View Full Version : He's a Nut!

09-29-2011, 12:47 PM
Hello everyone just wanted to say Thank You all so much for this board! I am new (only a 2 day rescuer) and still haven't decided on whether or not this lil guy will be rehjabbed here Or by a professional. As you can see from the video below he chose us so..makes us feel somethin special lol but boy is he work! Ive already had one freakout over his eating habbits (it seems like hes just asking for pneumonia) I'm taking him to see a pro tomorrow and will decide from there! BUT regardless the love and support on this board is mjs AMAZING I'm now a SL for life :)

Pls view my skwerly here!:


And here :)


Nancy in New York
09-29-2011, 01:35 PM
Hello everyone just wanted to say Thank You all so much for this board! I am new (only a 2 day rescuer) and still haven't decided on whether or not this lil guy will be rehjabbed here Or by a professional. As you can see from the video below he chose us so..makes us feel somethin special lol but boy is he work! Ive already had one freakout over his eating habbits (it seems like hes just asking for pneumonia) I'm taking him to see a pro tomorrow and will decide from there! BUT regardless the love and support on this board is mjs AMAZING I'm now a SL for life :)

Pls view my skwerly here!:


And here :)


I couldn't see the second video. This squirrel is in need of help. He probably got seperated from his mother. I do hope that you brought him in....he needs to be in a quiet, dark, calm place. Did you post elsewhere on this board?
I hope that you get him the help he needs. They need buddies, does the place you mentioned have others that he can be placed with. If not I'm sure we can find somebody close to you that will take him.
Oh.....they can bite at this age!:shakehead
OK...I just saw your other posts. It would be best for him if you found somebody with experience. I personally wouldn't ever raise a squirrel with children around....Unless they are never around each other.JMO
Thank you for saving him and finding the board.

09-29-2011, 02:39 PM
Following the board advice he is in a gigantic Rubber maid container, he's being fed the goat milk mix, bought him a rodent block today. If he stays at the rehabber tomorrow he'll have the stuff with him :thumbsup I did see an adolescent squirrel outside today but couldn't find a nest..So far so good he hasn't bitten once..well I think he's tried but his teeth are nubs so they just tickle. He's so sweet I'd love to help him through the next 6 weeks before releasing him back into our yard. I'll talk about it tomorrow with the professional but I would love to provide support for him (throughout his life :) But I do have kids so we'll see..:dono

other video of him..I'm guessing he's 6-7 weeks.:thinking



09-29-2011, 05:55 PM
The videos were adorable..... and yes I agree the one of him at your screen door was him trying to find
some one to take care of and feed him since his squirrel mom was lost...... :)

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