View Full Version : Normal behavior?

10-01-2011, 01:20 PM
I have a baby squirrel that is about 5 weeks old, eyes still are not open. When I put him down to roam around, he scoots around backwards and goes in circles. He does step forward also, but tips over and then will right himself again. He will climb up my arm and shirt. Is he so wobbly and going backwards because his eyes are still closed and this be a balance issue? He eats his FV very well. He urinates and poops on his own. He seems healthy except for his movement.

10-01-2011, 01:30 PM
I am not an expert, but I would wait until his eyes open to be concerned. I would also still be stimulating him at that age. I don't think they are out and about much at that young an age. With their mom they would of course be totally confined to the nest. Lots of snuggles for the little one!:grouphug

10-01-2011, 01:40 PM
I am not to concerned about it at this time, since his eyes are closed. I do let him roam a little at every feeding. He is taking 4-5 ccs a feeding, but he drinks about 1- 1.5 ccs and then pushes the syringe away. I let him down to roam or let him crawl up my arm for a minute or two and then it seems ready to take another cc or so. To feed him it is about a 30 minute process that I have no problem with. I try to stimulate him but he does not like me doing that. I use a warm qtip. But when I put him down he goes on his own, without stimulation. :)

What is overwintering? Someone mentioned that may be the issue to why his eyes have not opened yet. :flash3

10-01-2011, 01:45 PM
He will be uncoordinated until about a week after his eyes open. In the wild he would be curled in a heap with his sibs and his mama would kick his little butt all over creation if he even THOUGHT about sticking a nose out of the nest unti 10 weeks or so! They have no need for coordination at this age! Besides, their heads are almost as big as the rest of them now. How would you like to haul a noggin that size around!

Overwintering: keeping him for the winter and releasing in the spring. He is too young to be released this year. In the wild his mama would be around with her last set of babies all winter, helping them. He will not make it in Michigan if released as late as he would have to be released.

10-01-2011, 02:07 PM
It is already cold up here with frost ocassionally. No way would he make it if released now. I would think he would have to be held until next sping. Just want to make sure I am doing the right thing for him. Working on finding a rehabber, and I am wondering if all 4 I called will not call back because they realize that they are going to have to keep him all winter. The one that has called back said she would take him, but seems to be in no hurry to do it.

10-01-2011, 02:13 PM
This is very likely why they are not calling! It is a lot of work (and fun) to overwinter them and many rehabbers where I am release no matter how young...:shakehead

10-01-2011, 03:06 PM
If that is the case, and I can not get a rehabber to take him can I get into trouble if I overwinter him and release him myself? I have noted the dates, time, name and number of the people I have called. I agree that he would be better off if with other squirrels but not having much luck with that yet.

If I do have to do it myself, what items do you all recommend that I acquire to raise him healthy and ready to release come spring.

Well, its coming up on that 4 hr feeding time, so off I go for awhile.

Thanks for everyones help and suggestions. :thankyou