View Full Version : Penis so swollen cant pee

09-21-2011, 12:21 PM
I have a 8 week old male fox that has sucked and bitten his penis so much that it is swollen and he cant pee. I am trying to find a vet in my area that will even look at him. It there anything I can do in the mean time to help him? I know he has to go pee. I can see his bladder growing.

island rehabber
09-21-2011, 12:38 PM
You've got to get the swelling down. If there's a scab, soak it off, then try to use cold compresses to bring the swelling down. This can be life-threatening, so act fast. If you can get a vet to see him, so much the better.

09-21-2011, 12:59 PM
The squirrel needs a vet ASAP!. Is there a scab that is preventing him from peeing. You must get this off with antibiotic cream, soaking, etc ASAP. I had this happen to one of my babies, and I had to work at getting the tip of the penis sheath open. It had scabbed over. I softened it all up with antibiotic cream, and then I had to "find" the opening of the penis skin. I used the blunt end of the smallest sewing needle. Not the sharp side. This was so smooth and so fine that I was able to slide it in and open up that tract. Of course this takes a skilled hand, and extreme caution ( I only slid the needle in about 1/8th inch). The pee came spewing out at me!!!! It was great!
The urine will back up into the kidneys and them poison the whole squirrel.
Squirrel pee so much in one day, all this urine is backing up.

09-21-2011, 03:05 PM
No vet in my city would even look at him so I got him to a more experienced rehaber and she is taking him to her vet right away. I hope all goes ok. Im going to be a wreck til I hear how things turn out. Thanks guys for the speed and info. I am new at this so I need all the help I can get. I have started the process to become licensed but if this kind of thing is going to happen alot I dont know if I could take it. I told my lady that I was gonna have to get tougher skin but she says it really doesnt get any easier. I guess just knowing you helped will make it all worth it.