View Full Version : Squirrel Help Needed- Swollen Face

stubbys lair
09-26-2011, 01:08 AM
Hi Everyone- I have an outside squirrel that has a swollen face on one side- his eye is swollen shut and white- I don't see him to often because I work- he showed up today and looks to be pretty bad off- he is having trouble eating and swallowing- I live in Chicago so he can not be seen by a vet- any suggestions?

09-26-2011, 04:02 AM
First thought will be can you get him to take any food from you? - so you can possibly give him some meds via the food or catch him in a squirrel friendly trap and care for him and give him meds while he is in your care?

Some one with more exp in the meds department will come along and let you know what you can give him and how much based up on his weight...... Good Luck.

09-26-2011, 06:22 AM
I had a similar experience and after a lot of questions here, I opted to just feed a very good diet of blocks, boo balls etc and let nature run it's course. It was amazing, but she got better. I learned here that it is important for them to gt every dose of the antibiotics for it to really work. I just couldn't count on seeing her regularly to dose properly. Below is a pic of what it looked like if you want to compare.

09-26-2011, 11:13 AM
First thought will be can you get him to take any food from you? - so you can possibly give him some meds via the food or catch him in a squirrel friendly trap and care for him and give him meds while he is in your care?

Some one with more exp in the meds department will come along and let you know what you can give him and how much based up on his weight...... Good Luck.
and can you take a picture?

stubbys lair
09-26-2011, 01:10 PM
Hi Everyone- thanks for responding- I went through this same situation last year and the squirrel got very sick and died, I really want to help this one. I don't have a trap- but I would like to try to give him some antibiotics in his food- where can I get antibiotics from? Sammys Mom, your photo looks like my squirrel- but my squirrels face is swollen on top of his nose. What are blocks and boo balls? I haven't seen him today, I leave for work soon, I won't be back on here until late tonight.

09-26-2011, 09:54 PM
Squirrel blocks are a more complete sort of food that helps promote health. You an order them from http://henryspets.com/squirrel-diet/ or there is a recipe to make them yourself in the nutrition forum. Boo balls are also just a good healthy food that can be made with Fox Valley formula. I just felt like she might do better with a healthy diet rather than nuts etc. that I give as snacks. Boo ball recipe is:
Here is the recipe and instructions (it is equal amounts of powdered rodent block, FV dry formula, crushed pecans):

50 grams rodent block (crushed to a fine powder) I use two (25 grams each) , Kaytee Forti-diet and Harlan Teklad 2014 or 2018.

50 grams powdered Fox Valley squirrel formula

50 grams crushed pecans

Mix ingredients together.

Mix organic baby food fruit (100 grams) and 20 grams Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil together and warm for 20 seconds in the microwave. Add this wet mixture to your dry ingredients until well blended. It will seem very wet. (I use Earth's Best Organic Apples & Plums).

Put in the refrigerator for 5 hours (Overnight is even better). This lets it set up. It softens/moistens the rodent block and dissolves the FV.

Once you are ready to serve it take out about a 1/2 tsp (5 grams) of the mixture and roll is in your hands but not so much that it will melt the coconut oil. Give it to your squirrel. This recipe feeds two squirrels for about a week.
:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

stubbys lair
09-27-2011, 01:31 PM
my camera isn't working- I can't take photos. I am going to try to borrow one- Can anyone tell me where I can get antibiotics from, I don't have a vet anymore

Mrs Skul
09-28-2011, 06:50 PM
Who do we know in the Chicago area and is trust Worthy?
Any one know???
:wave123 Stubbys Lair
Ask all your friends, Relatives. Even the ones with kids. :D If you know anyone with pets and have left overs or Extra. Baytrill or SulfaTrim is best.
Just get the name of the Medicine and the Dosage. We should be able to help you with the dosing.:thumbsup3

stubbys lair
09-29-2011, 12:59 PM
is anyone out there that can help- Please- I went through a similar situation last year and could not get help, the squirrel died. I really want to help this one- he showed up today- not looking very good, he ate some of a peanut butter sandwich and left. He looks so sad- his face looks horrible, I think antibiotics are the best way to go, Anyone????

09-29-2011, 05:47 PM
Mineral Oil soaked in some Wheat Bread might Help....... the Vet always suggested it for our granddaughters hamster and guinea pig when they were feeling under the weather and when one had a swollen upper mouth area.

Hoping this will help the little guy until some one with medication knowledge comes along and gives some advice and medicine dose.

stubbys lair
09-29-2011, 11:09 PM
They can eat mineral oil?

09-29-2011, 11:12 PM
You will need to trap the squirrel. Home Depot, Lowes, Ace, Tractor Store, and other hardware or feed stores carry traps. You need the medium-size trap. They usually cost around $20-30.

If you need to capture a wild squirrel so that a rehabber or vet can help them, the following techniques may help.

You'll need a Hav-a-hart trap or similar, medium size (at least 10" tall). Make sure you test it before you set it, to make sure you understand how it works and how to adjust the tension just right. Place it under "his" tree with the opening facing away from the trunk. You can cover the trap with branches, and also place some grass/leaves inside, but make sure they don't hinder the operation of the trap. Double check that no grass or twigs keep it from shutting. Test it several times in place to make sure.


Bait it with an apple cut in half, spread with peanut butter, and peanuts stuck in the peanut butter. Make sure he can't reach the bait from OUTSIDE the trap between the bars. If the wrong squirrel gets in, just re-bait and re-set. If there is a large group of squirrels in the area, rather than re-setting every time the wrong squirrel gets in, you can prop up the door with a stick with a long string attached. Watch from a distance, holding the string. Keep adding bait as needed. When the RIGHT squirrel walks in, pull the string.

Make your vet appointment before you set the trap and cancel as needed. Ideally, once you trap the squirrel, you want to be able to leave immediately for the vet.

When you get him, immediately cover the trap with a dark-colored t-shirt, and bring it inside to a dark, quiet place until you're ready to go to the vet. Throw a few grapes in the trap; they love them and it's great hydration and calories.

When you're ready to go to the vet, start the car beforehand and turn on the a/c if necessary so the car isn't too hot, then place the trap in the back, still covered w/ the t-shirt. No music or talking. When you get to the vet, leave him in the car until he's ready to be seen, unless the weather is hot. In that case, you can ask the receptionist if there's an empty room where you can place the cage until the vet is ready to see the squirrel. A waiting room full of strange voices, ringing phones, and barking can be terrifying.

If the squirrel needs to be anesthetized to be examined and the vet doesn't have an iso chamber big enough to accommodate the trap, they can place a plastic bag around the trap and insert the iso nozzle.

10-03-2011, 01:37 PM
:bump :bump Bumpo, por favor? Any news on this one? Hope everything is well.