View Full Version : grunting????
10-02-2011, 05:57 AM
I hope this is the right section for this thread? Rollo isn't ill at all its just I'm so new to squirrels I don't speak the language yet lol? Whenever he's out exploring and particularly when he's hyper having a play he makes this little grunting noise sort of a croak ish he doesn't seem unhappy in fact exactly the opposite is it just him letting me know he's having a good time or am I way off the mark? Really want to know!:D
10-02-2011, 05:58 AM
Yup, happy little grunts! It's a good sound.
10-02-2011, 06:12 AM
Yay! I hoped it was happy noises cuz its just so so cute aww feeling quite proud of myself now lol:wahoo
10-04-2011, 07:03 PM
How old is your baby? My little Shades in 10 and a half weeks. He started the grunting when he was hungry shortly after he opened his eyes. Now he seems to do it when i come to let him out of the cage and he's happy!! I thought my baby was sick, until the lovely people here on the squirrel board advised me the grunting was normal. The other day we had out some bubble wrap. He was so halarious watching him popcorn joyfully into the air landing on the bubble wrap! I'm gonna try to video it next time he's doing it!
10-04-2011, 07:34 PM
That's soooo cute! Rollo is about 9 weeks he's self feeding and he does it when he gets excited playing lol he's going off to be re introduced to the wild by a sanctuary thursday am so gonna miss him :(
10-04-2011, 07:53 PM
Knothead grunts when I pet his butt.....:rotfl Then he bites me:rotfl
Nancy in New York
10-04-2011, 08:00 PM
Knothead grunts when I pet his butt.....:rotfl Then he bites me:rotfl
10-04-2011, 08:04 PM
:osnap Have I been gone that long:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
Nancy in New York
10-04-2011, 08:23 PM
:osnap Have I been gone that long:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
Seems like forever!!!!!!!!!
10-11-2011, 12:24 PM
Since you guys are on the subject of noises can you confirm to me that clicking is bad. I'm ganna go with bad because last night my Theo was mad because I was putting him back in the cage and he bit me hard enough to puncture. He was mad. Not the first time he clicked when I put him back in the cage but the first time he bit.
Thought it might be useful to you guys to post this to let you know to keep your distance when they are clicking and maybe confirm what I think about the clicking noise. Maybe put gloves on when they click :dono
I played with them today and they are back to sweet as ever, Theo too, but I just let them out to have run of the room. I'm ganna see if I can get Theo to go back in by himself tonight. If not, use a blanket to push him back in or get a thick glove. He has the most attitude of all three.
10-15-2011, 08:31 PM
Since you guys are on the subject of noises can you confirm to me that clicking is bad. I'm ganna go with bad because last night my Theo was mad because I was putting him back in the cage and he bit me hard enough to puncture. He was mad. Not the first time he clicked when I put him back in the cage but the first time he bit.
Thought it might be useful to you guys to post this to let you know to keep your distance when they are clicking and maybe confirm what I think about the clicking noise. Maybe put gloves on when they click :dono
I played with them today and they are back to sweet as ever, Theo too, but I just let them out to have run of the room. I'm ganna see if I can get Theo to go back in by himself tonight. If not, use a blanket to push him back in or get a thick glove. He has the most attitude of all three.
By clicking do you mean the sound they make chattering/grinding their teeth (guinea pigs also make this sound)? My boys do that rarely, and I BACK AWAY; only time I won't go near them (only time I think they would actually bite if I didn't back off). I give them time to settle and all is well again; normally they are very good natured (foxers). I LOVE the grunting sounds they make, also the sound they make when I ruffle (tickle) them :D.
10-15-2011, 08:47 PM
Spock grunts when he is excited and playing!
10-16-2011, 12:30 AM
Thanks I think its good to have this post up so everyone knows that the clicking sound is a good indication to leave them alone. The bite is not as bad as the sad feeling that they are not your loving sweet babies anymore. It is only the one boy Theo and I got him when he was 6 weeks. He is not very sociable and wants his space. Today I was fixing the blind on the window in their room and he was on top of the window sill. He ran across the top of the window sill to my hand and bit me. This time no warning sound. Is this normal for grey squirrels? Will they all get that way (Theo is the oldest). His sister, the same age is too afraid of everything. I can pet her and no problem.
I have another one, Chip, a week younger and he just wants to be on my shoulders or my head and play with me. I've had him since he was 4 1/2 weeks. Will he get like that? I wish I knew more about their temperament.
Thanks for your response.
By clicking do you mean the sound they make [B]chattering/grinding their teeth (guinea pigs also make this sound)? My boys do that rarely, and I BACK AWAY; only time I won't go near them (only time I think they would actually bite if I didn't back off). I give them time to settle and all is well again; normally they are very good natured (foxers). I LOVE the grunting sounds they make, also the sound they make when I ruffle (tickle) them :D.
that tsk tsk tsking sound is also made by my wilds/semi wilds.... at each other me once in a while ....
in my head i've got clicking as the sound that pneumonia makes.....
so clicking is always bad.....
tsk tsk tsking/chattering is also ...get out of their way ...bad ....:D
tooth grinding can mean pain or pleasure depending on the circumstances....
10-16-2011, 08:08 PM
My boys just started making that tooth chattering sounds when they are threatened by each other (two recent altercations). When I had multiple boy guinea pigs they would do this when feeling threatened too. When the boys look at me still chattering teeth, I walk away. I don't handle, don't try and pet. They have never bitten me but I remember they are wild at heart. They do play bite, like dogs, but never break skin and they will stop if I say ow. Joey was quite rowdy in the beginning; I thought he would never outgrow that puppy stage, lol. BUtchie can and does still get pretty rough, but he will stop if I protest. I have heard greys are more aggressive, Butchie and Joey are fox squirrels and have proven very friendly (though WOW with those nails!!). I have a friend who has a pet foxer (unreleasable) and he did go through a bite stage too but as far as I know outgrew it. I don't think greys ever do though? Sounds like your boy is going to give you crash course lessons in reading squirrel body language and sounds :eek. All I can advise is t watch everything he does when he is friendly, and remember everything before he bites. In time you should be able to avoid being nipped.
OH! A nd today while being petted, Joey was grinding his teeth lightly, like pet rats do :). Half closed eyes and all stretched out, soooo happy :).
10-16-2011, 11:31 PM
I've heard the clicking sound from phenomena and it is not the same. This clicking is more of a tsk tsk tsk and you can tell by their body language and stillness that they are in a leave me alone mood. Theo is the only one like that. He does warm up to me but I let him come to me now, I don't approach him. Today I was visiting them while they were running around their room and Chip and Simone were both on my shoulders, head, and using me as a tree. It was so cute. Theo sat on the window just watching. He started grunting at me so remembering what I read here, I walked over to him and he jumped on me and was as sweet as can be. I think he wanted in on the fun and felt left out.
Cutest thing, I gave Chip and HHB by hand today, (Chip is my sweetheart) while he was on my shoulder. I have really long hair, down to my but. He was messing with my hair as usual and buried his HHB in my hair and jumped on his cage. I pulled it out of my hair and gave it back to him. He jumped right back on me and buried it right back in my hair in the same spot, and we repeated this three more times. Funny how they want to bury their food and come back for it later. It made me laugh so hard. Does he really believe I'd go back in tomorrow and it would still be in my hair :rotfl
They are just so funny to be around.
10-17-2011, 12:36 AM
Cutest thing, I gave Chip and HHB by hand today, (Chip is my sweetheart) while he was on my shoulder. I have really long hair, down to my but. He was messing with my hair as usual and buried his HHB in my hair and jumped on his cage. I pulled it out of my hair and gave it back to him. He jumped right back on me and buried it right back in my hair in the same spot, and we repeated this three more times. Funny how they want to bury their food and come back for it later. It made me laugh so hard. Does he really believe I'd go back in tomorrow and it would still be in my hair :rotfl
They are just so funny to be around.
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