View Full Version : What do YOU do when someone is neglecting their animal?

10-03-2011, 11:11 AM
I am soooo frustrated! :soapbox

A friend of a friend contacted me on FB yesterday, because she thought I could help her suss out a problem with her son's pet mouse. She's been sick for two weeks, and it almost sounds like a weird neuro/MBD/upper-respiratory thing (although my entire experience with this stuff is now six weeks!).

She said she doesn't want to take the animal to the vet because it's $70 (I don't believe it's a matter of groceries and lights vs the vet, however). I gave her instructions for MBD and she said she'd go to the store later in the morning to get some TUMS. I related that if it was MBD, it's more of an emergency situation, and did she have any human calcium supplements....no. Kids are sleeping, not going to the store until later. I tried to be urgent with her without screaming at her....

Later last night she updated me that she had hurt her foot, and she might just make a vet appt. today. I asked about the calcium, but the mouse is upstairs and she doesn't want to get him because of the hurt foot. I asked if kids/husband/neighbor/guy-walking-down-the-street could PLEASE go get the mouse and some TUMS and see if that starts helping?!

This woman lives several states away, so I can't just go get the mouse (I would--believe me, if it were otherwise). I know many of you have experience with people neglecting their animals----how do you handle it? At this point, I feel that the best I can do is pray she dies quickly (meaning the mouse) to end her suffering. So frustrating. :dono :shakehead

island rehabber
10-03-2011, 11:22 AM
I am soooo frustrated! :soapbox

A friend of a friend contacted me on FB yesterday, because she thought I could help her suss out a problem with her son's pet mouse. She's been sick for two weeks, and it almost sounds like a weird neuro/MBD/upper-respiratory thing (although my entire experience with this stuff is now six weeks!).

She said she doesn't want to take the animal to the vet because it's $70 (I don't believe it's a matter of groceries and lights vs the vet, however). I gave her instructions for MBD and she said she'd go to the store later in the morning to get some TUMS. I related that if it was MBD, it's more of an emergency situation, and did she have any human calcium supplements....no. Kids are sleeping, not going to the store until later. I tried to be urgent with her without screaming at her....

Later last night she updated me that she had hurt her foot, and she might just make a vet appt. today. I asked about the calcium, but the mouse is upstairs and she doesn't want to get him because of the hurt foot. I asked if kids/husband/neighbor/guy-walking-down-the-street could PLEASE go get the mouse and some TUMS and see if that starts helping?!

This woman lives several states away, so I can't just go get the mouse (I would--believe me, if it were otherwise). I know many of you have experience with people neglecting their animals----how do you handle it? At this point, I feel that the best I can do is pray she dies quickly (meaning the mouse) to end her suffering. So frustrating. :dono :shakehead

First, I don't believe it's MBD. Mice are not squirrels and the MBD risk is not an issue with mice. Mice DO get frequent respiratory infections, however, and that's often what kills them. :( Hopefully one of our rat & mouse experts will come in here and tell you what can be done for the poor mousie when this woman obviously doesn't care enough to inconvenience herself in the slightest. As for the vet cost, THIS IS WHAT WE SIGN UP FOR WHEN WE TAKE AN ANIMAL INTO OUR HOME, unless we are selfish idiots who like to keep things but then wilfully neglect them. (See signature below...wonder how many flat screen TV 's she has in her home....bet they cost way more than $70.....)

10-03-2011, 02:14 PM
First, I don't believe it's MBD. Mice are not squirrels and the MBD risk is not an issue with mice. Mice DO get frequent respiratory infections, however, and that's often what kills them. :( Hopefully one of our rat & mouse experts will come in here and tell you what can be done for the poor mousie when this woman obviously doesn't care enough to inconvenience herself in the slightest. As for the vet cost, THIS IS WHAT WE SIGN UP FOR WHEN WE TAKE AN ANIMAL INTO OUR HOME, unless we are selfish idiots who like to keep things but then wilfully neglect them. (See signature below...wonder how many flat screen TV 's she has in her home....bet they cost way more than $70.....)

Oh....I was actually hoping it would be MBD because then at least she could just go get some TUMS for it. Rats. Or, er...mice. :) THIS is what makes me so mad about people and animals (well, and other things). But YES---even though it's just a little $5 mouse from the pet store does not mean you can neglect it!!!

This is what she told me about it:
She's about 8 months old & usually eats black sunflower seeds plus a mouse/hamster mix. I also put in fruits & veggies for her. She's been a high strung mouse, she seems to do better with fresh foods. I think I made her sick, I put in a pear & forgot about it, it was a few days old & I think she breathed in fungus from it. Her biggest symptom is that her breathing has been quite exaggerated. Sometimes it's heaving, sometimes it's quick & shallow. Her fur is a mess & her eyes look ill, she's not sleeping with her sister. At her worst, she staggered around, and has not moved much as an overall. Today's been the best in a week. I've given her food grade iodine as an antibiotic at night, then probiotics in the AM. I dilute both in water & soak bread in it, she chows down her meds that way. My son is worried, he loves his mouse. I am glad she is better today, but this has been going on for 2 weeks, and any tips would be great. Thank you so much!

PS--your signature rings through my head every time I chat with her! I love it!

island rehabber
10-03-2011, 04:52 PM
Prayers for this little one....there may be some oTC meds that are safe for mice but I really don't think so....I will PM Pierre and ask her if she knows of anything this woman can 'pick up at the store' for the little one....:shakehead

10-03-2011, 05:49 PM
She's in Las Vegas. Not sure if there are any members here who could help---or at least go get the poor little thing. I mean, would she honestly let her child writhe around in sweat and pain, panting for two weeks and not take him to the doctor because it's $70 just to walk through the door?!!?:nono

10-08-2011, 10:56 PM
The breathing problems seems to be resperatory connected...Which could also account for periods of seeming high strung..I've seen rats run in their cages because they panick when they have trouble breathing..

She needs antibiotics...baytril or amoxy is good, but I don't know how to dose a mouse...Her habbitat needs to be kept really clean..No wet bedding..as the amonia in the urine causes resperatory upset...

I pray she wakes up and developes compassion for this little one...Too many people think rats and mice are throw-away animals...It's such a shame..