View Full Version : skinned baby rabbi

09-28-2011, 05:59 PM
A neighbor brought me a baby rabbit, probably around a monthe old. Its entire back and back legs down to the ankle have been skinned by a cat. My local vets wont treat wild life. What can I do for it? I checked for puncture wound and dont see any. It's in bad shape. I have another neighbor that will "put it down" for me. Any advice????

Nancy in New York
09-28-2011, 06:15 PM
A neighbor brought me a baby rabbit, probably around a monthe old. Its entire back and back legs down to the ankle have been skinned by a cat. My local vets wont treat wild life. What can I do for it? I checked for puncture wound and dont see any. It's in bad shape. I have another neighbor that will "put it down" for me. Any advice????

Where in Ohio are you?
I just pm'd a rehabber/member in Ohio
Keep the bunny warm, quiet and in a dark place. Put some blankets in with him.
He may be shocky, if you have a heating pad, put it on low. Put it half under the container that
you have him in and half off, so if he gets too hot he can crawl off. If you have no heating pad,
take a cup of uncooked rice, put it in a sock and tie, microwave on high for about 1 minute.
Squish the rice around so there are no hot spots, and place in the container with the bunny.

09-28-2011, 06:21 PM
It is degloved, or is the skin/fur completely gone? Rabbits can recover but he will need antibiotics, due to cat saliva. Put him half on a heating pad under carrier, keep very quiet. Hopefully someone close to you on here can help. Poor baby.

09-28-2011, 06:42 PM
It's degloved. Has very thin layer of skin covering. Already have it in a closed top basket with blankies, in dark room with heating pad..Poor baby has to be in extreme pain!
I am in the extreme southern part of Ohio. Proctorville, Lawrence County, Ohio.
Thanks for your replies. Anymore advise is appreciated!! Thanks

09-28-2011, 06:59 PM
You can try putting a small amount of old fashioned oats in with it to see if it will nibble on them. Hopefully B&S2 will be on, I know she is in Ohio, but not sure where in relation to you. Does anyone have her number they could call her?

09-28-2011, 07:26 PM
I'll go to the store now for the oats.....The baby is resting as comfortable as possible, considering. Wish I could do something for the horrible pain that Im sure its in. Most of the people in this hell hole of a county I live in, have no compassion for domestic animals let alone the wildlife. The vets wont even consider helping!

09-28-2011, 07:38 PM
I'll go to the store now for the oats.....The baby is resting as comfortable as possible, considering. Wish I could do something for the horrible pain that Im sure its in. Most of the people in this hell hole of a county I live in, have no compassion for domestic animals let alone the wildlife. The vets wont even consider helping!

Laya, bless your heart for trying to help this baby. I have no advice to give, just prayers that we are able to find some help for you and this baby. :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

09-28-2011, 07:50 PM
Do you or anyone you know have Metacam or Tramadol? Tramadol is a people meds used for pain, maybe an older relative might have some?

Nancy in New York
09-28-2011, 08:19 PM
Do you or anyone you know have Metacam or Tramadol? Tramadol is a people meds used for pain, maybe an older relative might have some?

Can rabbits have infant motrin? I know that squirrels can...:dono

09-28-2011, 08:28 PM
I don't believe so, unfortunately. Wish I were closer to help. Been down this road, these bunnies can survive, but need help.

09-28-2011, 08:57 PM
Unfortunately, looks like the closest rehabber to you is in Pike county. Their name is Melody Olaker with Shawnee State Forest. She accepts mammals and has a category 2, so she should be able to take the little tyke. Hopefully they have room for one more baby. The phone number is (740)289-8779.

I would not give any medications right now, other than you can put some neosporin and/or vasoline on the degloved part.

You might also want to put a heating pad set on LOW under half the container the bunny is in to keep him warm. Without his fur, he might get cold.

09-29-2011, 12:03 AM
Oh, how awful! Laya, I hope your little sweetheart will be okay. Thank you for helping him. Hope you'll update when you have time. :grouphug

09-29-2011, 05:54 AM
Morning Guys. The little rabbit made it thru the night. Put neosporin on him last night. He jumps away now and is trying to climb out of the basket when I raise the top to check on him. Pappy, I have 25 mg tramadol tablets for some of my rescue dogs. What would the dosage be? Crush and mix with pedialyte?
Squirrels rule, Thank you for the contact info! I will call Melody this A.M
We are a few hours from one another, but if she can help, Im on my way!

Thanks everybody for your prayers! I'll update as frequently as possible.

Jackie in Tampa
09-29-2011, 06:06 AM
anti biotic wise..
bunnies can have albon, SMZ-TMP{bactrim, septra, sulfatrim}
baytril{cipro} and metronidazole{flagyl.


it appears that bunnies can have metacam and tramadol...
if you tell me what strength of tramadol you have and your bun buns weight in grams, I can help with dosage.

I have no bunny experience.

09-29-2011, 06:20 AM
From the Baby Mammals book:

Dilute one 50 mg (so 2-25mg) tablet in 10 ml o fsterile water to make a stregnth of 5mg/ml)

Dosage 2mg/kg
2-3 times per day

Will need a weight on the bunny (can you post a pic, at least if you don't have a scale) but would be better if you could weigh him on a gram scale (put him in a cardboard box to do this).

If I can see a pic, I can at least guesstimate on weight for amount to be given.