View Full Version : So easy to Love

10-01-2011, 12:37 PM
My name is Jackie, I am a retired RN who lives in South Georgia ( about 70 miles above the Fl. line). My family raised many squirrels (Fox, grey and flying) , my grandfather owned a logging company. We found a grey squirrel on the driveway after a storm, we warmed her ( I think- the her part) and put her under the tree I think she came from , but no one came for her. She has done well, she has been with us about 3 wks and I think she is around 9 weeks. She has advanced to seeds, rat block, pine cone seeds (my husband actually takes a green pinecone and prys the things up and pulls them out) and loves grapes. she takes a lot of formula (this morning 20 ccs). We have been taking her outside, we are hoping to release her before it turns cold here ( It was 91 yesterday). Everything is going good, no questions at this time. Just wanted to tell everyone how much this website has helped us. I will try to post some pics.

10-01-2011, 02:36 PM
I saw pics of squirrels on a leash. I made one similar to iguana leash made out of t-shirt, it works well, but I love to buy one, I just worry about what size. What age do you think, weks wise that she could wear one? Thanks

10-02-2011, 11:18 AM
I sometimes wonder of using doll clothes might work.
They would probably need a little modification.

10-20-2011, 08:53 PM
MY Girl is getting so ready to be free, she is approx 11 weeks. For the last 2 weeks, I release her outside starting with a hour or two per day (I am always outside with her). She keeps me in sight following me while doing yard work. The last 5 days or so, she climbs the trees and stays for hours, but comes down to me when I call. Today she didn't want to come on the porch to her cage, actually had to hold her tight. She settled in and loved on me, went right into her box. I know it won't be long now. Six weeks ago I never knew I could love her this much, but I want the best life for her. Who knows, maybe she will still come when I call and show me her babies.

Nancy in New York
10-20-2011, 09:13 PM
MY Girl is getting so ready to be free, she is approx 11 weeks. For the last 2 weeks, I release her outside starting with a hour or two per day (I am always outside with her). She keeps me in sight following me while doing yard work. The last 5 days or so, she climbs the trees and stays for hours, but comes down to me when I call. Today she didn't want to come on the porch to her cage, actually had to hold her tight. She settled in and loved on me, went right into her box. I know it won't be long now. Six weeks ago I never knew I could love her this much, but I want the best life for her. Who knows, maybe she will still come when I call and show me her babies.

WOW 11 weeks is way too early to start release. You should really reconsider this and not let her out this young.
I know that she is probably loving exploring and all, but this is just so dangerous. She's not even three months old. Believe me, she would love
it just as much if you let her get some exercise indoors, under supervision of course. Some squirrels aren't even weaned at this age...:shakehead

10-20-2011, 10:50 PM
Oooh, so EASY to love is right! :Love_Icon Any pictures of her?! :)

But Nancy is right. 11 weeks is too early for release...Try using the search tool on this site to find more info on releasing... it's usually done in many stages over weeks.

Thanks for taking in the sweetheart! :bowdown And I hope you stick around so we can hear all about how this little one grows up and gets wild! :thumbsup

Nancy in New York
10-21-2011, 07:19 AM
Here's a link to some helpful information:
The fact that he is a single, he may take even longer. Are you able to overwinter?

10-21-2011, 10:57 AM
I sometimes wonder of using doll clothes might work.
They would probably need a little modification.

That such a cute idea! :thumbsup
I wonder if it would work too. Offer some nuts for freelanced model
to put on, and have us some pictures!! :jump
But i have once seen a pic of close knitting wear... worn
by a squirrel at winter...
Guess it is easier knitting a smaller piece too


10-21-2011, 02:23 PM
I let her run around the house for hours, she really has a problem with windows, she tries to jump through the glass. In the beginning I tried to keep her and our cat separated, but it gave them limited time with us. I have tried to upload pics before, but they were too large. I read hints, so I will try to upload some again. In case they do upload or I mess it up somehow, I will try to give some descriptions now.
Pics of when I tried to make her a leash, made out of a tee shirt and yarn as the leash. this went on for about a week every time we went outside. Then pic on the couch, on porch climbing a giant limb we put on the porch, hammock withe the cat and hammock and in a tree.
I want to hang on to her for as long as possible.

10-21-2011, 02:42 PM
Sooo cute :)

I know you totally love this little one... but pleeeeaaaaase! PLEASE... do NOT let her get used to the cat. You can see that the cat is fascinated right there in the pic! Your cat in one instant could just take a swipe at her - even in play - and that could prove fatal for your baby. Cat's claws and saliva are VERY harmful to a squirrel. So please... you HAVE to find a way to keep them separated. Beside, this would be tantamount to a death sentence when she'll go free. She'll be thinking that cats are harmless and that would be the death of her.

10-21-2011, 02:50 PM
I am trying to keep them apart, I usually keep the cat in, when I have the squirrel out.

10-21-2011, 03:05 PM
Sooo cute :)

So please... you HAVE to find a way to keep them separated. Beside, this would be tantamount to a death sentence when she'll go free. She'll be thinking that cats are harmless and that would be the death of her.
:goodpost :grouphug

10-21-2011, 04:27 PM
I know I sound like the critique here, I'm sorry, but please bear with me since this is done only for the good of your baby and your own heart (I know it would break if something did happen to that lil fuzzer).

About taking her out on a leash... It really is not a good idea because little squees grow so fast and literally from one day to the next they will surprise you with how much progress they made absolutely OVERNIGHT.

I know that at this age now being on a leash seems fine but I had it happen to me once - thank God I was indoors - that little Hami managed to free himselfwiggle out of his harness and ran like the Dickens!!!! I had thought of bringing him outside with me... and that showed me how something tragic could have happened in an instant.

Thing with the youngsters like this is, they want out, they want to be free etc but it's just like a 4 year old child: he wants to run and go but he has no idea of the danger that is waiting out there for him. And - again just like a child - if he does go, and manages not to be snatched by a hawk (they can swoop IN AN INStANt, without warning) or a cat or get killed my a car, or beaten up by an adult... then when he gets hungry he'll be looking for you and may not find you because he may have ventured too far, or he may get lost overnight, get cold and will have no shelter.

So again, please do not take her outside on a leash. If you must put her outside, do so in her cage and make sure she's sheltered from the hot sun, that the cage cannot be opened by predators - it has to be a VERY SOLID cage - one that a dog cannot tip over either.

Forgive me for pressing on like this, but I'm really thinking of your baby's welfare. When she gets to be 14 weeks old or so, then you can start thinking about the release and you will find plenty of advice here to help you with it. In the meanwhile, enjoy her company indoors and love her all you can... this stage is over so very fast.

10-21-2011, 06:12 PM
Believe me I'm not upset with a critique , she hasn't been on a leash sine Sept. 29, she has been in a cage on the porch since 1st of Oct.It is secure and hangs from the 2x4's, I have been releasing her everyday for over 2 weeks for most of the day, I know release it is too early. She comes when I call, but I realize she could be gone in a instant. Today I released her in the garage with my husband, she spent 5 hours exploring ever nook and cranny , no chemicals, they are stored in out building. i think she is now 12 weeks, I will release her in the garage or house for 2 more weeks. Then I will try releasing small amounts again.

10-21-2011, 07:11 PM
Your cat is so beautiful! So is your squirrel & it's wonderful that you're taking care of her so well.

11-08-2011, 12:17 PM
New pic of Rocky attacking his "friend" Griffin.

11-18-2011, 04:06 PM
Thank you God for a little cool weather and pants and long sleeves. Claws are so much better through a layer of clothes. Rocky really loved it too, she could speed around without me going ouch! Had a MD appt. last week, he asked me about the scratches on my legs, I tried to explain about Rocky, but his eyes got big and started giving me potential problems. I just said ok, ok. I know it only going to be cool for a couple of days, enjoy it while I can

11-18-2011, 08:39 PM
Love the photos - welcome!!
I'm a rehabber and when I go to the MD - oh geeze -the lectures. I actually got asked if I was a 'cutter' The squirrel story got even more of a lecture - now I just say clearing roses from my garden - end of story :D

Thanks for rescuing - Rocky looks so sweet!!!

11-18-2011, 08:42 PM
I'll be darned, he stuck around.
Usually males get run off by other older ones.
We have a female that's been with us (outdoors) for six years.
Her name is Rocki.

11-22-2011, 02:07 PM
Today I sitting at the table eating a sandwich and coming up on the back door to the storm door is my girl Rocky, I opened the door, she came in the house. I ate my sandwich and she ate a pecan, then we both went outside and played for 2 hours. Since I released her, she comes to her release nest and plays with me and eats treats, but today she came to the door to look for me. Guess I was taking to long to come out. I also saw her playing with another squirrel yesterday, she is assimilating. YEAH!

island rehabber
11-22-2011, 02:14 PM
:thumbsup:thumbsup great news!

11-22-2011, 02:20 PM
:D That is too sweet -sharing a meal!!!

11-23-2011, 11:13 AM
Ok life is too weird, she came in through the pet door today and brought a friend to the deck. Friend was scared but was glad to eat the food I left out on deck. Thank God pet door is only open after we get up. I can see the future, sleep late and wake up with a squirrel on my face.

11-23-2011, 11:21 AM
Plural, "squirrelS". :rotfl :poke

11-30-2011, 12:45 PM
We had rain yesterday the first time since I released my girl, all I could think about is my girl cold and wet? She built her own nest about 4 weeks ago, it is high in a pine tree that is covered in ivy, the ivy doesn't shed, so it should provide coverage, but all I could think , is why wouldn't she live in her rain proof release nest.. I know, too low to the ground and it is natural for them to built a nest. Today is the first real cool night for us, in the 30's, it only will be cool one night then warm back up to 70's/50's . I don't know how you people who live where it is cold and rainy survive the stress!!!
The mommy in me wants to bring her in tonight ( she come to me daily), but I know she is meant for the outdoors and the other wild squirrels seem to fine. I guess it just first day of school anxiety for me. Thanks for listening.

12-01-2011, 05:16 PM
Well my baby girl made it through the night with no problem. Tomorrow it is back to 70. I see her putting on that winter fat (me too) Below are some pics from yesterday.

12-01-2011, 06:00 PM
What a gorgeous, precious baby girl you do have. I'm so glad she fared well through her first cold night - although I'm not surprised, she seems nice and plump and with a gorgeous coat... I'm sure with even just a half-decent nest she was doing just fine - she certainly seems no worse for wear ;)

Love the pics ... sooooo cute :Love_Icon

12-01-2011, 11:18 PM
Our greatest fear when we set Rocki free, was whether we would ever see her again.
After nearly six years, she still comes to visit and mooch nuts.

12-02-2011, 12:03 AM
We had rain yesterday the first time since I released my girl, all I could think about is my girl cold and wet? She built her own nest about 4 weeks ago, it is high in a pine tree that is covered in ivy, the ivy doesn't shed, so it should provide coverage, but all I could think , is why wouldn't she live in her rain proof release nest.. I know, too low to the ground and it is natural for them to built a nest. Today is the first real cool night for us, in the 30's, it only will be cool one night then warm back up to 70's/50's . I don't know how you people who live where it is cold and rainy survive the stress!!!
The mommy in me wants to bring her in tonight ( she come to me daily), but I know she is meant for the outdoors and the other wild squirrels seem to fine. I guess it just first day of school anxiety for me. Thanks for listening.
Don't think twice about bringing her in for the night it is not like you can undo the wilding up process it will take its course and she might like a night warm and fun with mom. I know some released squirrels will come home when sick or hurt spend some time inside getting well and they are back to the races.

12-13-2011, 12:19 PM
Rocky eating where the "wilds" eat. Look at that belly! Since she was released, she goes hog wild crazy over feeding spot for the "wilds". I still feed her at her release box, I try to give rat block, veggies, and some fruit, she always eats it all. At the wild trunk, we leave sunflower seeds, corn, grapes, greens, few nuts and any veggies we are eating, she is such a hog. She gets hostile, if I try to get her to stop eating their food, especially the nuts.

12-26-2011, 11:23 AM
Just wanted to put up some pictures of some of Rocky over the last few weeks. She is living the high life. She runs tree to tree flying around like she is in the circus trapezes . She come to the door and I let her in , she stays in a little while, then she stands by the door and I let her out. She is so spoiled, when I working in the yard, out of no where, she just on your back.

michael metts
01-15-2012, 08:48 AM
MY Girl is getting so ready to be free, she is approx 11 weeks. For the last 2 weeks, I release her outside starting with a hour or two per day (I am always outside with her). She keeps me in sight following me while doing yard work. The last 5 days or so, she climbs the trees and stays for hours, but comes down to me when I call. Today she didn't want to come on the porch to her cage, actually had to hold her tight. She settled in and loved on me, went right into her box. I know it won't be long now. Six weeks ago I never knew I could love her this much, but I want the best life for her. Who knows, maybe she will still come when I call and show me her babies.
These little creatures are very easy to fall in love with, I have been rescueing and releaseing baby squirrels for 4 years now, Useually they are ready to leave in 3 to 4 months, I also put them in the trees to learn to climb better. In 4 years I have done this, My heart has only melted to 2 squirrels i had, 1 of them i see every week as she is now 3 years old and visits me all the time. and the second squirrel Sadly enough was almost 3 months old and had a Seisure wensday night and something burst in him causing him to bleed, he passed in my arms, he never had anything to do with other squirrels and he loved to watch t.v. or sit on my shoulder as I typed on the computer. he even had a toy bear that he played with and slept with. He had the mind of a human and not a squirrel. I Thanked God for giving him to me to be my life long pet, But not knowing he would die in my arms that night. he had a cage, but i never closed it he slept under the blankets with me or on top of his cage under his blanket for he liked that that and he always licked my nose before he went to sleep. thats why I say his mind was human. I have cried like a baby all this week, and I buried him with his toy bear outside my window for me to talk to at night and first thing in the morning. I am 49 and i had heart surgery in december of 2010 and he was the only squirrel that for some reason Knew that I needed him as much as he needed me. I raised alot of squirrels and never had one that got sick, i was careful with them and they are free now and live across the street. I miss my Munchkin with all my heart and talk to him at night and have a 8x10 picture of him on his cage for me to see and remember the love he gave me in return. it will last alife time.

michael metts
01-15-2012, 08:55 AM
Well my baby girl made it through the night with no problem. Tomorrow it is back to 70. I see her putting on that winter fat (me too) Below are some pics from yesterday.
Thanks for showing the pictures, I am trying to put some on but it will not let me, Again, Thank you for I am a squirrel lover also. Mike....

island rehabber
01-16-2012, 01:58 PM
Thanks for showing the pictures, I am trying to put some on but it will not let me, Again, Thank you for I am a squirrel lover also. Mike....

Michael, your membership was not processed yet, when you were trying to post pix. I granted you full access this morning, so you're good to go now. :thumbsup

01-16-2012, 04:44 PM

01-16-2012, 05:32 PM
She is so pretty! Glad she is doing well!

01-19-2012, 09:08 AM
Saw this pic on Facebook.

01-26-2012, 10:47 AM
Pics of Rocky eating on her little shelf, she used to fit. My husband will have to enlarge it

01-26-2012, 10:53 AM
Rocky taking a rest in her favorite vine. She was so tired after our play. Weather is so beautiful here, we have only had a few nights of cold weather. Sunny and warm today 77. It is wonderful weather, but we need a few days of freeze to kill off bugs.

01-26-2012, 06:06 PM
OMG! Rocky is so-o-o "easy to love" :D
That double-paw tuck, and that smile on her face as she holds your hand, but the last photo - thanks for capturing that pose! - using TSB jargon, major "klunk":thumbsup

01-30-2012, 12:36 PM
So George built a larger feeding ledge for Rocky with a water bowl built in (Pick up bowl and scrap away the trash). She eats first and then replace more for her friends. They eat what we eat, so today usually rat block, sunflower seeds, peanuts, strawberries, bananas, sweet potatoes, apple, cucumbers, and green beans. Also some boiled egg, but Rocky ate it all. First time I have ever gave her eggs, she seemed to really like it.

01-30-2012, 12:38 PM
Sorry those pics are too large, will remember for the future. I have a 7 minute video of us playing from this money will try to reduce and edit and post

01-30-2012, 08:29 PM
try video

01-31-2012, 02:27 PM
Rocky giving my hands h_ll,, she is so fast. I was laying in the hammock enjoying this really unbelievable weather. She climbed down the hammock and started chewing on the book and my hands, so i started video, so hard to get great video since I never know when she will stop by to play.


03-09-2012, 10:16 AM
Rocky had no trouble moving into her new nest box, the day we put it up she moved right in. Here are some recent pics of her enjoying the roof

03-09-2012, 10:43 AM
Rocky had no trouble moving into her new nest box, the day we put it up she moved right in. Here are some recent pics of her enjoying the roof

She is a doll and looking very content in her new box!

I enjoyed your video as well - that is such a great age - what a pleasure watching them play!

03-09-2012, 02:34 PM
Rocky getting her back scratched.


03-09-2012, 02:47 PM
Loved, loved the videos!!!:thumbsup
And photos!!!:thumbsup
it's great that she lives outside her squirrelly life and yet, still comes to you and plays with you!!!:crazy

03-09-2012, 02:49 PM
and I am happy for her that she has a new home now:)

03-09-2012, 03:46 PM
It was raining today and she sat on her porch and watched it rain.
Cpuple of doves enjoying all the seeds in the grass.

04-01-2012, 07:33 PM
Some pics of Rocky visiting with me today.

04-01-2012, 07:36 PM
It's always great when one of the kids comes back.:Love_Icon

04-02-2012, 09:53 AM
Yes she is a good baby, she hears me outside and she comes running up like a dog.The amount of joy that she brought to my life is amazing.

04-02-2012, 09:53 AM
:jump :jump

04-02-2012, 12:54 PM
OMG!!! A beauty! :Love_Icon And you live in such a beautiful place .. I'm jealous :jump

04-02-2012, 09:20 PM
Thank you, the weather has been so warm this year, in fact it was 90 degrees today:thankyou

04-29-2012, 12:31 PM
:) Just wanted to add some new pictures of my girl. She jumps on me anytime I am in the backyard. I lay in the hammock and she jumps up and bites my butt.

04-29-2012, 01:05 PM
That last pics was the evening gang at the nightly supper.mjs