View Full Version : Found baby w obvious leg fracture
09-19-2011, 02:37 PM
Found squirrel in tree that was cut downat neighbors. Two didn't make it. The tree guy cried too. Was very sad.
He IS dehydrated...staying in tent form several seconds. Daughter on way to store for pedialyte, and stuff for formula...goat milk, creme and yogurt. First need to get hydrated.
Have given 2.5 cc least it's something. Nothing when stimulated...
Asleep in towel now on my chest, just off heating pad. No direct contact, just part of towel.
I have horses and several drugs available. Dex, etc.
He, was able to sex, about 4 weeks old, prolly closer to 5, seems to have fractured front left leg.
When daughter gets back will start with pedialyte. He just squealed and got closer to me? What does this mean? Drank pretty good from syringe.
What next?
09-19-2011, 02:47 PM
My babies wouldn't take the pedialite. There is a home mixture for it.
1 tsp salt (teaspoon)
3 Tbsp sugar (tablespoon)
1 quart warm water
Mix all ingredients in warm water. Store in refrigerator.
My babies drank that up, so it's an option B if the baby won't take pedialite. The baby may be in pain, but I am not pro enough to give you medicine dosing. Do you have infant pain meds on hand though, for when someone can?
The baby is probably just trying to get warm. Keep him warm whichever way is best for the both of you. I snuggled all my babys to warm so they weren't scared of me when I pulled out the food.
Stick close, they will be with you to give you more information as soon as they can.
:thankyou For helping this baby.
09-19-2011, 02:56 PM
Have him on heating pad w four layers of towel, then a sheet between pillows w me on bed. I only have lg animal meds, but dex can be given to cats and dogs in pain, don't know bout squirrels. It is so cute! Rescued 3 week old kitten last week! My father died three months ago. Guess he doesn't want me lonely.
09-19-2011, 02:58 PM
I've only had my babies for 2 weeks, so I don't have any clue about pain meds dosing. Someone should be here soon.
The baby should feel warm to the touch. They need to be about 99 degrees. Let me link you to the emergency baby thread. Lots of great info, and someone else should be with you soon to help you with dosing and that poor leg.
^^Emergency baby squirrel thread. Lots of great info.
09-19-2011, 03:15 PM
My gosh, the info on what to feed sure varies!!
09-19-2011, 03:18 PM
I have done my homework. I hand research each ingredient. (I am from the health food capitol of the country), I choose Fox Valley for mine. And my babies have shown the difference in their behavior and size. The FV is really great stuff.
09-19-2011, 04:00 PM
Bumping, please someone help this lady. We need medicine dosing and help for this little leg.
Nancy in New York
09-19-2011, 06:54 PM
How is the little one doing. Before doseages can be given, you need a weight on the baby.
Let us know how he is doing...:)
09-19-2011, 07:02 PM
A pic of the fracture would help too. Is it something that can be gently stabilized with small strips of vet wrap?
09-19-2011, 08:22 PM
He is dragging leg behind. Can't palpate fracture so I think it's high up. Baby weighs 3 oz. Not eating well.....or maybe just frustrated that I feed it so slow. But did justurinate and deficate.
Can I give it dex? Does anyone know? Should I worry he only has had about 5 cc since 3? I mixed electrolytes with some ensure, very diluted. Will do goat milk, yogurt, and cream tomorrow.
09-19-2011, 08:50 PM
He is dragging leg behind. Can't palpate fracture so I think it's high up. Baby weighs 3 oz. Not eating well.....or maybe just frustrated that I feed it so slow. But did justurinate and deficate.
Can I give it dex? Does anyone know? Should I worry he only has had about 5 cc since 3? I mixed electrolytes with some ensure, very diluted. Will do goat milk, yogurt, and cream tomorrow.
I wouldn't give Dex for a fracture, but if a rehabber comes here and says different, please follow what they say.
Does he seem to be in pain? Ears pinned back, grinding or chattering teeth?
Do you have any access to a vet?
Your choices for a fracture high up are surgical pinning (not aware of this ever being done for a squirrel) and immobilization by wrapping the leg. Is there any chance this is a dislocation? Is the foot warm? Does the foot react when you pinch it? How is the swelling?
On the positive side, squirrels usually heal very quickly from leg fractures.
09-19-2011, 08:58 PM
No obvious signs of pain, even when manipulating leg. Seems warm, but not sensitive. Was thinking of binding to body but seems so unconcerned! Called three vets...we don't work on squirrels was the reply over and over.
The rescue person I was given told me to use cats milk obvious no no, I didn't stay on line long with that one.
He is resting on his rice buddy that he loves. I put him in blue tub, lid on sideways, under heat lamp, and he is snoozing away. Will feed again at 1. Run an equine facility, and should be sleeping by now, but just checked on him. Calling him Doug...after the dog who says ......"SQUIRREL". Grin. Hope he makes worried.
09-19-2011, 09:04 PM
A heating pad with no auto shut-off under half of the container would be a better source of heat for him. Less drying and more direct.
That said, thank-you for caring enough to help this little guy!:thankyou
Nancy in New York
09-19-2011, 09:05 PM
Do you have a heating pad that doesn't shut off. This is much prefered over a heat lamp. Put his container half on and half off of the heating pad and set it on low.
edit: I see that Sammy'sMom beat me to it....:D .
09-19-2011, 09:05 PM
I looked everywhere for one!! This was the only thing I could come up with...I have no clue what else to try.
09-19-2011, 09:12 PM
No obvious signs of pain, even when manipulating leg. Seems warm, but not sensitive. Was thinking of binding to body but seems so unconcerned! Called three vets...we don't work on squirrels was the reply over and over.
The rescue person I was given told me to use cats milk obvious no no, I didn't stay on line long with that one.
He is resting on his rice buddy that he loves. I put him in blue tub, lid on sideways, under heat lamp, and he is snoozing away. Will feed again at 1. Run an equine facility, and should be sleeping by now, but just checked on him. Calling him Doug...after the dog who says ......"SQUIRREL". Grin. Hope he makes worried.
To reassure you, squirrels really do heal from these types of injuries very well. However, there can be complications due to nerve damage, loss of circulation; dislocations are of course better reduced. You didn't mention if there was still feeling in the leg (jerks when the foot is pinched). I see you're in Florida. There are a lot of great vets in Florida that will treat squirrels. If you don't want to reveal your city/county, you can PM me or someone and we can try to help you find a vet. However, probably the break is already beginning to callus. Still, an x-ray is a good thing in terms of finding out exactly what type of break this is.
Good for you, for not going with the KMR.... I've personally dealt with a KMR baby and it's not pretty. This little guy needs proper nutrition to heal.
Be very careful with the heat lamp. A no-auto-shutoff heating pad turned on low and placed under HALF the container is safer.
If you want the vet option, sooner is better.
Nancy in New York
09-19-2011, 09:17 PM
I looked everywhere for one!! This was the only thing I could come up with...I have no clue what else to try.
What size bulb does this heat lamp have? Perhaps you can do a rice buddy, but that is usually only good for one hour, and you need your sleep.
BUT through the day, take 1 cup of uncooked rice and put it in a sock, tie it on the top, and microwave for 1 minute on high. Squish the rice around after it's hot, to make sure there are no hot spots. Wrap a piece of fleece around it, and place it near the baby.
09-19-2011, 09:20 PM
The heating pads with no shut-off seem to be the cheapest ones. I got one at CVS and one at Walgreens. Here is one that you can order online:
09-19-2011, 09:22 PM
So here what did, I moved the lamp so that it points at side of box. Indirect heat that way, so the side of box warms up, and warms towels thru....absorption. Similar o heating pad,,,whatcha think?
09-19-2011, 09:25 PM
So here what did, I moved the lamp so that it points at side of box. Indirect heat that way, so the side of box warms up, and warms towels thru....absorption. Similar o heating pad,,,whatcha think?
09-19-2011, 09:25 PM
Really not ideal. Rice buddy plus that until you can get a heating pad should be okay I think.
09-19-2011, 09:29 PM
Working awesome. Bulb is about 2.5 feet away, and he had snuggled into ice buddy and was fast asleep. No feeling in leg. I pinched and no reaction at all. I hated doing that.
Temp in box w thermometer says 94... His temp right at 100....good?
09-19-2011, 09:30 PM
Oh, and am in Ocala.
09-19-2011, 09:42 PM
Sounds like you are doing pretty good. Give the formula separate from the hydration solution. Best wishes for Doug!
09-19-2011, 09:51 PM
Oh, and am in Ocala.
"No feeling" is cause for concern. Ocala...certainly we should be able to find you a vet within a reasonable drive. I do really recommend that. We have a member in Ocala called Scoobysnack, who may have a good squirrel vet. There is a very good squirrel rehab center in Christmas, Florida. That's just two options for a start.
09-25-2011, 06:37 PM
Update on Doug. He is doing amazing. He hasntopened eyes just yet, but is starting to get around pretty good. He loves his formula and drinks it from a 3 cc syringe. Sucking it out so hard he can move the plunger.
His arm is still pretty lifeless. Warm and all, but useless. I called over twenty vets, not even one would help me. What happened to these people?
Still using the lamp. He loves it. At night when my air can actually keep up with the weather, will find him closer. During the day, he will be at opposite end, curled up in sleeve of old t-shirt.
He is going by himself, so relieved about that. Pun
Really don't know what to do with the leg.
Jackie in Tampa
09-25-2011, 07:07 PM
if you need some help...I am in tampa and have vets...
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