View Full Version : Weird bites/pimple looking things

09-19-2011, 12:21 AM
First of all, I'm sorry this first post doesn't have a pic attached. It is midnight where I am but I just discovered this site. I will try to post something tomorrow.

I have a 4 wk old squirrel we are trying to rehab. We raised one before and successfully released but this one seems to have an issue. He was found 3 days ago and seemed fairly healthy if not slightly dehydrated. I noted a few little bug bite marks on him. At least that's what I thought they were. I figured it was from being on the ground or maybe little mites or whatever. I thought they would go away.

Well, 3 days later more are appearing. There doesn't seem to be any puncture wound on the outside surface that I can see. It almost looks like a tiny pocket of pus under the skin with redness around. The older ones have turned a grayish color as if there is a scab below the surface. They are popping up everywhere now (mainly feet, back legs, and tummy/groin region)

Does anyone have any idea what this could be? I have looked at pics of pox and it doesn't look like that at all. He is not losing any fur, not that he has much.

A secondary question...perhaps for another section...I would really prefer him to go to a rehabber but can't seem to find one in my area. I am in Plant City, FL.

09-19-2011, 12:24 AM
DONT try to pop them, I'm not a pro, but I know bot bugs can hurt the baby bad if you hurt the bug. A pro should be with you soon.

09-19-2011, 01:21 AM
First of all, I'm sorry this first post doesn't have a pic attached. It is midnight where I am but I just discovered this site. I will try to post something tomorrow.

I have a 4 wk old squirrel we are trying to rehab. We raised one before and successfully released but this one seems to have an issue. He was found 3 days ago and seemed fairly healthy if not slightly dehydrated. I noted a few little bug bite marks on him. At least that's what I thought they were. I figured it was from being on the ground or maybe little mites or whatever. I thought they would go away.

Well, 3 days later more are appearing. There doesn't seem to be any puncture wound on the outside surface that I can see. It almost looks like a tiny pocket of pus under the skin with redness around. The older ones have turned a grayish color as if there is a scab below the surface. They are popping up everywhere now (mainly feet, back legs, and tummy/groin region)

Does anyone have any idea what this could be? I have looked at pics of pox and it doesn't look like that at all. He is not losing any fur, not that he has much.

A secondary question...perhaps for another section...I would really prefer him to go to a rehabber but can't seem to find one in my area. I am in Plant City, FL.

You may be very close to some of the FL rehabbers who can help! Someone will be online soon---please keep refreshing your browser. In the meantime, you may need to medicate him with antibiotics. If you have any leftovers in the house, it would be a good idea to find them and make a list of what you have to exedite the process (drug name, mg, etc) and also get a weight in grams for your baby. I'm not sure about this (I'm not a rehabber), but if you need to, this can save a lot of time when someone who is experienced comes on to help.

I'm assuming he's warm, hydrated, etc as per the usual protocol? Don't worry--an experienced rehabber will help you shortly. Did you try to upload the pics? I might be able to help.

09-19-2011, 09:59 AM
Ok, feeding time is over this morning. Let me tell you, this kind of pic is not easy to take, lol. Here is what I managed to get. Oh, and I swear there are even more this morning! Poor little baby is gonna be covered in these little lesions before long!

It says I cannot post attachments...here is the link (http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2199960233102.119752.1070166169&l=408ee346ee&type=1) to the pics on FB. Please let me know if you can view them. I think I set it up so they can be seen via this link.

Jackie in Tampa
09-19-2011, 10:05 AM
Only guessing...ant bites.
Pediatric benedryl will help with the itchy pain...
a baking soda warm bath will also make him feel better...
I can help with dosing benedryl, however it must be pediatric suspension...
love to see the rest of your sweet boy!:Love_Icon
Sqs are legal in florida, so a vet is not out of the question if that makes you feel better!
:Welcome :wave123 Welcome to TSB, thank you for helping the little guy!:alright.gif

09-19-2011, 10:05 AM
Forgot to answer about antibiotics. I have some liquid left over for my dogs.
Clindamycin 25 mg per ml - I apparently have 3 bottles of this with little dribbles in each one. Should be way more than an eentsy squirrel would need.

I will keep them out in case someone thinks this might helpful.

09-19-2011, 10:11 AM
Thanks Jackie, I'm going to say no on the ants, only because he is being kept in a carrier (no ants in there) and the marks have gotten much worse since we've had him. He doesn't seem to be itchy either. Is there some sort of microscopic critter that could be biting him? I've checked him over and his bedding really good and I don't see anything.

I added some more pics to this link (http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2199960233102.119752.1070166169&l=408ee346ee&type=1).

Jackie in Tampa
09-19-2011, 10:12 AM
'cillans' should be used ONLY in an emergency such as you are in a blizzard in Alaska...:rotfl :sanp3
they are not sooo sq friendly...:peace

also.......ABs need to be fresh to be effective...

I really think neosporin/triple anti B after a corn starch or baking soda bath {dry baby well & keep warm} is all that may be required topically, and the OTC meds I mentioned are best you can do for pain relief...
good luck.:wave123
hoping someone else jumps in soon to advise....

09-19-2011, 10:15 AM
I can try a corn starch bath...(ran out of baking soda just yesterday) What is the method for that? How much, etc.?

Jackie in Tampa
09-19-2011, 10:19 AM
little bowl of warm water...
couple teaspoons I would guess...
sqs don't really like running water, it puts them on alert, it's frightening...
be sure to dry well...no blow dryer please...
I hate reading where people do that...I know it vtakes hours for the baby to calm after a blow dryer in the face...oye!

I am in south Tampa if you need any help, however I really think, but cannot say for sure, that this is an ant bite issue and Walgreens for PEDIATRIC BENEDRYL SUSPENSION is best advise along with the bath..
thank you...:wave123

Nancy in New York
09-19-2011, 10:22 AM
little bowl of warm water...
couple teaspoons I would guess...
sqs don't really like running water, it puts them on alert, it's frightening...
be sure to dry well...no blow dryer please...
I hate reading where people do that...I know it vtakes hours for the baby to calm after a blow dryer in the face...oye!

I am in south Tampa if you need any help, however I really think, but cannot say for sure, that this is an ant bite issue and Walgreens for PEDIATRIC BENEDRYL SUSPENSION is best advise along with the bath..
thank you...:wave123

Do as Jackie mentioned above, and take a cotton ball and soak it in the solution and keep applying it to the affected area. DRY DRY DRY that baby well....:D

09-19-2011, 10:37 AM
Ohmigosh! That was the cutest thing ever. I actually did two seperate bowls, one for dipping and one for rinsing. Updated pics (http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2199960233102.119752.1070166169&l=408ee346ee&type=1) again...SOOO CUTE. Tell me he doesn't look like he's ready to dive in the last one? OMG

Anyway, he is cuddled in a towel on my lap now. Will schmear some cream on him when he's dry and put him to bed. Hope this helps! Should I repeat this every few hours or once a day?

09-19-2011, 01:31 PM
I have to agree with Jackie - ant bites. Sometime it can take a while after the bite for it to come to a 'head'. I have gotten in a lot of ant-bite squirrels, including one pinky flyer, and they have done fine.

Oh, and if you get one in that has just been bitten, you can mix some meat tenderizer with water to make a paste and put it on the bites, and it will keep them from hurting and itching so much. And it works GREAT on people!


09-19-2011, 04:51 PM
Thanks everyone for your help. I have found a local squirrel rehabber to take Squirrelio. I appreciate everyone's help, I will recommend this forum to anyone with questions in the future.