View Full Version : Getting Attached

10-06-2011, 07:21 PM
I've never rehabbed an animal before. My neighbor's cat attacked a nest and killed all but one of the 5-6 week old babies. This one was taken from the mouth of the cat and is physically unharmed. I immediately got online and did some research on what I could do to help him and have followed the tips I've found. I also immediately called the closest rehab. I've done my best to take care of him this past week and he's gone from clearly dying, lethargic and limp, to increasingly alert, active and hungry. He's as sweet as he can be and loves to curl up on my lap now. I've called that rehab every single day for a week during their office hours and can't get anyone other than the machine to answer the phone and haven't had a return call at all, despite the fact that I leave a message almost every time I call with all of my contact info and a description of the situation. Needless to say, I'm becoming very attached to this little guy, but want him to be in the very best situation possible. I'm willing to keep him, but again, am concerned mostly for his happiness going forward vs. my growing attachment to him.


Nancy in New York
10-06-2011, 07:30 PM
I've never rehabbed an animal before. My neighbor's cat attacked a nest and killed all but one of the 5-6 week old babies. This one was taken from the mouth of the cat and is physically unharmed. I immediately got online and did some research on what I could do to help him and have followed the tips I've found. I also immediately called the closest rehab. I've done my best to take care of him this past week and he's gone from clearly dying, lethargic and limp, to increasingly alert, active and hungry. He's as sweet as he can be and loves to curl up on my lap now. I've called that rehab every single day for a week during their office hours and can't get anyone other than the machine to answer the phone and haven't had a return call at all, despite the fact that I leave a message almost every time I call with all of my contact info and a description of the situation. Needless to say, I'm becoming very attached to this little guy, but want him to be in the very best situation possible. I'm willing to keep him, but again, am concerned mostly for his happiness going forward vs. my growing attachment to him.


WOW if all finders were like you....one can only wish.
Such an unselfish act to want the best for your little one. Not sure of any members in your area....but I will see what we can do.
You put your little squirrel on anitibiotics right? I mean for being cat caught....:)

10-06-2011, 07:42 PM
Thank you Nancy. I read about antibiotics for cat bites, but didn't put him on any because he had absolutely no visible wounds at all. Maybe I should, then regardless? I've been bringing him to work with me in a large ventilated picnic basket lined with towels for him to snuggle into during the day, which he seems to enjoy. I'm fortunate that I can do this, I realize, but it certainly hasn't stopped my workmates from giving me a lot of trouble over it. I find it puzzling that they view the act of trying to help him as more odd than just leaving him to die. It was a welcome change, therefore, to read your kind message. :)

10-06-2011, 07:58 PM
It is their most profound loss. Getting to know one of these little guys as they grow up and regard you as mommy will simply change your life. Don't worry - you are most certainly with a sympathetic crew here! While we look for someone to perhaps help you, do know that we can also help you raise and release him if need be.

First things first. Can we get a pic of him and what are you currently feeding him?

Oh yeah. Welcome!!:Welcome

10-06-2011, 08:39 PM
I've never rehabbed an animal before. My neighbor's cat attacked a nest and killed all but one of the 5-6 week old babies. This one was taken from the mouth of the cat and is physically unharmed. I immediately got online and did some research on what I could do to help him and have followed the tips I've found. I also immediately called the closest rehab. I've done my best to take care of him this past week and he's gone from clearly dying, lethargic and limp, to increasingly alert, active and hungry. He's as sweet as he can be and loves to curl up on my lap now. I've called that rehab every single day for a week during their office hours and can't get anyone other than the machine to answer the phone and haven't had a return call at all, despite the fact that I leave a message almost every time I call with all of my contact info and a description of the situation. Needless to say, I'm becoming very attached to this little guy, but want him to be in the very best situation possible. I'm willing to keep him, but again, am concerned mostly for his happiness going forward vs. my growing attachment to him.


Awww....it's hard for us newbies, isn't it? My advice would be to keep on going with him, but just know in the back of your mind that he's wild and his heart and soul are also in the wild. Then, go ahead and start reading about how they "wild up," how they can literally destroy your home, and also make sure you scroll to the bottom of the forum and check out all the "blood and gore" pics of people who have kept squirrels as pets! I love my little guy and kind of went through the same thing that you're going through. I had a few private convos with one of the rehabbers here about things----she was so open minded and sweet to give me lots of info. After a few weeks, I've started to realize that my sweet little baby is wild, and the best thing I can do for him is be a good foster parent until he can grow up and be a squirrel next spring. In my head, he is wild, and I have the most amazing opportunity right now to interract with him and it's just so special. But, I know he's wild and I know I'm not keeping him from the life that's intended for him.

And I can always get a little flyer who actually wants to be a pet! :grouphug

10-06-2011, 11:27 PM
You can read all you want about them wilding up and poo poo it off.


This little blessing is just that and treat it that way. Every moment you play, cuddle, preen, etc is just a bonus.

It will become an adult and move out and you may or may not see it again.

Right now is the only real thing. Yesterday is a thought and tomorrow is a myth.

10-06-2011, 11:45 PM
Awww, :grouphug we have all been there! I've now done two baby seasons and it is so easy to get attached. You are absolutely wonderful for taking the baby in and nursing it back to health and braving the strange looks at the office. :bowdown

I get a lot of :poop for having squirrels as pets and raising the wild babies. Even my father made a comment the other day about not telling my grandmother about the recent babies I took in because she'd think I was stranger than she already does. Hmph. She thought it was wonderful.

There's such a stigma and you are continuing a random act of kindness. I love it that you take the baby to work and to reassure you, there are many people that find themselves in a similar position and end up taking the baby squirrel with them wherever they go, not even on TSB but kind of winging it. Good for you for pursuing the local rehab but it could be one of a few things, the center is overwhelmed with baby season or just not responsible.

Either way, your baby is doing great and maybe we can find you a different rehabber because it would be great for the little one to have a friend. In the meantime, start reading about soft releases/overwintering and think about whether this is possible for you. You'll be attached but trust me, it will be easier to detach when the baby grows sharp nails that tear you to shreds every time it jumps on you (because it loves you).

And for goodness sake, take lots of pictures :rotfl

10-07-2011, 12:18 AM
Hi Aimee!!! :Welcome
Nice to see someone from my ole stompin grounds! I am also from Omaha( but since moved up North) and as luck would have it....my name is Amy as well.
What kind of squirrel is your guy? Thank you so much for helping him. Or her....I didn't catch that part.
If there is anything we can do to help....just say the word!

10-07-2011, 12:48 AM
First--Thanks for Caring..
Second--change out the towels for t-shirts of even better fleece.Towels can catch his nails and hurt him.
Third-tell your co-workers that there has never been a recorded rabies case from a squirrel bite--maybe they are afraid of it???
Fourth-- read our NUTRITION pages---your squirrel will thank you.

10-07-2011, 01:21 AM
Wow...thank you all for your encouragement! I feel SO much better just knowing you're all out there. Genuinely. I'll try to heed all of your advice by continuing efforts to get him where he needs to be, and ...in the meantime...soaking up every moment I have with the little guy. ...and I'll take lots of pictures! :)

I initially started him on plain Pedialyte to get him rehydrated as the info I read suggested. He's been a willing eater/drinker from a syringe from the start. After really only just a few syringes full of this, I switched to Hertz Puppy Milk Replacement Formula as it was the only option available locally. I don't have much money and was thankful to at least find something for now. After reading some of the other posts on here, I'm a little concerned about this Hertz brand now, however. I'm no brand snob, but in this case, is it true that this is a substandard brand that will not do him as much good as the brands purchased online?

Thank you all again and I look forward to your continued comments and suggestions!

10-07-2011, 01:39 AM
Wow...thank you all for your encouragement! I feel SO much better just knowing you're all out there. Genuinely. I'll try to heed all of your advice by continuing efforts to get him where he needs to be, and ...in the meantime...soaking up every moment I have with the little guy. ...and I'll take lots of pictures! :)

I initially started him on plain Pedialyte to get him rehydrated as the info I read suggested. He's been a willing eater/drinker from a syringe from the start. After really only just a few syringes full of this, I switched to Hertz Puppy Milk Replacement Formula as it was the only option available locally. I don't have much money and was thankful to at least find something for now. After reading some of the other posts on here, I'm a little concerned about this Hertz brand now, however. I'm no brand snob, but in this case, is it true that this is a substandard brand that will not do him as much good as the brands purchased online?

Thank you all again and I look forward to your continued comments and suggestions!
I am not familiar with the Hertz or Hartz brand.....but I do know one thing about puppy milk replacers....they are made for puppies. :D
I use Fox Valley 32/40 or 20/50 because its made for squirrels. Someone once said it was like insurance for your squirrel...and I have to say that is spot on. I raise all my babies on it....and I even used the Fox Valley Day One for Puppies for my Pyrenees when she was pregnant and whelping. The puppies all had strong hips and beautiful coats. I swear by the stuff!

10-07-2011, 01:41 AM
Oh...and I should also mention that it a lot cheaper than what you are using now. About 10 bucks a pound. ( a pound last quite awhile)

10-07-2011, 06:57 AM
Awww, we SO UNDERSTAND!!! Yesterday it was one year that my sister had passed away from breast cancer. Last August, when things had taken a turn and days after I released Pinkie Tuscadero and Fonzi (two greys I rehabbed last year), I got in Diva, Precious, and Sebastian. They were about 3 weeks old. They did great! A week or so later, Sammy came in. Well, Sammy was sick, and they all came down with coccidia. Almost died. Three weeks of treatment, up and down every day, so afraid they would not make it. But they did. I wintered them over (hubby built me a 10 ft. cage in my basement for them, with special lights installed on timers.) They stayed one year with me. To say I was attached was beyond an understatement. They stayed sweet, never once did they bite or growl at me or each other. I released them on Aug. 2. They came back for a couple of weeks, then I didn't see any of them. I was sad, but knew they were fine, they were living the life they should be living (but I was sad for ME not being able to see them.) Well, yesterday, to my surprise, there they were (well 3 of the 4), on one of the saddest days of my life. Couple weeks ago was my birthday, and little Bean came home and spent four days with me hanging out. Didn't mean to threadjack, I was saying this to say 'many times they do come back', and although it does hurt like all get out when you say 'adios my friend' you just never know, they may decide to stay close. Oh, so you know, although Fonzi did move on after a few weeks, Pinkie stayed, graced me with two litters of babies (one she had in her old nest box!) Still see her from time to time (she knows where to come to get the best pecans in town! lol) So, love on your baby, know that when the time comes, you will be able to do what it right for your little one.

Here is little Bean, when she came home to visit for my birthday....yes, she is in the screen porch...lol And what I raised her from....she was 19 grams!