View Full Version : I would like to introduce myself

09-24-2011, 10:13 PM
Hi everyone. I come on to intorduce myself and it is hours later and I am beside myself wondering how the squirrel will be that I am reading about now.

I am so happy for having found this site. I have had a squirrel since April and have done everything wrong. I am the person that the rehabbers hate. But I want to learn .
Here is my story. I found a injured baby squirrel about 10 - 12 wks old in Apr. I tried to get it into a rehab place but they were all full and the one that would take her I was worried that they would euthanize her cos of the injury. Her left back leg was not in use at all. I figured that it could not be too hard to take on the care of a young squirrel.
First of all, I was so confused with all the conflicting web sites that showed dead squirrel babies if this were fed or that was fed. I tried to educate myself and feed her the right type of food but she only wanted nuts or fruit. I found someone who told me about nut balls and I made them but she was not crazy about them. I think I am finally on the right path nutritionally as I have found HHB with very clear instructions on working with picky eaters. But I am hoping to learn more. I have to learn more to do right by this girl.

My little squirrel has made it in spite of me but she is still not using her back left leg and has never brought her tail over her back.
It is stunning how easy it is to fall into love with these little guys.

09-24-2011, 10:23 PM
HELLO :wave123 and WELCOME to TSB
I am glad YOU are HERE and that YOU are WILLING to LEARN ....... :thumbsup

09-24-2011, 11:31 PM
WELCOME to TSB.....WE really needs a couple of PICS ....and of course her NAME

Jackie in Tampa
09-24-2011, 11:32 PM
:Welcome :wave123 :worthless

09-28-2011, 09:16 PM
Hi everyone. I come on to intorduce myself I am so happy for having found this site. I have had a squirrel since April and have done everything wrong. I am the person that the rehabbers hate. But I want to learn .
Here is my story. I found a injured baby squirrel about 10 - 12 wks old in Apr. I tried to get it into a rehab place but they were all full and the one that would take her I was worried that they would euthanize her cos of the injury. Her left back leg was not in use at all. I figured that it could not be too hard to take on the care of a young squirrel.
. I have to learn more to do right by this girl.
My little squirrel has made it in spite of me but she is still not using her back left leg and has never brought her tail over her back.
It is stunning how easy it is to fall into love with these little guys.

How is your little girl doing??? Does she have a name yet?? How's her leg??

09-28-2011, 09:24 PM
You are definatley NOT the person rehabbers hate! Rehabbers love people like you who care & are willing to learn how do save a squirrels life. We all had to start somewhere when learning about squirrels & the people here are willing to help. So welcome to the squirrel board, this place is an awesome place with people who have a lot of knowledge & experience to help you like theyhave helped me!

09-28-2011, 09:46 PM
Welcome! And we all started with that one little baby squirrel and wondering, searching, learning & wanting to do better. I started 6 years ago with one baby in my yard - now I'm a rehabber and loving it! Love to see photos!!! :Welcome

island rehabber
09-28-2011, 10:20 PM
Trust me, nobody was worse than me with my first squirrel......I accidentally weaned him at FIVE WEEKS OLD because I didn't know he needed milk :shakehead . Now 9 yrs later I run The Squirrel Board :tilt. You definitely sound like one of us and I'm looking forward to hearing more about your little girl. It's possible, if you are close enough to some of us here on the east coast, that we may be able to get her evaluated SAFELY by a wildlife vet, to see if there's anything that can be done about her leg and tail. (Maybe nerve damage....I have had babies like that and eventually they were released.) Anyway, WELCOME to TSB!:Welcome

10-08-2011, 12:20 PM
GOOD MORNING... (It's 11:15 am here in Costa Rica )
How are things in your "Neck of the Woods" ???

Any squirrel updates???

12-05-2011, 03:54 PM
Hi guys,

I am really embarrassed because I have not looked at this thread for awhile and see that many of the people that I have come to love because of the committment they have to squirrels have responded to my post.

so let me give you an update. Because of the squirrel board, Buffy's life has improved a 1000%. She has a wonderful 7' x 7' x 36' squirrelcage that she likes to call...the SQUIRRELINGTON. Her pad is situated in my office where I can let her run around a good bit of the day. I did ask that she not pee on my computer keyboard at which she just laughed in my face and peeed on my keyboard. So now that I have been trained on that point we have a great time together.

I have her eating better but still not stellar. She will eat Boo Balls regularly and totally turns her nose up at HHB. I have been working on shaving the HHB's into dust and putting them in avocado which she does adore. Getting her to eat veggies is tough. I give her an acorn every other day cos I think it must have something she needs but maybe I should cut that out. Let me know.

IR .... I am in a state that it is illegal and was going to try and contact someone that would be able to help get her to a vet if that was ever necessary. But I would love to know if there is anything else I could do for her now. Buffy must be 8-9 months old by now. Can I PM someone with that question?

I know that I am preaching to the choir when I say that these little guys take over your life. My friends just shake their heads when they see how much room she has. she just delights me!

I am hopelessly computer illiterate, but will promise to get some pics up when I can spend some time to figure it out.


12-05-2011, 04:11 PM
Stosh there is no change in the use of her leg and tail which does not slow her down at all. I would love to be able to release her which I know is what she would love to have happen also. Buffy spends quite a bit of time looking out the windows of her office.

I found her in the woods with Gulp my cat sitting near her and I took the cat away and was gonna do the 'nature taking care of itself' thing, and the next minute I find myself getting something to bring the injured squirrel back here to let her have a chance at surviving. There was a drop of blood in the carrier were I put her so I know the cat injured her. Let me tell you, this little girl squirrel has survived a lot. Mostly with me being ignorant. so anything I can do to give her a better life and even a chance to get back out.

Is that right IR, that you have been able to release injured squirrels that do not have full use of a back leg?

island rehabber
12-05-2011, 04:12 PM
trysh, PM me anytime if you can get to Westchester County, Putnam County or NYC....I know excellent vets in all three areas. :thumbsup
...and yes, I have released squirrels who either had leg/tail issues or just hind leg issues. They were able to leap big distances and climb without a problem, so they went happily to the woods!

12-05-2011, 06:52 PM
I love this story :Love_Icon Before think about releasing her she should be evaluated as to how bad her injuries are and how she would make it in the wild. You have done a great job. You are not the person this rebabilitator would hate... that's for sure. If you need help just ask your questions. Many here licensed or not licensed are experts. Just all squirrel lovers helping each other.


12-05-2011, 07:03 PM
We are all proud of your efforts...
My Rama Rota doesnt eat HHBS so we grind them into powder...(small pieces he still rejects) and make Boo Ballls with them.
RamaMama can send you her recipe if you'd like.

12-05-2011, 09:40 PM
UDoWhat, I would love to have her evaluated because she was on a compromised diet for quite a while, I was always in the dilemma of whether her injury was MBD. I am in the same state as you.

A few weeks after I had her I contacted someone who followed another rehabber that goes by the initials of CS. Everything went ok, she sorta ate the nut balls, but I was not rigorous about nuts and that is truely all this girl wants to eat. She lived in a 3' x 6' x 18" cage that I had used to start chickens. I talked to her but never handled her and was hoping to get her back into the wild. But her existence really sucked. I can't believe that she did not die of a broken lonely heart. I knew I was not doing right by this little girl.Then i found TSB :thankyou

I think you now have Buffy's history, but no pictures:soapbox

[COLOR="Black"][SIZE="2"]Stosh, I do use half HHB and half block for the boo balls but I don't think that equals the recommended amt of HHB/day. I would love Rama Mama's recipe though.

Sweet Simon's Mommy
12-05-2011, 09:44 PM
Yes i want mama's recipe also , never hurts to have another good back up recipe !!!:thumbsup

12-06-2011, 01:00 AM
HELLO :wave123 and WELCOME to TSB
I am glad YOU are HERE and that YOU are WILLING to LEARN ....... :thumbsup
Exactly :Welcome :thumbsup sounds like you've been doing a great job. That's why we all love TSB. We've got great people all over the East Coast so someone will be able to check Buffy out.

12-07-2011, 10:03 PM
Thanks MiriamS,

This board is so amazing. I have been reading here for awhile and the compassion and knowledge of folks here on the east coast and everywhere is awesome.

Still working on figuring out how to upload pictures. Would love to share pics of the Buffy girl. She is turing silver on her back and looks quite marvelous. I call her my new silver-back gir-illa. Since there are tons of wonderful pictures uploaded, it can't be too hard. Is there a place I could go for directions?

12-07-2011, 10:14 PM
Thanks MiriamS,

This board is so amazing. I have been reading here for awhile and the compassion and knowledge of folks here on the east coast and everywhere is awesome.

Still working on figuring out how to upload pictures. Would love to share pics of the Buffy girl. She is turing silver on her back and looks quite marvelous. I call her my new silver-back gir-illa. Since there are tons of wonderful pictures uploaded, it can't be too hard. Is there a place I could go for directions?

Hope this helps:


12-08-2011, 08:26 PM
thanks Stost, I had found that and printed it out. I spent an hour lst night trying to get it to work and never could. Let me try now and I will either get a picture up or tell you what is happening.

By the way, should I rename this thread or start a new one. I think I just figured out how to do that. It is tough when the time you are born into moves too fast for you::rotfl

So I just tried and when I hit upload it says 'Intenet explorer can not display the web page'. gosh Stosh, I hope you can help me, or anyone can cos Buffy
wants to eat my lunch cos I am not posting her pictures. she says she has gone way too long without any fans. She is looking so cool cos half her body is silver and the other half is tan. sigh she is getting so grown up.

Another by the way, it takes me so long to type now cos a few of the keys are sticking... yes, you guessed it... from being peed on


12-08-2011, 08:44 PM
UDoWhat, I would love to have her evaluated because she was on a compromised diet for quite a while, I was always in the dilemma of whether her injury was MBD. I am in the same state as you.

A few weeks after I had her I contacted someone who followed another rehabber that goes by the initials of CS. Everything went ok, she sorta ate the nut balls, but I was not rigorous about nuts and that is truely all this girl wants to eat. She lived in a 3' x 6' x 18" cage that I had used to start chickens. I talked to her but never handled her and was hoping to get her back into the wild. But her existence really sucked. I can't believe that she did not die of a broken lonely heart. I knew I was not doing right by this little girl.Then i found TSB :thankyou

I think you now have Buffy's history, but no pictures:soapbox

[COLOR="Black"][SIZE="2"]Stosh, I do use half HHB and half block for the boo balls but I don't think that equals the recommended amt of HHB/day. I would love Rama Mama's recipe though.

I just saw this post. I would be happy to help with any questions you might have. I am in Howard County. Where are you?? We just need to get this sweet one on a good healthy diet. I would try the HHBs for picky eaters. I will PM you some info to help with the transition to rodent block and/or HHBs.


12-08-2011, 08:46 PM
thanks Stost, I had found that and printed it out. I spent an hour lst night trying to get it to work and never could. Let me try now and I will either get a picture up or tell you what is happening.

By the way, should I rename this thread or start a new one. I think I just figured out how to do that. It is tough when the time you are born into moves too fast for you::rotfl

So I just tried and when I hit upload it says 'Intenet explorer can not display the web page'. gosh Stosh, I hope you can help me, or anyone can cos Buffy
wants to eat my lunch cos I am not posting her pictures. she says she has gone way too long without any fans. She is looking so cool cos half her body is silver and the other half is tan. sigh she is getting so grown up.

Another by the way, it takes me so long to type now cos a few of the keys are sticking... yes, you guessed it... from being peed on
Gee whiz, I wonder where that came from?:rotfl
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12-08-2011, 10:30 PM
I just saw this post. I would be happy to help with any questions you might have. I am in Howard County. Where are you?? We just need to get this sweet one on a good healthy diet. I would try the HHBs for picky eaters. I will PM you some info to help with the transition to rodent block and/or HHBs.


Gosh, I am so glad to hear that. I am in PG County so we are not far at all.

I have tried the picky eater's HHB and will keep working hard to get this girl on the right path. I am getting one ground up HHB mixed with avocado or sweet potato and one boo ball in her a day. She also gets assorted veggies which usually get thrown out to the chickens after they have spent a day wilting. She did nibble on a snap pea yesterday and I thought I might jump for joy. I get so envious of the pics of the fat litttle squirrels that eat all their veggies and blocks

12-08-2011, 10:34 PM
Gee whiz, I wonder where that came from?:rotfl
Often times, restrictions to posts are normal to help keep spammers at bay.
After a short time, you may be granted full access to features on TSB.
Please be patient.

Hi Skul,

Thanks, but I do think I have access to everything I need to post a picture except for the intelligence on how to do it. It might also be my computer. It might be time for me to pull in a favor from a friend who does have a brain to figure this stuff out.

12-08-2011, 11:04 PM
Actually, I'm a bit impressed as how well you're doing.
You're doing fine.
Just don't let us old foggies get on your nerves.:D

12-09-2011, 08:28 AM
Hi Skul,

Thanks, but I do think I have access to everything I need to post a picture except for the intelligence on how to do it. It might also be my computer. It might be time for me to pull in a favor from a friend who does have a brain to figure this stuff out.
Well you got a friend in Costa Rica... ha !
When you start a new thread I will post these photos there.

LADIES & GENTLEMEN.... (you too Skul...Ha !)

12-09-2011, 08:35 AM
A few more ---

12-09-2011, 07:50 PM
Buffy--the Great One...

Nancy in New York
12-09-2011, 08:03 PM
I just wonder if you go to photobucket if that would be easier for you to post pictures here, all you need to do then is put a link and the photos will show up in the thread. I believe that it is free too!

12-09-2011, 08:04 PM
She is beautiful!! So much red coloring in her fur. Thanks for sharing the pictures. Thanks to Stosh too. What a wonderful inside enclosure for her. Great job. :thumbsup


12-09-2011, 08:07 PM
:thankyou thanks Stosh, that picture is so lovely, makes me want to cry. I just think she is so beautiful. I know everyone one of us thinks this about our squirrels.

I did post a site for her in the grey squirrel forum under Buffy the Vampire Slayer:poke :jump

12-09-2011, 08:13 PM
she is so-o-o beautiful!
And those crossed legs - how much more endearing will it get?

12-21-2011, 11:25 AM
What a lovely girl, and what an awesome cage! She looks so happy, you have done a great job taking care of her and TRYING to get her on a good diet! I know how hard that can be; one of my boys is super picky. I'm gonna try the hhbs in boo balls too now ;).

12-21-2011, 02:28 PM
thanks sdreamcatcher,----don't we all love our babies. Do you have any hints for getting these picky eaters to eat what they are supposed to? I am open to all ideas. And I am a lot more comfortable playing hardball with her now too. She has lots of choices of things to eat but they all involve rodent block or Hhb.

STOP by Buffy's thread under Grey squirrel forum.

12-21-2011, 05:31 PM
Redwuff, just found this thread, now I will look for the Buffy Thread, what a doll :alright.gif , love the footsies in the shot Stosh framed.