View Full Version : When should I release him?

09-25-2011, 03:53 PM
Hey everyone, the name is Ethan. I've been using these forums as a resource for my now 8 week old squirrel since I've taken over care of him. He was found in the grass by my girlfriend when he was still 3 weeks old after a hail storm. I took him in because she didn't have enough time to feed him that often, which resulted in hypoglycemia. I'm only telling you guys this because a thread I read gave me the idea to put Karo Syrup on a q-tip and rub it in his mouth, on his cheeks. He was having seizures at the time and unable to eat (paralyzed), and you guys really came through for me. So thanks!

Now that he's all better, and things are looking up, I have to come to the realization that in a couple months or so I will be releasing him into the wild. I know this is best for him, as attached as I've become in only a short while. But my issue is as follows. Should I be releasing a 16 or so week old squirrel, in Northern Maryland, in the dead of winter? I feel like this is severely hurting his chances of survival, and I want to make sure he has the best odds when it's time to part.

And fyi, I've been feeding him Hartz Puppy Formula, but I've put in orders for Fox Valley and HHB's to be arriving soon. He's crazy for this Hartz stuff though, I tell ya.


09-25-2011, 04:20 PM
Welcome! First things first..you might want to change to the goats milk formula until you get the FV. Hartz is not great for squirrels. Next, would it be possible or you to over-winter him? He may be a little too young and not really have time for the soft release process. Thank-you for saving the little baby!

09-25-2011, 05:27 PM
If it's a good idea to over-winter him, I'll do it. Would you be so kind as to give me a link to the goat's milk formula? Thanks so much.

09-25-2011, 05:31 PM
If it's a good idea to over-winter him, I'll do it. Would you be so kind as to give me a link to the goat's milk formula? Thanks so much.

Goat Milk

1 cup Goats Milk (can - dilute 1st)
1/3 cup Heavy Cream
1/3 cup Full Fat Vanilla Yogurt

Release Link: (Yes, over Winter the Little GUY!!)

Fox Valley & Squirrel Block:

09-25-2011, 06:25 PM
Thanks for that release info. Wow, that's going to be so hard just feeding him and then leaving. Alvin (that's his name -- (C)alvin Harris -- me and my girlfriend are both huge fans of his music lol) is turning me into such a softy. :peace

I have a quick question for you guys while I have your attention. He's starting to eat veggies and stuff that I give him. Is it okay to give him cooked kale (cooked in red wine vinegar :dono ) and cauliflower and what not? Or should it just be eaten raw?


09-25-2011, 06:45 PM
Feed it raw. If you go to the nutrition section, you will find the healthiest foods to feed a squirrel! Welcome to TSB and your little one is adorable!

09-25-2011, 07:21 PM
Yeah RAW is best....... You can steam them IF your little one has issues with their teeth and need their food a little on the soft side so they can eat their food.

BUT --- IF steam or cooked is the ONLY WAY your Squirrel will eat its vegetables then I say GO FOR IT!! as some thing is better than nothing..... but NO WINE OR VINEGAR> :nono

09-25-2011, 07:25 PM
Wow, that's going to be so hard just feeding him and then leaving. It gets easier the more you do it - the more Squirrels you release (you learn you are doing for their well being)....... but Yes, it is hard IF you are only doing it once or twice...... :grouphug

09-25-2011, 11:05 PM
Thanks for saving the little one! Yep - over winter - I have just 3 this winter - but I know they will survive when I set free in Spring - its a good feeling to know you gave him the best winter ever. In spring they let you know - its time to go - always do. Its hard, but happy. :)

island rehabber
09-25-2011, 11:36 PM
I'll give you the flip side of this question: you are warmer than I am down there in MD. I have successfully released fall babies here in NYC as late as November 15, so long as there are still GREEN leaves on the trees for them to make nests with. Most years, our maples and oaks do not lose their green leaves until late November. I know my fall releases have done fine because I continue to visit them all winter and I see them. Nature provides for these animals at the time they are born and the time they go out on their own; don't forget about the absolute perfection of Her design. Overwintering can be extremely stressful for the squirrel AND for the human squirrel parent. :peace

09-26-2011, 12:31 AM
I could release him in early November (I assume he would be about 14 weeks). Over-wintering him would make him quite old when he would be released then. Is it wrong to keep them that old and then still release them?

09-26-2011, 12:33 AM
I could release him in early November (I assume he would be about 14 weeks). Over-wintering him would make him quite old when he would be released then. Is it wrong to keep them that old and then still release them?
no it's not.
If you read posts, you will see that a lot of people overwinter Fall babies, especially, singletons.

09-27-2011, 11:10 PM
I don't think I'm going to over-winter him, after giving it second thoughts. It's going to be really hard on him and my family (they don't want him in the house :shakehead ) I'll try and find out exactly how old he is, because I think he'll be old enough in mid-november to fend for himself.


09-27-2011, 11:14 PM
I don't think I'm going to over-winter him, after giving it second thoughts. It's going to be really hard on him and my family (they don't want him in the house :shakehead ) I'll try and find out exactly how old he is, because I think he'll be old enough in mid-november to fend for himself.

Its going to be harder on him if he can't survive the winter! Is there any way that you could find a rehabber near you to over winter him? If not...maybe just keep him in one room away from the other family members?

09-27-2011, 11:19 PM
Its going to be harder on him if he can't survive the winter! Is there any way that you could find a rehabber near you to over winter him? If not...maybe just keep him in one room away from the other family members?
yes, mid-november on east coast is the time when most of the leaves are gone, it's rather cold and he won't have enough time to stash for himself.
Where on the east coast are you?... if you could just give a state (no need for detailed info;-), this way we could see if there is someone near you who, perhaps, could overwinter him?

09-27-2011, 11:40 PM
yes, mid-november on east coast is the time when most of the leaves are gone, it's rather cold and he won't have enough time to stash for himself.
Where on the east coast are you?... if you could just give a state (no need for detailed info;-), this way we could see if there is someone near you who, perhaps, could overwinter him?

I live in North Western Maryland. I dunno, what month do you think it would be okay to release him next year?

09-27-2011, 11:49 PM
I live in North Western Maryland. I dunno, what month do you think it would be okay to release him next year?
as soon as the leaves are out - leaves provide protection from potential predators, as well as indicate that some edible things have bloomed/sprouted/etc and he will have something to eat. Also, when the leaves are out, he will be able to build a nest for himself using those leaves.
I think, there is a person or two in Maryland... will just have to check on their availability... They also might be more specific as to when it's ok to release in the Spring in Maryland:grouphug :grouphug

09-27-2011, 11:52 PM
as soon as the leaves are out - leaves provide protection from potential predators, as well as indicate that some edible things have bloomed/sprouted/etc and he will have something to eat. Also, when the leaves are out, he will be able to build a nest for himself using those leaves.
I think, there is a person or two in Maryland... will just have to check on their availability... They also might be more specific as to when it's ok to release in the Spring in Maryland:grouphug :grouphug

Please do check. I'm nervous about letting him be with someone I don't know is qualified. He's my little dude now, he squealed for the first time today when I walked away from the cage. It sounded like a bird lol.

09-27-2011, 11:55 PM
Please do check. I'm nervous about letting him be with someone I don't know is qualified. He's my little dude now, he squealed for the first time today when I walked away from the cage. It sounded like a bird lol.
oh, they do sound like birds. That's how you can, sometimes, hear the abandoned babies - they squeal like birds looking for their momma.

Yes, I just sent a private message to one of the Maryland people. She might not reply right away - she's been swamped with Hurricane Irene babies and has not been on TSB much, but she does check her messages and responds as soon as she can.

In the meantime, other people might chime in with their suggestions.

09-28-2011, 12:18 AM
oh, they do sound like birds. That's how you can, sometimes, hear the abandoned babies - they squeal like birds looking for their momma.

Yes, I just sent a private message to one of the Maryland people. She might not reply right away - she's been swamped with Hurricane Irene babies and has not been on TSB much, but she does check her messages and responds as soon as she can.

In the meantime, other people might chime in with their suggestions.

If we found someone to over-winter him, do you think it would be okay if I kept him until winter started? I have all of this food coming, and like I said...attached.

09-28-2011, 12:26 AM
If we found someone to over-winter him, do you think it would be okay if I kept him until winter started? I have all of this food coming, and like I said...attached.
oh, i understand about "attached"... one cannot help getting attached to these amazing animals... squirrel love is magic, as they say...:)

as for keeping him - if we do end up finding someone, that will have to be discussed with that person.

In the meantime - enjoy him:) :grouphug

09-28-2011, 11:10 AM
just wanted to let you know that a couple of ppl are looking for an overwintering place for your little guy. Hopefully, something will be found.

However, if they do find someone who can overwinter and release him, it will be best to get him to that person asap - the sooner, the better it will be for your little guy: he will need to get used to the new person, new place etc, and the younger he is when he has to make the change, the easier and less stressful it will be for him. It will be important for him to get used to and accept the new person since that person will have to interact with him during the winter.

09-28-2011, 03:44 PM
Alright. I want it to be as smooth as possible for him, so I agree that sooner is better. Whoever might get him will be happy, he's a good one. As soon as he snuggled up next to me and fell asleep, I was in squirrel love. This is hurting already :Cry

09-28-2011, 03:51 PM
I'll give you the flip side of this question: you are warmer than I am down there in MD. I have successfully released fall babies here in NYC as late as November 15, so long as there are still GREEN leaves on the trees for them to make nests with. Most years, our maples and oaks do not lose their green leaves until late November. I know my fall releases have done fine because I continue to visit them all winter and I see them. Nature provides for these animals at the time they are born and the time they go out on their own; don't forget about the absolute perfection of Her design. Overwintering can be extremely stressful for the squirrel AND for the human squirrel parent. :peace

I'm confused... do you mean green leaves as in summer green? by mid-November in New England all the leaves have turned their fall colors... are these still sufficient for nest building?