View Full Version : Wild guy in Kellys infirmary

Kelly Brady
10-03-2011, 12:17 PM
Hi guys,

My husband was mowing the yard and ran in the house to tell me he spotted a hurt squirrel and to come help he is not moving well at all.
The wild boy was dragging his back end. He was not one of my releases and very mean about being captured. He was a sitting duck in the yard so I through a blanket over him and placed him on heat in a quiet dark room.

After talking to Jackie yesterday we figured a dose for metacam and sulfa trim. I cannot find any visable exterior wounds. We think he may have just fallin from the tree.

He is a very mean boy and tries to bite the who ha's out of me each time I have to get him out which was once last night and once this morning. Each time he has accepted 5 cc's of water (he has bitten the 5'cc syringe in half by the way), and his dose of sulfa and metacam combined in a 1 cc syringe which he welcomed and took easily.

My question is he will not eat a bite and curls up on the heat side of the cage and does not look good at all. After this mornings fluid and meds I saw a small half of a dime sized area of blood on the blanket that I wrap him in and now am worried he may have internal injuries.

I cannot find where else blood may be coming from. I am at work today and he is on heat resting and I left him with food and water.

Any input? he has the energy to strike at me like a snake and after watching him seems to have one side of his rear hurt. The left side works pretty well.

10-03-2011, 12:25 PM
Gosh Kelly, doesn't it seem that once you are aquainted with a squirrel, you become a magnet? Poor squirrel, poor Kelly. The only suggestion I have is, and I don't know if it is a good one or not, but if I had one that I could not handle and needed to really check him out for wounds or injuries, I would ask if it was a good idea to take him to the vet to have hiim put under anesthesia briefly, so that a good exam could be done. If an xray was needed then that could be done at that time as well.

Hopefully some of the experts will chime in with suggestions on what you can do to better treat this guy. :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug Kelly & the Wild Guy:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug LOL, that looks funny but you all know I am talking about the squirrel!

Hi guys,

My husband was mowing the yard and ran in the house to tell me he spotted a hurt squirrel and to come help he is not moving well at all.
The wild boy was dragging his back end. He was not one of my releases and very mean about being captured. He was a sitting duck in the yard so I through a blanket over him and placed him on heat in a quiet dark room.

After talking to Jackie yesterday we figured a dose for metacam and sulfa trim. I cannot find any visable exterior wounds. We think he may have just fallin from the tree.

He is a very mean boy and tries to bite the who ha's out of me each time I have to get him out which was once last night and once this morning. Each time he has accepted 5 cc's of water (he has bitten the 5'cc syringe in half by the way), and his dose of sulfa and metacam combined in a 1 cc syringe which he welcomed and took easily.

My question is he will not eat a bite and curls up on the heat side of the cage and does not look good at all. After this mornings fluid and meds I saw a small half of a dime sized area of blood on the blanket that I wrap him in and now am worried he may have internal injuries.

I cannot find where else blood may be coming from. I am at work today and he is on heat resting and I left him with food and water.

Any input? he has the energy to strike at me like a snake and after watching him seems to have one side of his rear hurt. The left side works pretty well.

Jackie in Tampa
10-03-2011, 01:01 PM
hugs kb...
switch to baytril as a prcaution to the blood..??!!
:thinking if he has internal njuries, he will succomb to them, meaning the choice of antibiotics will not have an effect on that, or a change.
and if it is a wound...best to hit it hard...
Iknow you know ABs break down the immune system...and are hard on the gut, I would try syringing some straight up yogurt..( best to do two hours before or after meds) and keep him with fat big chunks of avacodo!!!:D
If you think he maybe in the infirmary more than a few days...suppply lots of chew stuff so teeth stay good!
Let me know if I can send band aids:D
love ya'll:wave123

Kelly Brady
10-03-2011, 01:26 PM
Hi guys,

Jackie he will not eat anything. I cannot get him interested in a thing to nibble on. That is why I am now worried. I tried lettuce, apple, avacado, a pecan half with almond butter sandwiched with another pecan half. Nothing. He spits FV back out but drank water and excepted meds. Go figure:dono He just curls up and sleeps or as of this morning kind of stares. That is why I think he may have another kind of problem.
forget bandaids, this poor boy wants the whole finger. When I am holding him he closes his eyes and accepts a head rubbing.

Same dosage amount for baytril?

10-03-2011, 01:39 PM
Poor guy, you know the small blood amount could be coming from a BB gun wound, or even rock salt. I took my cat in for xrays and it showed he was shot 17 times with rocksalt.:( I would say to get an Xray done asap...especially with all the publicity on the squirrel cruelty cases going on in your county, we are unfortunately going to see alot more of these violent acts before changes are made. :shakehead

10-03-2011, 01:58 PM
Can you get some 'wild food' from outside to put in with him? Being a true wild and very scared, he may not have a clue he is supposed to eat those things. Poor guy, any chance you can get some Rescue Remedy on him?

Kelly Brady
10-03-2011, 02:08 PM
Thanks Mary,

The first thing I did was put rescue remedy on his little hind feet. Spilled a ton of it but got it on. Then on his second 5 cc syringe of water this morning I had some in it as well. he didn't get much of that.

I know taking a completely wild guy inside is tough on them but I could not leave him out there that way not able to defend himself. I hope it is not too much stress. I will bring in some goodies from outside. Good idea.

No bb holes I have looked carefully. He is a very short fine haired guy.

I told you he was young Jackie he is not as young as I thought just smaller. Maybe slightly larger than Richard now that I held him I increased his dosage by .02 on each ab and metacam. Maybe should be more.

10-03-2011, 02:13 PM
Can you get some 'wild food' from outside to put in with him? Being a true wild and very scared, he may not have a clue he is supposed to eat those things. Poor guy, any chance you can get some Rescue Remedy on him?

Great idea Mary. One day last year, I pulled into the driveway and there were a bunch of wild squirrels in the yard. I quickly stopped and went to the back of my vehicle and pulled out romaine lettuce, sugar snap peas and blueberries thinking they are gonna love me. I left it for them and imagine my surprise when one by one they come up to examine the pile of food walk away, not eating anything. Some did pick up the sugar snap peas but then threw them down. Several other times, I have left food out, including avocado, and they totally leave it.

So, your idea of the wild foods he is accustomed to is spot on. Hopefully he will eat some.

10-03-2011, 03:22 PM
I know taking a completely wild guy inside is tough on them but I could not leave him out there that way not able to defend himself. I hope it is not too much stress. I will bring in some goodies from outside. Good idea.

yes, it is tough, but doable and often helpful. Initial stress goes away once they realize you are caring for them and feeding them.
yes, wilds do not "understand" broccoli and such, but... in my experience endive, cuces, snap peas, summer squash, spinach, avocado and occasional broccoli were accepted. Regular squirrel block ( HT, Supreem, even picky eaters HHB:shakehead :dono ) was rejected, but BBalls were a hit.

Kelly Brady
10-03-2011, 04:41 PM
I got home about a half hour ago and glory be, my guy has eaten and pooped and peed. No sign of blood. Still need to figure that out.

Astra that is exactly what he ate. Endive, cucumber and avacado and three nuts that were in the cage. Moving around in there and everything. I made boo balls for Richard yesterday and he had eaten a boo ball.

I am just thrilled. I will get him out in a little while for evening a/b and try to do a better inspection of his body for cuts or etc. I swear I couldn't see anything.

That fact that he is eating is the coolest thing to come home to ever:multi :multi

10-03-2011, 05:12 PM
I am just thrilled. I will get him out in a little while for evening a/b and try to do a better inspection of his body for cuts or etc. I swear I couldn't see anything.

That fact that he is eating is the coolest thing to come home to ever:multi :multi
Maybe he ready for some Butt-Kisses...ha !
Hope he stays hungry and gets healthy real soon...

10-03-2011, 06:02 PM
I got home about a half hour ago and glory be, my guy has eaten and pooped and peed. No sign of blood. Still need to figure that out.

Astra that is exactly what he ate. Endive, cucumber and avacado and three nuts that were in the cage. Moving around in there and everything. I made boo balls for Richard yesterday and he had eaten a boo ball.

I am just thrilled. I will get him out in a little while for evening a/b and try to do a better inspection of his body for cuts or etc. I swear I couldn't see anything.

That fact that he is eating is the coolest thing to come home to ever:multi :multi!
that's great!!!!!!... will be following his little story!

Jackie in Tampa
10-04-2011, 06:55 AM
How's the litle cutie doing this morning?

He looked pretty good last night, I think he'll be good in a few days to a week, he'll tell you!
You know that he thinks I'm crazy...sucking all those kisses out of him...like :poke Hey lady...you smell like cigarettes, stop kissin' me!:D
I would guess he fell, something swelled up and the metacam reduced the swelling, the pinched nerve or whatever is regaining feeling...amen.:wott :wott

Kelly Brady
10-04-2011, 08:36 AM
Butt kisses is just what he got Stosh.

Later after I posted last night I saw what looked like dried old blood on his belly and he was to much for me to hold and check out carefully so who did I call??????? Jackie:bowdown

Wouldn't you all love to have Jackie a drive over a bridge away?

Anyway at Jackies house she got him out and we went over him with a fine tooth comb and he has no injuries. I do not know what was staining his belly but Jackie bathed it off of him. (He loved that) Here is this wild very pissed off male squirrel in her hand and she is kissing every inch of him. The look on his face was like "oh well I give in to her what ever she wants to do"

As soon as he hit the outside air for the car ride he was up on all four legs and using them quite well.

He is good this morning JIT. He did his usual attack and growl and sound mean when I got him up. He tries to get a good bite in. You have to be tanked up on coffee to do this chore for sure. On your game and not groggy.

He had his tramadol and FV. He took 4 cc;s of FV and some water to boot. He had also made a nice nest out of his blanket last night away from the heat on one side of the cage. All signs he is preparing to hit the trees soon.

I am so grateful this guy will be ok. I want him back in my trees. I have decided to call him Dragster since all he could do was drag his back legs behind him using the pull from his front legs when we got him.

Thank you Jackie :Love_Icon and everyone for your input and help. Love my TSB!!!!! P.S. Went outside to get him acorns and sticks this morning. It dawned on me the red could have been the acorn stained pee from a wild squirrel:dono he peed on me this morning and it was a beautiful yellow and poops look great too!!

I will keep you posted.

Kelly Brady
10-05-2011, 10:06 AM
Dragster is improving rapidly.

He is climbing the cage walls and eating and drinking and peeing and pooping and growling and screaming when I give him his meds.

I plan to administer my last dose of metacam and tramadol today and see how he looks without meds. Currently he is very active even with meds.

He no longer wants the heat side of the cage.
When I first got him he not only layed on the heat he shoved the blankets out of the way to lay himself directly on the cage floor above the heat. Later he moved to on top of the blankets above the heat and now wont go near the side with heat.

I think we can be moved out of life threatening. If he continues to be so rambunctious he will get to go visit his favorite tree tomorrow.

Kelly Brady
10-14-2011, 12:50 PM
I should have updated sooner.

Dragster, I call him, is released back in to HIS yard and HIS trees.
I removed the medicine from his daily routine and watched him carefully for two days. I knew he was fine when he was hanging from those rear legs in his cage.

Then last week took him outside right were I found him and opened up the cage. He took off like a bolt of lightening. Up a 90ft palm tree and back down.
He then laid in the sun for a while on a sunny oak branch. Later I went outside to check on him and he took one look at me and ran away:shakehead
It broke my heart but...........
Two days later who was begging for nuts at my door? Yep.

How sad he was when we got him and now? After some antiinflamitory meds, R&R, Love and food? He is back in action. Bye guy, be safe.:wave123

Jackie in Tampa
10-14-2011, 12:52 PM
:jump :grouphug

10-14-2011, 04:33 PM
Now this is the story endings I live for! :D