds like the supplemental calcium was stopped too soon. HHBs contain the minimum requirement of calcium for a healthy squirrel; an MBD squirrel needs extra calcium on top of that. For how long is a question that's hard to answer since we can only guess at the severity of the MBD to begin with, and usually have no way to monitor the recovery, i.e., bone rebuilding.
Re: diabetes. It's a pretty rare diagnosis in a squirrel. Plus, weight loss is a symptom of Type I and I'm not aware of any cases in a squirrel. With Type II, the squirrels have tended to be plump, just as in cases of Type II in humans. The loss of appetite you see with MBD can definitely cause some weight loss.
If the squirrel improves with supplemental calcium, that pretty much cinches the diagnosis IMO.
I do believe there's a risk with taking an MBD squirrel to a vet, as the high stress can bring on a calcium crisis = seizures and death. We've seen it happen.
JMO here. I haven't been involved in the case and am just throwing out some ideas.
10-16-2011, 02:09 PM
Hey guys! Jackie and i decided to just monitor Izzy because she did have a lot of symptoms for MBD that I did not know was related to MBD. I have been giving Izzy liquid tums ,formula,blocks, and veggies throughtout the day for 3 days now and she started acting like her happy active self right the first day I started. Her scap is almost gone and her weight is more normal now. She is back sleepingin her hammock unstead of bottom of the cage. She is not irritable anymore and wants to play like she usually does. If she starts acting unusual again I will bring her to jackies vet, but I think she may have just relapsed from the MBD. I am nervous this will happen again in the future and I am not sure what I should do in the future about giving her enough calcium. Can someone tell me how to post pics so I can get them on here so I can do it now and in the future? I appreciate all of you and thatnk you for all the help!
Tickle's Mom
10-16-2011, 02:29 PM
Make sure you get to a vet at some point for this reason - you will then have a relationship with them, if and when needed, AND, you will be able to get much needed meds for either NO cost or little cost.
Of course, all of us here at TSB share meds but sometimes, we don't have what someone else needs and the vet is the only way. I learned that the hard way with Tickle, my MBD, NR squirrel. I actually had a member try to sell me meds for TEN TIMES what I could get for $4.00 from Wal-Mart. :shakehead I called a vet the next day.
Good luck with Izzy:grouphug
10-16-2011, 05:29 PM
I am nervous this will happen again in the future and I am not sure what I should do in the future about giving her enough calcium.
So glad Izzy is doing better.
Whatever amount of extra calcium it took to get her back to her old self, is the daily amount I would start with. Then every couple of weeks, try to reduce the amount of calcium by around 50 mgs. If at any time you see a return of symptoms, then go back up to the previous dose for a couple of weeks. Then try again.
Hope this helps.
11-05-2011, 05:46 AM
Hi Monique! How is Izzy doing? Hope she has fully recovered.
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