View Full Version : Heres a intro for our little guy..... Beanie.

10-04-2011, 12:39 AM
How did we get him? My wife give horse riding lessons and one day she found 2 little babies that had fell out of a nest in the rafters. Beanie had a sibling but unfortunately he didnt make it. Beanie got lucky and so did we. We've owned a lot of animals.... from lizards to horses... and honestly Beanie is the one pet we've had that has really really grown on me.... I cant wait to get home from work to play with him.

Anyways.... heres some progress pics of our little Beanie.











10-04-2011, 12:42 AM









10-04-2011, 12:44 AM
Most Recents....

As you can see he eats well. :D



Hope you enjoy the pics! :thumbsup

10-04-2011, 02:37 AM
:D love him in the little horse trailer ...:)

my heart stopped when i saw him outside....

2. things ..they can be up a tree in a flash and being squirrels they don't come when you call and...

hawks are always on the look out for baby squirrels or baby anythings... and they're very, very fast.... and determined.... and not scared of humans ....

and then my heart stopped when i saw him sitting next to the cat.....

a cat bite/scratch will need antiobiotics immediately or he could/will die....

sorry to sound so grim....

i see you're in california and i'd expect that vets will probably not see you and i think they're illegal in california .... and if you hand him to a rehabber they'll probably put him to sleep if he's an eastern squirrel.... (though he might not be ... i'm not sure....)

this is a good thread to look through for medications to keep on hand .... just in case....:grouphug

we have another member in california that i know of...crazysquirrels .....http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/member.php?u=5305

he might give you some tips on squirrel raising in california.....:D

apart from all that ...he's an unbelievably cute little squirrel....:Love_Icon :D :thumbsup

10-04-2011, 03:22 AM
Thanks for the info! Now that he is more mobile (older) we keep him inside... when he was tiny we had no choice but to take him with us, my wife and I are pretty busy people and we didnt feel right leaving him at home by himself considering his feeding needs. Now that hes older he stays at home safe in his cage.

The cats are declawed and when they hang out together we keep a close eye on them. So far the cats (2 of them) seem to play well together.... when the cats are around he doesnt leave our sight. They actually lay together often and Beanie sometimes goes for a ride on one of our cats backs from time to time.

Luckily for us my wifes parents and brother are vets, speciallizing in small animal medicine and surgery. :thumbsup

Thanks again for the info.... much appreciated! :)

10-04-2011, 07:39 AM
He's a ground squirrel, correct? He is beyond adorable!!!!! (I have a rgs and would recognize that belly anywhere!!!! They get chunky very easily!)

Jackie in Tampa
10-04-2011, 07:44 AM
:wave123 :Welcome Hello and Welcome...
ugh...another worried sq lover here...
if you expose him to cats ...in the wild he won't fear them...
and he will die by a cat...

I think he's adorable though ...the longer you are here, the more sq info you will find...
I see that he is not a western grey...and certainly not an eastern grey..
is he a foxer? I don't think so..:shakehead
Someone will know...Dana and Nos are also in California:)
In florida we have a small limited variety of sqs...easterns, southern flyers and there are some shermans left an hour to the north of me...

He's beautiful:Love_Icon

10-04-2011, 08:17 AM
What a BEAUTIFUL baby!!!
The coloring is so neat. Ive never seen anything like it.
I too am trying to figure out what kind of squirrel Bean is.
At first I was thinking a grey...but the color is off ( doesnt mean its not a grey....color can vary). Then I thought maybe a foxer...shorter ears and all...but the head is too narrow. :dono
Only thing I am absolutely sure of....she isn't a red. LOL.

10-04-2011, 08:29 AM
Welcome to TSB... Be sure to BROWSE our nutrition threads...LOTS of great info on health and good food lists...
You don't want any chance of MBD, with your indoor squirrel.
BEAUTIFUL little fuzzer...

10-04-2011, 09:43 AM
The cats are declawed and when they hang out together we keep a close eye on them. So far the cats (2 of them) seem to play well together.... when the cats are around he doesnt leave our sight. They actually lay together often and Beanie sometimes goes for a ride on one of our cats backs from time to time.

still, cats are a potential serous danger - they still got their teeth, right?:)
They are still predators and instincts are still there, and their reaction is much faster than even the most watchful eye. It does not take long or much to bite a little squirrel to do permanent damage... predators are predators and it is always the first time, as they say. This was shared by one of the members here:
and Jackie pointed another thing - if Beanie decides he wants to be released, having no natural fear of cats will be deadly... so, it will be much better for him to be separated from cats (complete consistent separation sometimes helps restore the fear)

but, more photos, please:poke :) :grouphug

10-04-2011, 10:41 AM
Here is what I cme up with. It is illegal to have native species as pets. Easterns are NOT native to California. So maybe a loop hole. However if the man comes to your door an instant release will be done. They will kill them with out hesitation. So far I have been very lucky. Also at this point I think our poor state has better things to spend money on that hunting down people who help animals. Your little one is looking good. Keep up the great job. Also its good to have a vet that is close. I cannot get help from any of my people around here and I don't try to push to hard for it. The two vets said they would confinscate the animal. I think they just want to keep Talula.

10-04-2011, 10:54 AM
Great Pictures.....I love Burritio Beanie:flash3

10-04-2011, 11:24 AM
Yah. Don't trust the cats unless they have been defanged too. They bite in the neck and (permanently) paralyze the squirrel before you can even start to move your hand.

Can we see his tail? Seems like he might be a ground squirrel?

He sure is adorable and healthy. What do you feed him?

10-04-2011, 01:26 PM
yes, guys,

:multi :flash3 :multi Beanie is a Ground Squirrel:crazy :flash3 :crazy :Love_Icon

10-04-2011, 02:27 PM
he's a ground squirrel???? :D

if he is i'd hesitate to release him because they are colony animals. A tree squirrel is more easily released cause they're independent but a colonly squirrel has to be accepted by the new group and this rarely happens unless he fights off the other male.

is he a richardsons ground squirrel ? if so are they legal to keep in california?

i'm so very glad that you have vet help ...it's worth its weight in gold...:thumbsup

if you are not releasing i may be more relaxed about the cats and him because i've had rabbits and cats.... depending on the cat and the rabbit often times the rabbit actually bosses the cat around....

and also i'm not sure how big ground squirrels get? ... are they over 5 pounds? ... i think under 5 pounds i'd be more worried....

but ofcourse it all depends on the personalities...

then if the cat grooms the squirrel or rabbit it could be more of a problem ... but you've got vet help .....

10-04-2011, 03:33 PM
I think Beanie is a California Ground Squirrel (http://www.google.com/search?q=california+ground+squirrel&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=XXB&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=bFyLTsfvH8KIsQLylbyzBA&ved=0CEYQsAQ&biw=1600&bih=917).

Does he have a stippled coat? Do you have a good side view picture of Beanie?

He is a cutie!

Daniel Lang mjs

10-04-2011, 09:40 PM
Thanks for all nice words and info! Beanie and us really do appreciate it! :thumbsup

We plan on keeping him, not releasing. We knew that from a few weeks old that 1) we loved him enough to commit to keeping him and 2) at this point it wouldnt be fair to him since hes somewhat domesticated now.

As for diet... we feed him a Guinea pig mix in a bowl as a daily thing. Throughout the day we will feed him fruits.... banana, blue berries, strawberry, apple, and plum. Also vegetables.... green beans, carrots, squash, corn on the cob, and cucumber. We also give him unsalted almonds and rodent blocks. For treats we give him yogurt chips and whole wheat unsweetened chex squares.

However... he REALLY REALLY loves the yogurt chips but lately when we give them to him he gets aggressive sometimes because he wants us to KEEP giving them to him. We may just cut them out... or cut down the frequency of them. He loves the chex equally but doesnt get aggressive when we give them to him..... and honestly I feel better giving him the chex.

We always kind of thought he was a Cali Ground Squirrel.... but werent sure. Heck.. when we found him we had NO IDEA what he was! :thinking

Anyways... we are thankful we found this board and will be using it for a source of info. :)

We will take and post some new pics soon!

10-04-2011, 10:05 PM
He is really cute! Sounds like you guys are doing a really great job and you definately found the right place for info! I have read here on the board to limit the high sugar fruits, like bananas and grapes so they don't become diabetic and try to push the veggies. Henry's squirrel blocks are great too!

I don't think squirrels are legal anywhere in CA...don't note me on that though. I live in Los Angeles and they are definately illegal here. However, I do know of a vet in the Pomona area that will not confiscate. I havn't called him yet, regarding the squirrel, but he used to work for a bird sanctuary and did over 200 surgeries on wild birds, so he is very good with small animals. I used to have a pet crow, I snuck her in with a towel over the carrier and he was wonderful with her. He did 2 surgeries on her after she was attacked by a hawk and had severe nerve damage to the right side of her body. Saved her life!! If you are in the So Cal area and need the info, just PM me.:D

Welcome to TSB!!:Welcome

10-07-2011, 12:42 PM
I've never seen a squirrel in a horse trailer before! You should put together a Beanie calendar & make sure that shot's included! :)

10-07-2011, 01:45 PM
We will take and post some new pics soon!
:poke :tilt :poke

10-07-2011, 02:50 PM

Thats sweet.,...

Beanie is such a cutie!

I fully understand the need to come home quick and play with him.
