View Full Version : I'm gonna need help
10-06-2011, 08:10 PM
I'm on my way right now to pick up 3 babiesthat fell out of their nest earlier today. 2 I know are injured, 1 possible brain injury 1 spinal injury. all have eyes open. Can someone please be online to help with triage?
Nancy in New York
10-06-2011, 08:23 PM
I am just going to start a couple of things that you probably already know:
Pick up infant motrin if you don't have it.
DO not feed until baby is warmed.
Place containter on heating pad set on LOW
half under the container, and half off.
Plenty of fleece or flannel so they can crawl on
top, if they get too warm.
Offer hydration fluids first.
Homemade pedialyte:
1 tsp salt (teaspoon)
3 Tbsp sugar (tablespoon)
1 quart warm water
Keep refrigerated.
Always warm hyrdration fluids just like you would formula
before feeding.
Possible head trauma baby
keep in seperate container and not too much extra heat, until
he can be fully accessed.
island rehabber
10-06-2011, 08:39 PM
10-06-2011, 09:20 PM
Okay, I'm home. Got them in a box, half on heating pad, lined with fleece. No rehydration fluids yet since they are still kind of cold, but as soon as they warm up I will get some in them. I'm judging them to be just over 5 weeks since their eyes are open, but they still have that squinty look.
I have children's ibuprofen and children's advil.
Baby boy is fine, active, just a little cold. He landed on the trampoline.
Baby girl A fell on her head and is lethargic, cold, and has dried blood around her nose, but no obvious swelling of her head.
Baby girl B fell on her back and the lady who was there (she was looking at the boy and the girls fell at her feet.) said that she squealed. Looks like she still has feeling in her feet though, but I'm not sure how to test.
I am far from a rehabber or a vet. I know the basics and I've managed to keep Cami and the flyer alive so far, but neither of them were injured. My phone number is 903-556-9575, or I can call someone so you don't have to pay the long distance if some of this is easier to explain over the phone.
Nancy in New York
10-06-2011, 09:26 PM
If you can get a weight on the ones that may need pain management (children's ibuprofen), we can dose that for you. Do you have a grams scale.
Right now, I think that you are doing everything exactly right. Most likely we will not know anything until some time goes by.
Take a warm damp cotton ball and clean the dried blood off of the nose.
10-06-2011, 09:37 PM
girl a= 61gr
girl b=70gr
boy doesn't need anything...just warmth and fluids.
Nancy in New York
10-06-2011, 09:45 PM
girl a= 61gr
girl b=70gr
boy doesn't need anything...just warmth and fluids.
OK You know the 5-7% rule of thumb for feeding right?
So girl A would get ~3 - 4 cc's of formula every feeding
Girl B would get ~ 3.5 - 5 cc's
Boy would get ~ 3 - 4 cc's
Do any of them seem in distress?
10-06-2011, 09:50 PM
I do, I'm just not sure how much ibuprofen to give the injured girls. I did clean as much blood as I could off the nose and mouth of the head injury, but her nostrils seem swollen? She's still breathing through her nose though, no open mouth panting.
Noone actually seems in distress, just sleepy and cold. The one who hurt her back was moving her legs around when I was weighing her, so I think she's actually okay. Keeping my fingers crossed!
I'm thinking only rehydration formula tonight? Then FV tomorrow?
Nancy in New York
10-06-2011, 09:57 PM
I do, I'm just not sure how much ibuprofen to give the injured girls. I did clean as much blood as I could off the nose and mouth of the head injury, but her nostrils seem swollen? She's still breathing through her nose though, no open mouth panting.
Noone actually seems in distress, just sleepy and cold. The one who hurt her back was moving her legs around when I was weighing her, so I think she's actually okay. Keeping my fingers crossed!
I'm thinking only rehydration formula tonight? Then FV tomorrow?
I would like others to weigh in on giving the head trauma one ibuprofen? Do they seem dehydrated, skinny?
If you can get 2 feedings in of the pedialyte, then I would do a diluted FV feeding of 1 part FV to 3 parts water, just to get something in their tummies. We don't know how long they have gone without food, but these are light weights for their age...Are you going to be with them all day tomorrow?
Nancy in New York
10-06-2011, 10:02 PM
If you can get a weight on the ones that may need pain management (children's ibuprofen), we can dose that for you. Do you have a grams scale.
Right now, I think that you are doing everything exactly right. Most likely we will not know anything until some time goes by.
Take a warm damp cotton ball and clean the dried blood off of the nose.
edit: I should have said infant ibuprofen.
10-06-2011, 10:08 PM
They do seem both slightly dehydrated and skinny. I thought that the weight seemed a bit low too. They have alot of feral cats in the area, so I wonder if mom has been gone awhile. I will do that with the 2 feedings of pedialyte and then diluted FV.
All I have is the children's 100mg/5ml :( and my son is in bed now so I can't leave to get anything more. Darn it. You said infant and I just skimmed right over it.
Nancy in New York
10-06-2011, 10:12 PM
They do seem both slightly dehydrated and skinny. I thought that the weight seemed a bit low too. They have alot of feral cats in the area, so I wonder if mom has been gone awhile. I will do that with the 2 feedings of pedialyte and then diluted FV.
All I have is the children's 100mg/5ml :( and my son is in bed now so I can't leave to get anything more. Darn it. You said infant and I just skimmed right over it.
Actually I said children's and then corrected you read it right the first time.
I will bet that something happened to mom.
For these babies to all come down the tree,
they were probably hungry and looking for their mama...
well at least they are in good hands now...:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
10-06-2011, 10:14 PM
here's a pic of all of them together...I put a nail polish bottle in there for perspective. The one closest to the bottle is the one with the head injury.
Nancy in New York
10-06-2011, 10:17 PM
Awe....bless their little hearts.
And yours too....:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
10-06-2011, 10:22 PM
:thankyou , I'm trying...I'm still trying to get the flyer baby down to Muffinsquirrel, I've got my 7 week old Cami (who has my heart in her little paws) and now these guys! I may have to find another rehabber who knows how to reintroduce to the wild for them. I just don't want to get too overwhelmed, and if hubby comes home from overseas next week and sees the house overrun with baby squirrels he may be on the next flight back over! LOL
10-06-2011, 10:28 PM
and how long do they need the heating pad? I have only the one that doesn't auto shut off and 1/2 of Cami's cage and 1/2 of the flyer's cage is on it. Cami sleeps mostly in a little bed now, but the flyer is usually right on top of where the pad is. I can do the get up every hour to turn the auto pad back on, but man does it take a toll! It'd be alot easier on me to take Cami and the flyer off theirs, but I don't want them to get too cold!
10-06-2011, 11:01 PM
I have had many come in with swollen muzzles and bloody noses. I just clean out the nose as best I can using a warm damp Q tip and time does the rest. I have never given pain meds for this. The swelling will usually go down in a day or two and you said she was breathing fine through it. You just have to be very careful when feeding ones with nose trauma as they get fluids up their noses easier. Sometimes I believe you cant see all the swelling with nose trauma as it is inside the nasal cavity so I think this is what causes them to get milk/ pedialite up there easier. They have trouble knowing when to breathe vs when to swallow. I dont know where you are but hope we have someone that is close enough to help out with these little guys. Meantime you are doing good with them. Oh about your heating pad question, they will probably need it for a while since they are both dehydrated, thin, and have health issues. They will tell you when they no longer need it. Good luck with them. Stacey
10-06-2011, 11:11 PM
Hi Stacey,
I am actually in NE Texas, near Texarkana...Prolly not too far from you. I will be very alert with the feeding. The ones that have the non auto heating pad are my two super healthy babies. They are both doing great and are around 7-9 weeks. I'm thinking I can take it from them and put it with the new babies. I know they need it.
10-06-2011, 11:20 PM
We are in Western Arkansas....Let us know if we can help...I'm sure a train could be formed for such a short distance and we have plenty similarly aged grey's for release buddies. Good for you for helping these kiddos.
10-06-2011, 11:25 PM
That would be awesome DipityDane! I just know I am not equipped for this many! I am down to only two nipples left for the syringes (2 got chewed and 2 went down the sink:eek: ) and I was about to place an order for more, but for now I've been switching them as I go to each syringe (which really ticks Queen Cami off!) I'm going to try to get the flyer to Muffinsquirrel down near Houston this Sunday. I just have to find another adult to go with me to share the driving. I don't think I'll be able to drive 10 straight hours alone! I've done 6 hours and I was a little :crazy after that one!
10-06-2011, 11:28 PM far is Texarkana from Fort Smith? If you'd really like to try getting them here let me check around with my transport contacts and see what I can figure out.:thumbsup
10-06-2011, 11:33 PM
According to the almight Mapquest it's 4 hrs 20 mins one way. Doable. If I have someone else driving with me! Just not in the same weekend I take the flyer to Muffin! LOL, I'd never look at a car again!
10-06-2011, 11:35 PM
:D understood....ok...well in the mean time I will work on finding someone who might take a halfway leg or promises but you never know.
10-07-2011, 12:12 AM
Okay, babies have some fluids in them. Baby Boy upon further inspection had blood around his nose too! I'm thinking maybe he it a branch on the way down to the trampoline :sorry , but he took to that syringe like he'd been sucking on one his whole life, he got 3.5 cc's! Baby B (poss back injury) ate the most, almost 4 cc's. Baby A not so well, I could only get her to take 2.5 cc's before she totally shut me down. Noone pottied, but I didn't really expect them too yet. Will be trying again in 2 hours! Wish me luck!
10-07-2011, 12:35 AM
Good luck, Squirrelgurl. :grouphug
10-07-2011, 01:06 AM
10-07-2011, 07:30 AM
Whew! All three made it through the night. Trying to get some watered down formula into them now. Head case is just not eating like her siblings though. Makes me worry :thinking . :thankyou so much for the help and support so far! I've never dealt with more than one serious formula drinker at a time! 3 is a little crazy! Cami is NOT liking their smell on me either. I washed my hands, but one I had held up to my chest and I thought she was gonna go :crazy. Wasn't a happy crazy either :shakehead
10-07-2011, 07:52 AM
:grouphug glad babies are hangin in there...good job!
Nancy in New York
10-07-2011, 08:09 AM
Wonderful....they made it through the night. You just never know with these little ones.
With the head truama one, we will watch for seizures too and be prepared. Perhaps you can try in another 2 hours with him to get a little bit more into him....but the fact that they all ate so well is encouraging.....:thumbsup :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
10-07-2011, 10:43 AM
Squirrrlgurl....IF...and its a BIG if....but if I can arrange transport would you be available any this weekend for pick up?
10-07-2011, 11:48 AM
Yes nancy! It made me very happy to see them all still moving and alert this am! I am trying to get some into her about every 2 hours,the others I'm going every 3 for right now. DD, I could meet this weekend! I'm going to try to meet muffinsquirrelon sunday, but soccer should be over about noon on saturday, so maybe then? Just let me know!
10-07-2011, 11:56 AM
And DD, I don't mind driving part of the way!
10-07-2011, 11:58 AM
Alrighty.....Ill do my best and keep you posted :thumbsup
10-07-2011, 12:37 PM
well I've been PMing with Muffinsquirrel about the flyer and she offered to take the three grey babies too! She has a good vet, meds, cages, and alot of land for when they're ready to release! Also for me it's alot easier to make just one trip! :) Thank you so much Erin for offering to help though! I really, really appreciated it!
10-07-2011, 12:39 PM
Yay! Thats perfect news! Great work all of you! :jump
10-07-2011, 01:04 PM
Yes! She said her hubby is a sucker for the greys so I'm sure he'll be super happy to know he's got 3 on the way!
10-07-2011, 03:01 PM
I'm on my way right now to pick up 3 babiesthat fell out of their nest earlier today. 2 I know are injured, 1 possible brain injury 1 spinal injury. all have eyes open. Can someone please be online to help with triage?
Bless your heart!
Dear God, kindly look upon them.
:grouphug :grouphug
10-08-2011, 09:06 PM
Thanks SquirrelsinSingapore! They are still doing well. The baby girl that hit her head is still not up where I'm comfortable, she's moving well and alert, just not eating as much as the others, but all three have weight gain! Yay!:multi Taking all three of them, the flyer, and now the cat caught baby I just picked up to Muffinsquirrel tomorrow. I'm hoping the cat caught makes it that long. She seems like she's in some pain. I've got her warming up now. But she's older, I'm thinking 10-12 weeks so I don't want to stress her too much. I know Muffinsquirrel has the right meds so maybe she'll be okay. Thanks so much to all of you for your kind words and help! I'll keep you posted on Cami, but she's the only one I'm keeping here :D
Nancy in New York
10-08-2011, 09:18 PM
Thanks SquirrelsinSingapore! They are still doing well. The baby girl that hit her head is still not up where I'm comfortable, she's moving well and alert, just not eating as much as the others, but all three have weight gain! Yay!:multi Taking all three of them, the flyer, and now the cat caught baby I just picked up to Muffinsquirrel tomorrow. I'm hoping the cat caught makes it that long. She seems like she's in some pain. I've got her warming up now. But she's older, I'm thinking 10-12 weeks so I don't want to stress her too much. I know Muffinsquirrel has the right meds so maybe she'll be okay. Thanks so much to all of you for your kind words and help! I'll keep you posted on Cami, but she's the only one I'm keeping here :D
Awe on the cat caught baby, do you have any abs you can start her on immediately?
Glad you found a great home for the others....:thumbsup
10-08-2011, 09:23 PM
I don't unfortunately. My vet is out of state right now and I'm scared to call any others around here. I don't even keep human AB's here at the house. If she gets on them tomorrow she should be okay right? It just happened a few hours ago. I did pick her up to change out the pine shavings she was in for fleece and she squealed really loud like it hurt so I don't want to hurt her anymore. I've never had one hurt like this. Wow, what a week for firsts! Is there anything else I can do for her? I was planning on doing the same thing as the little ones, heat then fluids.
Nancy in New York
10-08-2011, 09:46 PM
I don't unfortunately. My vet is out of state right now and I'm scared to call any others around here. I don't even keep human AB's here at the house. If she gets on them tomorrow she should be okay right? It just happened a few hours ago. I did pick her up to change out the pine shavings she was in for fleece and she squealed really loud like it hurt so I don't want to hurt her anymore. I've never had one hurt like this. Wow, what a week for firsts! Is there anything else I can do for her? I was planning on doing the same thing as the little ones, heat then fluids.
I think you are doing exactly everything right. I hope that she can wait until tomorrow for the abs...but that's something that many people don't have just laying around.:shakehead
In her case, I would give her infant ibuprofen if you have that. She is a grey squirrel right?
10-08-2011, 11:37 PM
I really don't think the ABs would have saved. I think she was just hurt too bad
:sad RIP sweet baby
10-09-2011, 02:17 PM
When I was rehabbing at Sardis Lake I used DR. Stokes at 605 N Earl St, Poteau, OK 74953 (918) 647-4218 he is real good with small mammal wildlife and deer (white tail) he also let me make payments and half as much because they were wildlife
10-26-2011, 07:56 PM
Thanks Cbell! I'm going to have to keep his name on file. I'm not sure how far he is from me, but I will find out!
10-27-2011, 12:31 AM
Hi everyone! Wanted to take a quick moment to update everyone on how these little ones are doing. I named the flyer Josephine....I should have named her 'Wild Thing'! She is up and going at top speed at any time of the day or night. She has a personality that just won't stop. She decided that she was a big girl and did not want to be treated like a baby anymore. So she insisted on being fed in her cage, NOT in my hand. That worked for a few feedings. Then she decided that was a little too tame - she needed more fun and excitement with her meals. So she refused to eat unless I would feed her while she was hanging from the top of her cage by her back feet, holding on to the syringe with her front feet! Have you ever tried to do that? Well, there is a little thing called 'gravity' that causes any formula that is not swallowed to run directly into the nose! She quickly caught on to the fact that I would come unglued when she got it in her nose, so she began doing it on purpose. She'd drink a while and then deliberately open her mouth and let it all run out. And then move her head around so that I couldn't blot it. Needless to say, she now eats her formula from a bowl!
The greys are growing like weeds. They have been started on solids and are eating just about anything put before them. Lance still hand feeds formula every morning, followed by an hour or so of playing and/or sleeping. They get formula in a dish a couple more times that day, plus their veggies. They are going into a bigger cage tomorrow - they need more room to play. They are all doing great, with no signs of any problems so far. I'll be able to evaluate them better once they are in the larger cage.
Josephine is doing bat training for Halloween.:D
10-31-2011, 12:44 PM
Yay! I just saw this and I am soooo glad everyone is doing so well! :wahoo Thank you again for taking all of them. I'm so glad the little girl I was worried about is doing well too! Josephine is so funny. She used to get up here and run around during the day too!
10-31-2011, 03:31 PM
awwwww I miss my flyers.. they all gew up and left they are my favorites...:thumbsup
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