View Full Version : Need help/advice...

09-22-2011, 11:14 PM
My wife and I have recieved a younger eastern gray, who has been on the bad side of some animal. One upper and one lower tooth broken, deep cut above nose (already healing over) a small cut under chin (pretty superficial) and a pretty large abcess on right back leg. What we have done so far: Lanced and drained the abcess, applied some ati-bacterial creme one of our "unofficial" wildlife guys has been using, rehydrated w/pedialyte, and giving small doses of water w/just a little bit of yougurt for flavor. We have had him about one week now, the abcess showed up about midday yesterday. When we first got him, he was lethargic, and would not touch anything near solid (I beleive from dental trauma) Now he is eating a few nuts and some cheerios, and since the abcess has been drained, he is a lot more active. The wound on his leg looks to me that it was possibly another animal that grabbed (bit) him on his knee. VERY swollen, does try to sit up to eat, but right leg is pretty messed up, left is okay. I would love to give this guy the best chance I can, will probably be non-releasable, but I can build a pretty good enclosure( thanks to eight sugar gliders) What I would love would be to have this little guy get some antibiotics, and some professional care. Would hate to give him up, but it is all about his care. I am in southport, NC. Can be fairly flexible as far as my work schedule goes, being that I am in Pest control. You all have my permission to lol now, a pest killer that loves all things furry. Sorry for the epic novel, just wanted to try to cover it all. Thanks in advance, Lewis

09-22-2011, 11:32 PM
First--thank you so much for caring for the little dude. WELCOME to TSB--you are in the nright place. The broken teeth may need additional trimming.The re-habbers will post soon and offer more advice...
Photos of injuries would be extremely helpful. Can you get an accurate weight? Please review our NUTRITION pages, it is the best way to aid in healing and growth.

09-22-2011, 11:37 PM
Will try to get some pics up asap. He is sleeping at the moment, and I try not to disturb him unless it is time for food or a drink. Oh yeah, I forgot to say that even though we have tried to introduce him to the water bottle, he is showing no interest in it, hence the "flavored" water from syringe. I took into consideration the fact his leg is messed up, so he probably doesn't want to stand on it, so the tube for water is close to floor level

09-22-2011, 11:42 PM
You can give liquids in a bowl with clean marbles or stones in the bottom so they can't get their nose in it too. Worked well with mine when I was too sick to feed properly.

09-22-2011, 11:45 PM
Awesome idea. Thanks so very much, will do right now.

09-23-2011, 01:53 AM
What I am concerned about is if these are wounds from an attack by a cat. If so, he needs antibiotics asap as cat. A cat bite is very nasty and can be deadly. I had a baby last year that was attacked by a cat. My vet treated him with a Convenia injection. He had maggots and abcesses. I would take him to see a vet asap.

Please post any pictures you may have to help the experts here.

Good luck with this baby! I am not sure what the laws are in NC. Hopefully some NC members will chime in. You might want to start a new thread in the emergency section that has NC in the title. For exampe, "Help needed in North Carolina".

09-23-2011, 06:48 AM
Illegal to keep in NC. No vet openings anytime soon (this coming tuesday is the only one) that deal with squirrels. Was hoping someone here would be able to lead me to someone on the coastal side of NC that could help, legal or not, he needs some help. His abcess is almost draining clear, but the joint in his leg is pretty swollen. I know I need anti-biotics, just don't know how to get them before tuesday, or from whom to get them. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you all, Lewis

09-23-2011, 06:22 PM
Poor little guy.I am in north eastern South Carolina right outside of Myrtle Beach.I am not sure how far you are willing to drive to see a vet but I go to one in Surfside Beach which specializes in wildlife.They are open on Saturdays but I am not sure that the vet that sees squirrels will be there tomorrow or not.The name of the vet is ark animal hospital and the vet you would need to see is Dr.jandenski.She is really good and has been caring for wildlife for a long time.They also go off of donations for wildlife from a program called N.O.A.H. and my last visit with meds and all were free.I hope this can help. I pray he gets better soon:grouphug

09-23-2011, 07:07 PM
:Welcome You have found the right place now we just need someone close to you to respond and help out with antibiotics. Check out the nutrition thread as his diet will be more important then ever to help his body heal.
How old do you think he is? There is a goats milk recipe that you could use until you can get formula for him. http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=29904


Can't wait to see pics of your little guy...so happy you have rescued him.:grouphug

09-23-2011, 11:13 PM
Sorry to be getting back to the board so late. As for an update, good pee, good poo, active and bright eyed, not really any more fluids from abcess. But, we are now faced with a horrible decision. The abcess on his leg is from a bite/cut that has basically severed the tendons in his leg. He will never be able to jump or climb, or even sit up to eat. I hate to even contemplate this, but I cannot, and will not let any of Gods wonderful miracles suffer. Is there a way for us to give this baby a happy (albeit limited) life? Is there anyone anywhere near close that has the capabilities of taking care of him? We have re-habbed several guys before him, but nothing anywhere like this. I am devastated and at wits end. Please help... if anybody needs/wants my particulars (location/phone numer) just pm me.

09-23-2011, 11:20 PM
I think this need to go under Life Threatening!

09-23-2011, 11:28 PM
doing now

09-23-2011, 11:29 PM
just posted a link to your thread in Life Threateing

09-23-2011, 11:36 PM
Thank you all so much

Mrs Skul
09-24-2011, 12:31 AM
Is this baby on Antibodic? :thinking He really really Needs to see a Vet! He probaly has a Bone Infeaction!:shakehead I have not read the whole thread yet. Sorry if you already posted the info. :D

09-24-2011, 12:38 AM
not yet, unfortunately, have none on hand,except ciprofloxacin. trying to find dosage info

Mrs Skul
09-24-2011, 01:01 AM
Do you have any FoxVally formula? I would start him on the formula at least 4 to 5 times a day. You need to keep him on some Heat.
Putting the Heating Pad Half under and half off. Make sure he has plenty of fleece to snuggle in. He will climb on top the pile and let his leg hang. "That is what Chrunchi use to do. He also needs Antibiotic! Baytril Is the best for what I am seeing. I would put him on it 4 times a day. You need to stop the infection in the bone be for he starts chewing his leg off. (Keep a close eye for him the Chew and Mutilate that leg!) Do you have any Vet wrap? I would put some Neosporeing "Antibiotic ointment" on some gauze Cover the whole.
Then take the Vet Wrap and wrap the knee may be 3 or 4 times. (NOT TO TIGHT!) It will tighten up as he moves around.
You can find the VetWrap at any Tractor Supply PetsMart PetCo. You also can find this under a different name at WalMart, Kmart, or any Grocery store. It will be around the Band aids. I am going to PM my phone number. Please Call me if I can help you.
Good luck Christal

When you opened the abscess. :thinking What came out?
What color was the puss & Did it smell?
Was it a very foul smelling? Can you get a hold of any Antibiotic at all?

Jackie in Tampa
09-24-2011, 06:03 AM
I have PMed the cipro info..
cipro and /or baytril is administered twice a day...NOT 4 times.
Lewis, I sent a Pm...I can talk you thru this..
until we find help for the litle one...

If you can give me a weight in grams, I could nail the dose down in two seconds...

09-24-2011, 06:57 AM
Jackie knows her stuff and cipro is an EXCELLENT choice of drugs for this:thumbsup Get her the weight info ASAP so this baby can get the help it need.

09-24-2011, 12:35 PM
This is a good place to find all kinds of small animal stuff.