10-07-2011, 12:08 PM
So my squirrel is an indoor squirrel. I take him out with with me when I go to the park and really I take him with me when ever I go out. I've noticed with the chilly weather up here he wants to come into my shirt, so I let him.
Okay but my question is,
Is it there natural instinct to eat more in the fall, preparing for winter??
Is he going to sleep more in the winter season?
Is there anything I need to do differently?
Thanks to anyone that helps :)
10-07-2011, 03:37 PM
is that a tree squirrel?
if it is an indoor squirrel, most likely, he has not developed a thicker winter coat as wild squirrels do. So, he should not be taken outside in the winter. In fact, he should not be taken outside at all. Sorry, I do not know all the details of your little guy, but...
... Is he non-releasable?... If he is, then, being outside will trigger wilding up in him which is not what he needs. If he is a NR, he needs to be getting more and more content staying indoors, attached to you and to the "house life". Allowing an NR to wild up will end up in him having a miserable life: longing for something he cannot have and hating where he has to live;
...if he is releasable, the reasons for not letting him out are different, but still important: if you are just letting him run around, one day he will not come back. And because he will not be "experienced" enough to be on his own in the wild, won't have his food stashes, won't have his territory, may not know how to make a winter nest etc etc etc, he will die.
Also, if you are going to overwinter him, but he ends up wilding up earlier as a result of these "outings", it will be a very difficult winter for both of you.
Another question: is he about 12wks old?... because if he is younger than that, he should not be outside as in the wild babies are not allowed out of the nest until they are about 12wks old.
if he is 12wks old, regular "outings" are strongly not suggested because of the above concerns. If none of those concerns apply to your situation, then - sorry, as I said, I do not know the details about your little one.
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