View Full Version : Please help!
12-29-2006, 10:56 PM
I am new to this forum and am searching for advice for my fairly new pet squirrel Rocky. My boyfriend found him in my driveway less than a half a foot off the ground huddled in the bottom of a tree hiding from a nearby cat after scurrying from under my parked car where the berries have fallen. He was not bleeding and didn't appear to be in pain but his back legs don't work and he drags them behind his body. I built him an 8ft long house, a mansion to say the least, complete with all the extras. I spoil him! He eats like a king and has no worries of cold, heat, rain, predators, etc and is right next to a window and can look out to where I found him and is in the livingroom with us there alot. I'm hoping he will get better and I can set him free outside. He can actually move his tail now but his legs just drag behind him. I am seeking advice on this situation but most importantly he has recently started loosing his hair in a LINE pattern around his body and in different spots. His hair is missing and his skin is very pink in some areas. He itches with his hands and teeth alot and I am seeking help. I just moved him from pine chips bedding that he was in when this started to timmothy hay, though this may have nothing to do with it. I am considering putting some grapefruit seed extract in his water as I have found this cures just about everything for just about every living thing. If anyone knows what this is and has any suggestions please contact me.
Thank you so much!
Happy Holidays!:grouphug
Okay. We will need some details. So let me pose a few questions.
1) how long have you had him? Has he shown any improvement or changes in that time.
2) you said he could move his tail but not his back legs. Are his back feet cold or warm? Does he have any feeling in his feet? If you pinch his foot do you get a reflex? (we are looking for deep pain sensation)
3) when did the hair loss begin? Can you better decribe the pattern of loss? What are you feeding him - hair loss can sometimes be caused by diet.
4) Skin redness can sometimes be caused by a reation to his bedding. Has it
improved since you have moved him?
Sorry to be piling on so many questions but we must rely on your eyes to help us help you.
Post soon. There are several rehabbers on board and we will do our best to for both of you. And welcome to the board! :)
12-29-2006, 11:29 PM
Well, sinc you live in Florida and it is Legal here I would advise you to get him to an "exotic" vet and have him looked after. Infact an injection of calcium may be helpful.
He may be suffering from a calcium defficency. If not anyway an exotic vet may be able to tell you the cause for his paralysis in his back legs.It also may be neurological and may be the proper exercise can help. Once my cousin had a Boston Terrier Pup that couldn't use her back legs and he advised that she have her put to sleep. Instead we both look turns about 6 times a day for 30 minuets sitting there with her on her back and we would take her legs and do them like bicycle riding motions and back and forth and sort of rotating her legs. well with in a month she was able to run and play just like the rest of her siblings.
island rehabber
12-29-2006, 11:38 PM
Rockysmama it would really help to know approximately how old your squirrel is, and what you've been feeding him up until now. As Timber said, you are fortunate to be in an area where it is legal to have him and there are vets who will treat him. His paralysis may be reversable and I would encourage you to have him X-rayed and evaluated as soon as you can. But the more details we know about him, the better we can help you. :)
01-03-2007, 03:18 AM
I had been waiting for an email and never saw any so I logged in and found I do have replies, sorry for the delay. I found Rocky on Oct 20th 1006. His back tail was flat and didn't seem to move but now it moves. That is the only improvement. I think his back feet are cold but I'm not positive, I can't really touch him. I don't really get a reaction when I touch him, and definitely not a pain sensation. I've just started to notice the hairloss I know within the last month. He's being fed a buffet of things at the moment: apples, sweet potatoes, peanut butter, grapes, mixed nuts in the shell as well as walnuts, hard corn, berries from the tree, pinecone, nut & berry birdseed from walmart, mixed berry & nut small animals treat from walmart. I read that I should switch the majority of his diet to purina puppy chow? The pattern of hairloss is in a complete letter V across his back and goes around in total lines with complete loss, it's really weird. I had him in my garage and was hand feeding him nuts. Now I moved him after I found there was a rat that has come into the garage from a small hole that goes outside and stealing his bedding from his cage. Now he hasn't been taking nuts from me or comming out much. I'm hoping he just need to adjust to the new surroundings. There is still hairloss since I've moved him which was within the last week or so. Would feeding him puppy chow take care of a calcium deficiency if that's what he has? What are the symptoms of that? I hope I don't have to take him to a vet, he is so scared and I am trying to gain my trust back with him but want to do what's best for him at the same time. My first reaction was to take him to a vet but have spoke to rehabbers who say that he would most likely be euthanized so I have decided to take on the life long responsibility of caring for him and never will regret it. Unfortunately my mom had a pet squirrel and took it to the vet and never got him back and lives with that regret and I have learned through her. I don't know how old he is. He gets some exercise and actually climbed up into a cube hanging on the top of his house today (it's not high). He climbs down from the side of the house. He gets along and holds his whole body weight with his front legs when he climbs but his back feet just drag. Hope this wasn't too long but I answered all the questions! :) Thank you so much!
Mrs. Jack
01-03-2007, 08:24 AM
When I was little, a dog chased our cat and as she leapt up onto a low roof, it grabbed her and pulled her down, damaging her by that yank although there was no broken skin or blood loss. We took her to a vet and he made her well although he said if we'd waited she would've been paralyzed from the waist down. I am just wondering if something similar happened to your squirrel, if it tried to climb and was pulled down by the cat.
island rehabber
01-03-2007, 08:39 AM
Rocky's Mama, DON'T switch to puppy chow! PLEASE. The person who told you that has obviously never read anything researched or written about the diet of the grey squirrel. When we have orphaned baby squirrels we feed them puppy milk, yes -- but never puppy chow. OK...the fruits and nuts you are giving him sound good. I would give him lots more green veggies, though: broccoli, kale, chickory, escarole, cauliflower, try 'em all and see what he likes, then give him lots of those. Also if you have green leaves and branches in your area you'll want to put them in his cage so he can chew on the bark and leaves -- very important for his nutrition as well.
How are his bathroom issues? DOes he seem to just spontaneously pee and poop, or does he seem to have some control over it where he goes to a specific place to do it? This may tell us a bit about his paralysis -- reversable or not.
I'm going to move this thread to Non-Life Threatening Emergencies, OK? The reason being that other squirrel folks here have had paralyzed squirrels and took great care of them and they have excellent lives. We want to be sure everyone notices your thread so you get all the help you need. :)
01-03-2007, 09:44 AM
Hi Rocky'sMomma, and welcome. I don't remember if you said what kind of squirrel Rocky is, so until I hear different, I will just assume that he is a grey. I have a grey that is paralized in the hindquarters. Dusty is about 2 years old now. His front legs are very strong, and he can climb and swing across the top of his cage like a regular squirrel. The major problem we have with his handicapp is that he rubs his legs and private parts when he climbs, which can cause sores. To help get around this, We keep soft fleece or fur on the bottom of his cage, and I have taken those foam 'funnoodles' that kids play with - long foam tubes - and covered them with fleece and put them in his cage for his 'tree'. This gives him something soft to climb on and yet gives him a lot of protection. They are about 4 or 5 ' long, and I just stuff them in there and use plastic zip-ties to hold them in place.
The hair loss could be from some parasite that he either had when you got him, or that he picked up from the rat that got in your garage. You really do need to take him to a vet to be checked out. Call a few of them and ask if they will treat him or just take him away from you. Find a few that you think you might like, and then go in and meet them and talk to them, without the squirrel. You will definately need a vet you can trust, because problems will arise with a handicapped squirrel. And if you are going to keep him, you will need to have him neutered, both for his health (to prevent cancer) and for yours (to prevent getting chewed up when he hits maturity and changes from a sweet little squirrel into a raging maniac!). Keep trying with the veggies - he really needs those. You might also try giving him some yogurt. I use Dannon LaCreme yogurt. It's a good source of calcium, and they usually like it. Most any flavor is fine - mine love the strawberry. Whatever brand of yogurt you use, make sure it has the live culture in it.
Make sure he has lots of fleece blankets for bedding - he will usually arrange them like he wants them, and will 'bury' nuts in it, too. And use a full spectrum light near his cage. This will replace the sunlight that he needs. The full spectrum bulbs are rather expensive, but they last a long time, and they are flouresent, so don't cost much to operate. Just make sure it says 'full spectrum' on it - I found mine at Lowes.
Feel free to ask any questions either here on the board, or PM or email me or another member for help. We are all willing to help, and will do everything we can to solve whatever problems might come up.
Secret Squirrel
01-03-2007, 10:39 AM
Not a lecture...but Rocky needed to see a vet way before now. His injurys are old and could be non reversable.
At the time of injury the vet could administer a host of meds to reduce swelling for trauma or antibiotics if in fact he was bitten by the cat...we don't know and won't know. :dono
Each case is different and all advise is just that advise. I feel your best bet is to get Rocky to a vet as soon as you can.
He has had no xrays it's hard to tell you more. See a vet and get back to us.
Sometimes an aminal will "self mutalate" thier bodys when they are paralized. They are actually trying to get rid of the non working body part. Keep a careful watch over Rocky and check him several times a day for this.
I think all you can do now is give proper diet as Islandrehabber stated. Proper light as muffinsquirrel suggested.
His bladder is another he going properly? Is he in control of his bowles? It's very importiant to know this. If not Rocky can get toxic from uria in his blood stream.
A vet will be able to do blood work and tell you exactly what you need to know and how to treat Rocky.
Good luck and call around. :peace
01-03-2007, 06:04 PM
I will be logging back on tonight to answer these questions, I have to run out right now but just wanted to update. The places where he has lost hair is turning BLACK!!!? I have seen a few flies in the house which I've never seen and am really hoping this isn't a symptom of botfly!? I don't even know where that would come from. To ensure my last answer, I touched his back legs today and they were cold and I don't think he felt it. Sometimes he will get his nails caught in something and actually hang in a bad akward position until I loosen it and he doesn't make a sound or even seem to feel it. In answer to one question yes he urinates in his nap sack, igloo, where ever. I wash them with free and clear detergent. He also deficates. I'll be back on tonight. Thank you all so much for your concern and helpful advice. I put dogfood in his house but as soon as I read this I took it out and he hadn't even seen it yet. It came from someone who looked reliable and I want to make sure he gets all the vitamins he needs. How can I do this? Is there a supplement or something available?
The best balanced food is a good quality rodent block. Sometimes a wild squirrel will turn their nose up at it, not recognizing it is food. I then crush it up into a little bit of organic yogurt (vanilla or banana) for them. They seem to like that. It's sold in pet store for rats and mice.
If the skin is turning black it is dieing. You maybe dealing with a fungal infection such as ringworm. This is a possible zoonotic, ie you could get it too. Please be careful and take precautions until this is figured out.
I know this is not what you want to hear. But we don't have a magic wand please find a rehabber or vet in your area you feel you can trust to help you. It is legal in your state to keep your squirrel no one can take him away from you any more than they can take your dog or cat. Please seek help.
01-04-2007, 12:27 AM
Is this a black squirrel? IF so the turning black could be the hair growing back in. The legs being cold are not a good sign. If the skin turning black is not fur could it be gang green (sp?)? could it be the flesh dying? Can you please post a pic? Do you have a wildlife vet that you can take him to? It really sounds like he could use one.
01-04-2007, 02:46 AM
Thank you. I am going to take him to a vet even though I was told over the phone he would most likely be euthanized, I am just going to stay with him the entire time and no one will take him from me RIGHT? I just want what's best for him and I very much dislike it when a mother doesn't do what is right for her child because she doesn't want it to be upset and in turn it suffers. If it were the skin dying that sounds like that could get very serious. I'll be in touch with an update. God Bless. I am so nervous, he can't be handled. He can't die from a heartattack from being scared can he? He is wild. In answer to the question, I think he is an eastern gray squirrel.
01-04-2007, 03:33 AM
Rocky's Mom they can not legally take him away from you unless he is a foxer.Even if they can't do anything for him if you want to take him home for anyreason they have to release him back to you. I hope that he vet that you are using is an exotic vet or one who has dealt with squirrels before. But if they give you any grief you just be firm and stand your ground and let them know that you know that it is not illegal in the state of Florida to keep him as a pet and that you are doing your best to help him live. This vet may be originally from a state that it wasn't legal to keep them and may not realize that in the state of Florida it is. Just let him know that it is and if he euthanizes your squirrel without your permission that you will be back with a LAWYER in tow ( mention that word and they take notice of you). And tell him if he is not interested in trying to help your squirrel, or if really he is afraid of handling the squirrel then to tell you up front and you will seek help else where. Just be firm and stick to your guns!
And best of luck and many prayers for you and Rocky!!
Mrs. Jack
01-04-2007, 10:31 AM
Please do update us.. I haven't posted as I'm unable to provide anything of value, but I've been reading and am so concerned for you and your squirrel. I've been thinking of you constantly. :grouphug
02-07-2007, 04:40 AM
Update: Rocky's skin is not black anymore. He is loosing alot of hair and seems to itch with his mouth and the skin is a little pink in some spots and I seem to see a few tiny bumps in some spots but I have started giving him a drop of grapefruit seed extract in his water as I have found this to be an absolute miracle for all things and it is definitely safe and all natural, so if this is mange it should heal it as well as any other fungal parasitic etc infection. I got a pet carrier and have contacted vets and have been directed to a vet that should treat a squirrel and will update again soon. Thank you for all your concern and I am praying for all the animals as well as people that have been affected by the devastation in central Florida with the tornados...
Rocky's Mama
02-07-2007, 12:11 PM
dont give up we have had eastern grays that had that rear condition.. he was released with 5 months. The main concern is if he can use the bathroom properly.. He may be paralized, or pinched nerve. it may go away, may not.. just takes time to tell. give him a chance though. Just a thought: if he is releasable its the most wonderful thing to watch and see. they still come back to you if you continue to talk and feed him every day.. they are joyful seeing them jumping from tree to tree. good luck keep us informed..Laurie
Bobo's Mom
02-11-2007, 12:08 PM
Hi, I'm new to the board. I noticed in one of the first posts you mentioned you were using cedar chips. This could be the reason for the itching. Alot of animals are allergic to cedar, particularly rodents. The timothy hay was ok but you might want to use something like Carefresh & then a handful of hay for munching. I hope Rocky will be ok.
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