View Full Version : Chipmunk with mange?

09-27-2011, 06:27 PM
Hi, I know this is a squirrel sight, but I couldn't really find anything that could help answer my question, and i thought you guys could! :) today we found a little chimpmunk in our barn, and were shocked to find that it had no hair on its face (so it looked like a rat face ) also, there is a little circular patch of no hiar on one leg, and a bigger one on its back leg. It seems to be acting fine, I'm not sure if it is a full adult because it isn't biting us or anything when we caught it. ( we were worried the cats would get it. ) also, it looks like a predator chewed off the tip of its tail. All in all, its in bad shape, but so adorable and sweet and we hope ( " we " being my mom and I, and little sister) we can help it as much as we are able to.

Do you think it has mange? its weird that its just a plain bald face with no scabes or anything, lik e its hairlesss..... .

Once we did raise a little black squirrel, Peek-a-boo, she was our little sweety and we miss her a lot! :(

thanks so much! your help would be greatly appreciated!

Tara :wiggle

09-27-2011, 08:47 PM

chipmunks are squirrels too....:D

hope someone can help soon....:grouphug

09-27-2011, 08:50 PM
here's the chipmunk forums....

you might want to post questions there so that the chipmunk people see them more quickly.....:grouphug (or the non life threatning forum too)


and the mange forum....


but i'd post questions mostly on non life threatning they will be seen more quickly there....

09-27-2011, 08:53 PM
GS1 - it wont let me access that page, it says i dont have permission?

also i found out it has ringworm, i think i know how to treat that, but any suggestions?

thanks :)

09-27-2011, 09:01 PM
go to first page .... squirrel board.....


half way down there's a breed specific section

click in that ....

then there's another breed specific page....

click into that....

chipmunks is at the top....

go to bottom and fill in form to see threads from beginning and press show threads... that will give you all the chipmunk information.....

as for ringworm....

go to top of screen and open search ...then put in ringworm....

i'm sorry my links won't work for you ...maybe it's cause you're so new....:grouphug