View Full Version : Need Help Found baby squirrel in mount morris illinois

09-26-2011, 06:34 AM
After the rain storm yesterday I found a baby on the ground. It can move all legs and head, I tried to feed it milk, I didn't know this website was here. My husband won't let me bring him in though because he has fleas. I just put a warm bottle in with him inside his snowpants in his shoebox in the garage. If there's anyone around this area that is a rehabilitator please let me know. I can't stand the thought of it needlessly dying. Thanks Kellie Pudlas

09-26-2011, 09:10 AM
the exact thing happened to me a little over a week ago.......it is a first for me and i don't know much but since no one has responded yet i'll tell you what i have learned. i know first thing is to keep him warm. hot water bottle wrapped in a towel, rice buddies or heating pad. i made a sling and wore mine uner my clothes!!!(no fleas on mine!!LOL) after i warmed her with a towel i had put in the dryer, i then put her in the sling. also pedialyte, warmed did wonders for mine. i used one of those baby animal bottles from walmart(no time to order syringes)...go real slow, one drop at a time so the little guy doesn't choke on it. they say not to feed cows milk and feed nothing if he is cold (except the pedialyte to rehydrate).......try to find a local rehaber who can take him for you......mine is going to one tomorrow cause she needs littermates!!!! if the squirrel has no injuries and you can keep it warm and give it some pedialyte you should be able to keep it alive til you can get it to a rehabber.......if you want to try to keep it yourself just read these boards and there is all kinds of good advice here......i have had mine for a little better than a week, she is thriving and really love her but she needs other squirrels, i guess lone babies have a harder time when it comes time for them to be released so even though i hate to give her up, it is best for the squirrel.......good luck!!! oh, there is a homemade recipe for "pedialyte" on this forum.....stuff is expensive!!! LOL

09-26-2011, 09:16 AM
Never mind, It went to heaven at 8:56 am, after I warmed it up with a heating pad. :(

09-26-2011, 09:26 AM
Hi there - Nancy here. I'm just south of you in Princeton IL (I work for Il Dept of Ag and Mt. Morris is in my territory) here's a link if you ever find a baby again for rehabbers by county in Illinois - or you can give me a jingle and we can meet. I work out of DeKalb, I'm happy you found us.
