View Full Version : I need help - BOULDER CO

09-18-2011, 07:59 PM
I don't think there are any rehabbers in my area. There was supposed to be a lady taking my squirrels yesterday, but she never showed. I think I have to go to the ER, and I need a rehabber to pass my babies off too. I cannot even lift a 6 week old squirrel I'm in so much pain. I can't feed them. I have their formula in a water bottle on the side of the cage.
If you know anyone in my area, please, pass the word on.

09-18-2011, 08:02 PM
ill help you out by posting this on other forums. sorry i cant help you out because im full with taking in squirrels. :( but be sure to watch out for this thread on other forums!!!

09-18-2011, 08:04 PM
I don't think there are any rehabbers in my area. There was supposed to be a lady taking my squirrels yesterday, but she never showed. I think I have to go to the ER, and I need a rehabber to pass my babies off too. I cannot even lift a 6 week old squirrel I'm in so much pain. I can't feed them. I have their formula in a water bottle on the side of the cage.
If you know anyone in my area, please, pass the word on.

this is not from me, this is from a girl that lives in the CO area. please, help her out!! i cant, but maybe you can. do your daily good deed!:)

09-18-2011, 08:05 PM
Gosh, hope something works out... just bumping this

09-18-2011, 08:20 PM
I don't think there are any rehabbers in my area. There was supposed to be a lady taking my squirrels yesterday, but she never showed. I think I have to go to the ER, and I need a rehabber to pass my babies off too. I cannot even lift a 6 week old squirrel I'm in so much pain. I can't feed them. I have their formula in a water bottle on the side of the cage.
If you know anyone in my area, please, pass the word on.

this is not from me, this is from a girl that lives in the CO area. please, help her out!! i cant, but maybe you can. do your daily good deed!:)

Where in CO? There was someone else recently on this board who found some babies who might be able to help out? I believe she was in the Boulder/Golden area?

09-18-2011, 08:38 PM
we need to know where in co....

main city....

we may not have anyone ... you might need to think about either a neighbour, friend or turning them over to a humane society/vet ...even if they're put to sleep .....

they can't starve to death in their cage....


09-18-2011, 08:42 PM
You took the words out of my head GS1. Sadly humane treatment is most important at this point. I wish I were in CO!

09-18-2011, 08:45 PM
Boulder, but I am willing to take them where they can get care. Or I should say have my boyfriend take them. They won't starve, but I'm not capable of doing much for them. Like I said, they have constant access to formula right now through the hamster style water dish.

09-18-2011, 09:35 PM

this is the link.

island rehabber
09-18-2011, 09:50 PM
You have a HIGHLY RATED FACILITY right in Boulder:


I encourage you to get them there as soon as possible!

island rehabber
09-18-2011, 09:51 PM


http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=6&ved=0CE0QFjAF&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwildlife.state.co.us%2FSiteCollec tionDocuments%2FDOW%2FRulesRegs%2FSpecialLicenses% 2FWildlifeRehabilitation%2FPublicRehabListing.pdf&rct=j&q=Boulder%20wildlife%20rehabbers&ei=Qq52Tq3zM_K30gHc37HmDQ&usg=AFQjCNGX-ZirJl8YQdTsYJkNHoHIeX6CxA&cad=rja

LOTS of Boulder CO wildlife rehabbers!

09-18-2011, 10:04 PM
please see IR's posts here:

09-18-2011, 10:09 PM
greenwood has 300 babies already. I fear what they would do with them, and as much pain as Im in, I am doing what I can for them right now, and would rather care for them in pain then give them to someone to kill them.
I have a response from CL I am also looking into, they released some last year. I will be going to the ER in the morning, last time I went for this issue it was a long one, and I was heavily medicated for a week, so I'm hoping to have a solution by then.
Thanks so much guys.

09-18-2011, 10:11 PM
I'm going to try one of the ones she sent me, the rehabber that was supposed to get them told me not to go to the one, they have too many babies, and they aren't saving more.
I also have one hit from CL, but I will have to go see that they have cages and know what they are doing. I'm hoping to find something a little easier on my sore body, but I will do what needs to be done to assure they get a healthy happy temporary home.

09-18-2011, 10:25 PM
greenwood has 300 babies already. I fear what they would do with them, and as much pain as Im in, I am doing what I can for them right now, and would rather care for them in pain then give them to someone to kill them.
I have a response from CL I am also looking into, they released some last year. I will be going to the ER in the morning, last time I went for this issue it was a long one, and I was heavily medicated for a week, so I'm hoping to have a solution by then.
Thanks so much guys.
just got a pm from gs1 - hold off on the CO rehabbers/centres links.

You said heavily medicated for a week. If it is only a week, will your boyfriend be able to fill in and take care of the babies?... just a thought.

Again, hold on, don't contact those places yet.

09-18-2011, 10:34 PM
He can't. We move in 12 days, and he's working 10-12 hour days, and trying to get the house together. I won't let him near the babies because he is so sick. I'm a momma, I'm used to putting myself second.
I realized that the number I was going to call I tried to call the day after I found them, and the number doesnt work anymore.
If nothing else I will talk to my vet in the morning and see if she has any ideas. I trust my vet with my special needs dog, and I would trust her with any animal I had. I think that if she knew I was looking out for the best interest of the animal (which is always her best interest) she may be able to help me find a rehabber. (This lady has done treatments on my allergy dog without a cent in return just for piece of mind for both of us).
I'm also still trying to get in touch with the lady who was supposed to take them yesterday.
Please rest assured, these babies are not dying of hunger in their cages, I am feeding them through the cage bars, and using the water thing as well. They always have HHB and veggies in their cage. I am doing what I can, I just know my limits, and when I'm on the meds they will put me on, I will not be able to do much for my children, let alone babies who have needs like an infant. (This is one of the main reasons I am moving, I have no support here, and I have been sick for a year next month, and the doctors have no idea why.)
Thank you all for your help and thoughts, and I am still trying on this side as well.

09-18-2011, 10:41 PM
opps - apologize, just read the comment about greenwood. I'm so sorry - wish I was in a position to help. You can try that lady, but I don't know her just that she offered to take the squirrels that I'm caring for now.

09-18-2011, 10:45 PM
Cool, thanks Island Rehabber - this is great to know :thumbsup

09-18-2011, 10:49 PM
It is probably too late now? 9:45 here?

09-18-2011, 10:57 PM
hi: tell her why ...e.r. tomorrow :grouphug

i'm still trying to find you people too .....

mrs skul might have an idea....

not that i don't trust island rehabber (never would say that) just heard that story from mrs skul and i freaked ....


09-18-2011, 11:03 PM
I called her, due to a family emergency she can not take anymore.

Please remove her numbers from the post, apparently I called a number that is not supposed to be given out.

She also suggested the greenwood place, but I just... I have a bad feeling about them going there.
I got one reply from craigslist from someone who rehabs birds, but are willing to learn how to do it. I may try to talk to them, and walk them through it, but my concern is that I won't be here after 12 days to show up at the door and help if they need it.
Thanks guys... I'm still searching. I may not make it until morning on the ER, so if I disappear you know why. I just fed them all (through the cage bars), they didn't not one of them take more than 5cc's from the syringe, so they are staying full this way... best I can do right now.

09-18-2011, 11:09 PM
ok ... i asked ir as far as this thread goes she can remove the number...

i'm sorry you had to hear one more no but at least we know....

am still trying to search for members in colorado/boulder/denver area....

but it will take time... at least until tomorrow morning... for them to respond....


(ps: these are the foxers you were talking about a while ago ...and one is possibly a non releasable?)

09-18-2011, 11:11 PM
are they eating solids at all? what about pee and poops...

09-18-2011, 11:15 PM
I called her, due to a family emergency she can not take anymore.

Please remove her numbers from the post, apparently I called a number that is not supposed to be given out.

She also suggested the greenwood place, but I just... I have a bad feeling about them going there.
I got one reply from craigslist from someone who rehabs birds, but are willing to learn how to do it. I may try to talk to them, and walk them through it, but my concern is that I won't be here after 12 days to show up at the door and help if they need it.
Thanks guys... I'm still searching. I may not make it until morning on the ER, so if I disappear you know why. I just fed them all (through the cage bars), they didn't not one of them take more than 5cc's from the syringe, so they are staying full this way... best I can do right now.

How old are they again? And how many? Hmmmm....I'll put the word out to my family in the CO area and see if anyone knows anyone who would want to help.

09-18-2011, 11:21 PM
They are eating solids. Between the four they eat 6-7 HHB a day and a fresh veggie. Pees and poops are good and solid, no problems. Leah may not be releasable that is my fear. But she seems to be getting better daily.
I am currently talking to a lady in Boulder who has done a lot with wildlife, just not squirrels. I am talking to her about caring for them, but told her I won't release them to her unless she uses this board. (It's the only place I've found that has REAL good REAL information). She's already willing to buy more of the FV. She is a stay at home mom, so she has the time to give them. I would love to find someone with more experience, but she seems very willing to learn.
I also have another gentleman willing to come pick them up tomorrow who has done many release squirrels that still come to him.
I'm going to talk to the mother in boulder at length and make sure she knows exactly what she is getting into. If I could teach another person how to care for them before I go, it would be a wonderful help to not only my babies, but to any other babies in this area, since there are so few here.
Thank you so much guys, you are all amazing. I am more heartbroken then words can show about giving my babies away, but I know I am doing right by them :Cry

09-18-2011, 11:25 PM
They are eating solids. Between the four they eat 6-7 HHB a day and a fresh veggie. Pees and poops are good and solid, no problems. Leah may not be releasable that is my fear. But she seems to be getting better daily.
I am currently talking to a lady in Boulder who has done a lot with wildlife, just not squirrels. I am talking to her about caring for them, but told her I won't release them to her unless she uses this board. (It's the only place I've found that has REAL good REAL information). She's already willing to buy more of the FV. She is a stay at home mom, so she has the time to give them. I would love to find someone with more experience, but she seems very willing to learn.
I also have another gentleman willing to come pick them up tomorrow who has done many release squirrels that still come to him.
I'm going to talk to the mother in boulder at length and make sure she knows exactly what she is getting into. If I could teach another person how to care for them before I go, it would be a wonderful help to not only my babies, but to any other babies in this area, since there are so few here.
Thank you so much guys, you are all amazing. I am more heartbroken then words can show about giving my babies away, but I know I am doing right by them :Cry

I was just saying to someone tonight that I can't do rescue work for animals because it scares me to release and animal to another person. But releasing my baby into the "wild," even knowing he may be hit by a car or worse, is somehow easier. I feel for you.

I contacted a friend of mine who does rescue work to see if she knows anyone. I also asked my niece to ask around. But it sounds like you have some leads. Fingers crossed!

09-18-2011, 11:31 PM
I was just saying to someone tonight that I can't do rescue work for animals because it scares me to release and animal to another person. But releasing my baby into the "wild," even knowing he may be hit by a car or worse, is somehow easier. I feel for you.

I contacted a friend of mine who does rescue work to see if she knows anyone. I also asked my niece to ask around. But it sounds like you have some leads. Fingers crossed!

I think it's because in someone elses care we can't do anything for them. And we trusted the other person with them. If something goes wrong it was a direct reflection of us. If they are hurt outside, that is nature. Or least in my head it is, if I make the wrong choice, it could cost them their lives.

09-19-2011, 12:07 AM
I'm back to looking. I am in contact with another person from Craigslist, but I'm really hoping to find them an experienced home.
Thanks guys.

09-19-2011, 12:17 AM
I think it's because in someone elses care we can't do anything for them. And we trusted the other person with them. If something goes wrong it was a direct reflection of us. If they are hurt outside, that is nature. Or least in my head it is, if I make the wrong choice, it could cost them their lives.

Yeah. Nature is "cruel" and I know that. I'm fine with the way that nature has. It's human nature that scares me to death sometimes. My friend in CO doesn't know anyone local that could help....sorry. I thought about seeing if I could get them to me, but in all honesty, I would likely end up in divorce court! :sanp3 (just kidding...but I need to be realistic about what I can do)

09-19-2011, 01:43 AM
For future reference, posting an ad on craigslist in an illegal state even looking for a licensed rehabber is a bad idea. A police officer is emailing me stating how large the fine will be if I do not turn them over to the right people. Meaning someone with a license. As much as I love these squirrels, I may have to take them to my vet in the morning and turn them over. To avoid the police showing up at my door.
I will talk at length with her about what my options are legally and see if she knows any licensed people. If I transport them across state lines my legal issues could be even larger.

09-19-2011, 01:48 AM


still am looking for rehabbers for you ...did you try irs list?

ps:i will pm and email everyone on my list and pm you the list when i'm done....

:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

you ofcourse explained to the police that you are looking for a rehabber??? catch 22

09-19-2011, 01:58 AM
Of course. I told them I was asking people for their license, and explained I am just trying to help, because the rehab centers are so full. I am just hoping to find someone by the time my vet opens. 9am MST. Still waiting to hear back from the gentleman. But!! The police officer did give me a number to call to ask for a list of rehabbers... maybe one isn't a center.
We need all good thoughts, or my babies may end up in the one place I started all this to keep them out of.

09-19-2011, 02:17 AM
Gosh I am so sorry you're in such a bind! Thank you for taking them in the first place and thanks also to gS1 for helping and coordinating. I am truly shocked that a police officer is harassing you from a Craigslist ad. Wow, I didn't think that actually happened! If you need to go to the hospital tonight, GO. You have to take care of yourself. Just make sure gS1 has your boyfriend's phone number so we can take care of the squirrels while the hospital takes care of you. This may seem obvious but I could see letting myself stroke out not going to an ER because I was waiting to ensure the safety of baby squirrels.

I emailed a wildlife photographer I know in Boulder who might know someone "willing to learn" but the stay at home mom and guy with squirrel experience both sound like good options to me. People that care and are willing to learn are great and often more dedicated than the overwhelmed underfunded wildlife centers. That is my humble opinion, as I fall into the former category. Not that all wildlife centers are bad...

09-19-2011, 03:12 AM
Oh god, the cop is watching that closely? That's ridiculous. Quick someone call in a threat in Boulder so the cops have something to keep them busy. Good luck NovaAlison and squirrel babies :grouphug

09-19-2011, 07:18 AM
Were you able to verify that this person is actually a cop? That seem a little strange to me that a city cop would be harassing you. Usually, this is a state Fish and Game type of thing, unless your city has an ordinance tha is specific. I was told by numerous people (who trap and/or shoot squirrels, btw) that you can't have "wild animals," which is true, but under our state and city ordinances, squirrels aren't actually considered wild. When I contacted our state Fish and Game, I was told that squirrels are not considered wild animals and F&G and the city don't care what you do with them. I was reminded that shooting an animal in city limits is illegal. :shakehead

In a city like Boulder, where you can buy marijuana downtown under a giant neon sign....this seems strange that a cop would contact you via craigslist. Also, if it would have been me, I wouldn't have responded back, in case it is a busybody person who is not a cop. See if you can find out name/number and badge ID. If this is not a cop, I am pretty sure that posing as a law enforcement officer is in fact illegal.

09-19-2011, 08:36 AM
I was not able to verify, but he did give me a backdoor number to CSP. (Colorado State Patrol). Squirrels are illegal in colorado unless I bought them. I have no proof I bought them. I start blowing up phones in 1/2 an hour. I barely slept all night, so I'm starting with the vet.
The people I found through Craigslist (None of which I believe are registered) most of them will not work out. I'm still waiting on 1 or 2 to reply back to me on some details. One of them is experienced.
As I told the lady this morning, I am very upset that I feel my state is making me give them up to possibly die. I feel like all the animals are filtered through these 2-3 tiny doors, and the govnment is playing God about it. Leah may not make it through the day. With a human and not a group she may have a chance, but my choices are so limited. I do believe I have to fight this law involving squirrels at least even from my new distance of 2000 miles. It's just not right. If I could take my squirrels to the vet, legally it would cut out the concern of illness, which is the stance they take on "wild squirrels" in my home.
I'm sorry, I'm just hurt and angry. They don't deserve this. I'm still on the hunt, but hope seems to be fading.

09-19-2011, 09:20 AM
Talked to the vet. She worked at the rehab center by me. She gave me the name of the person she worked under 2 years ago. She assured me if this person is there they will not put the babies down. They may have no choice with Leah if she does have a problem that will make her NR. Since.. their goal is to get everyone back to the wild.
My baby Leah needs a miracle right now.

09-19-2011, 09:24 AM

leah is the best of all squirrels to become an nr.... foxers are calm and mellow...if she was a red squirrel it could be harder.....

we've several nr foxers here... maybe the lady could check out tsb.....


09-19-2011, 10:14 AM
"I'm sorry we can not take any more baby squirrels" They are out of room, they have no phone numbers for me. They have no idea what to tell me. They are so desperate for rehabbers they ran a class beginning of season, no one came. I'm sad I'm leaving for this reason only.
I still need to find a home... a licensed home... with no leads whatsoever now.

09-19-2011, 10:52 AM
:grouphug tell your vet.....

go back to islandrehabbers list.....


09-19-2011, 10:56 AM
I called the vet. She took my number, a vet that used to work at the place is going in there today, she is going to talk to them. She used to work with the squirrels at greenwood, and she is considering them herself, but knows she is not licensed and what trouble that could cause both of us.
I can not leave the state with them, because if we are found with the dogs and the squirrels they can legally take my dogs too, because they won't show true to their health cert. I can not have my special needs dog go to a pound, even for a day. It would start our trust issues all over again. Besides I would get in trouble for trying to fight with a cop who was taking my dog. :sanp3
I'm still on the hunt. But it's looking bleak right now. I got one more phone number left on my list. Cross your fingers.

09-19-2011, 11:13 AM
Damn I got a message from gs1 but I am in Denver and no way to travel. I still have Butchie and Joey need to release them. Releasing a blue jay today; released two robins two or three weeks ago. My Mom would kill me if I tried for more babies, but IF you can't find someone for Leah; I might be able to help. No promises, as I have no way of getting to Boulder for her. I wish CO had more help. (I do have a nr robin; though come spring her flight may improve). What is the issue with Leah? Haven't been around so way out of the loop.

I really hope you find someone to take these guys. If Leah's life is endangered and anyone can get her to Denver I can meet somewhere and take. Big IF but I can figure out something to tell my Mom. I do need to get Butchie and Joey released (cage issues, always)..... Their pictures are just priceless, poor babies. Joey was a bit older when I took him in.

Let me text a friend too; maybe she knows someone. She has squirrel experience too, though these guys will need to be overwintered, right?

09-19-2011, 11:18 AM
They are only about 6-7 weeks so yea to overwintered. Leah may be okay, but I have a feeling she is not. She cannot suckle correctly (which she must have been able to do since she is still alive). And she just acts off. I can get them to Denver, and they are in a cage, that they will come with. But I don't want you to have issues with them too causing you to be in this same spot.
Leah is safe for the moment. If the one place I have left will take them, Leah is not going with the other 3. In the state of Colorado NR mammals must be put to sleep by law. I just have to figure out everything. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. At the moment I'm trying to find a home for 3 squirrels. I will bring Leah up to a group/person if I feel that they would make a place in their hearts and homes for her. Please note she MAY be releasable, but at the moment I would not allow her to release based on what I have seen.

09-19-2011, 11:32 AM
They are only about 6-7 weeks so yea to overwintered. Leah may be okay, but I have a feeling she is not. She cannot suckle correctly (which she must have been able to do since she is still alive). And she just acts off. I can get them to Denver, and they are in a cage, that they will come with. But I don't want you to have issues with them too causing you to be in this same spot.
Leah is safe for the moment. If the one place I have left will take them, Leah is not going with the other 3. In the state of Colorado NR mammals must be put to sleep by law. I just have to figure out everything. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. At the moment I'm trying to find a home for 3 squirrels. I will bring Leah up to a group/person if I feel that they would make a place in their hearts and homes for her. Please note she MAY be releasable, but at the moment I would not allow her to release based on what I have seen.

If you can safely place the other three; I could possibly take Leah (if I had more time/money I would offer to take all four, but these boys are such a handful; though I love them like crazy, lol). IF she proved 100% releasable come spring I could release here. I do have an nr robin here who has flying issues (crow attack; her wing was twisted). She too , could possibly be released in the spring. I realise the CO laws, so only close friends/trusted family know. You can read my posts on Butchie and Joey and I think others here may vouch for me. I could also keep in touch. I know how careful one has to be though. Whatever happens, I AM praying that you find a very safe place for all four, even if you decide against my offer.

09-19-2011, 12:51 PM
I'm in CO and wish I could help, but do not have the capacity to take on any squirrels at this time (my job has been working 10-15 hrs/often 7 days a week). You may try Urban Wildlife Rescue (http://www.urbanwildliferescue.org/), they are not as busy as Greenwood, but also do not have the resources that Greenwood has. Greenwood is a nice facility, however, I'm leary of most rehabs due to the laws they must follow. I'm sorry I can not be of assistance, please keep us posted. I'll keep my ear to the ground and will report back if I hear of anyone that may be able to assist in the area.

09-19-2011, 03:41 PM
Update : I found a gentleman who has released 7 littlers before. This will be his 8th. He has a huge cage setup for release, and is willing to keep my little Leah should she need it.
I have asked him to sign up here, so we can watch her progression and decide as a group if she needs to be NR. He is also willing to drive nearly 3 hours to get my babies from me, so I may take care of myself.
It's going to be rough handing my babies over, but it has to be done for all 5 of us. I will keep checking the forums, and do what I can for babies local to me before my move. If you have my number and you see someone in my area that can use me, even just to drive down and show them what to do, pass it out. Any hour.
I will get some pictures before they go and post them.
You are all amazing people. Honestly. Thank you for all your help. gs1, your many hours of help mean the world to me and my family, and I can never thank you enough.
I will update again when the squirrels have been passed on to him.

09-19-2011, 03:55 PM
"I'm sorry we can not take any more baby squirrels" They are out of room, they have no phone numbers for me. They have no idea what to tell me. They are so desperate for rehabbers they ran a class beginning of season, no one came. I'm sad I'm leaving for this reason only.
I still need to find a home... a licensed home... with no leads whatsoever now.

Could she give you (or your bf) a crash course in becoming a rehabber? Just thinking out loud...

09-19-2011, 03:59 PM
I would 100% do that. No question. But I leave state in 11 days. And they don't have foxers where I am going. I will be licensed in the next state and probably every place I live from this day forward.
I may even one day return to Colorado when I can to become a full time rehabber. It's a sad state when the only thing ANYONE can suggest to me is to put my babies to sleep so they don't die somewhere else.

09-19-2011, 04:19 PM
I would 100% do that. No question. But I leave state in 11 days. And they don't have foxers where I am going. I will be licensed in the next state and probably every place I live from this day forward.
I may even one day return to Colorado when I can to become a full time rehabber. It's a sad state when the only thing ANYONE can suggest to me is to put my babies to sleep so they don't die somewhere else.

Hope this guy works out for you. I agree, this stuff is a huge hassle. I suspect these law actually have less to with squirrels and more to do with bobcats, mountain lions, and the like. And to think in my town, there's a guy with a pet wolf that he takes into STARBUCKS every day, for heavens sakes. :shakehead

09-19-2011, 04:57 PM
CO laws absolutely suck :(. I AM glad you found someone to take them; hope he signs up so we can follow how things go with these four.

09-20-2011, 08:31 PM
Okay Update:
The guy who was supposed to pick them up... hasn't. Two seperate occasions we have set up for him to take them. Both times, hours later, he tells me he can't maybe tomorrow.
The back up guy i called today, at length talking, he wants to put my babies on infant (human) formula. I'm not sure why. And wants to let them free in 4 weeks in his barn with no over winter feeding.
The lady from Greenwood hasn't called back.
And I have decided people in Colorado are flaky.
I'm back on the hunt. But I need to lay down a little. Not feeling well. If you need my contact info gs1 has it.

09-21-2011, 08:29 AM
someone suggested calling local pet stores - talk to the manager and ask him if he knows of anyone who raises squirrels.
I just would not tell him that you have squirrels as a store manager might end up telling you one thing and then taking babies for his store (don't know, not all pet store managers are trustworthy). Just to ask them if they know if anyone who raised and rehabbed squirrels...

09-21-2011, 09:43 AM
Okay Update:
The guy who was supposed to pick them up... hasn't. Two seperate occasions we have set up for him to take them. Both times, hours later, he tells me he can't maybe tomorrow.
The back up guy i called today, at length talking, he wants to put my babies on infant (human) formula. I'm not sure why. And wants to let them free in 4 weeks in his barn with no over winter feeding.
The lady from Greenwood hasn't called back.
And I have decided people in Colorado are flaky.
I'm back on the hunt. But I need to lay down a little. Not feeling well. If you need my contact info gs1 has it.

Did you ever call my vet? I wonder if she could help find someone for you.

09-21-2011, 02:02 PM
I'm so excited!!!!
A lady who works for Greenwood emailed me. She is licensed with the state. She works for Greenwood, and she only has 2 babies in her home. Not only that, but when they are getting ready to set them free, she is allowed to use Greenwoods outdoor setup. Where they will grow their winter coat, and survive through the winter. She feeds FV. She works with baby squirrels for a living. She only lives one town over. She cares for 40 of Greenwoods baby squirrels, and she only puts them down if they are in serious pain. I not only talked to her about taking my babies, but pointed her this direction (TSB) so she can help any other babies that may pop up here with no owner. I can think of 2-3 this month that have died in Colorado while still looking for rehabbers.

:grouphug I need everyone to think good thoughts so she takes them. My babies need someone like her. Leah especailly. She WONT put Leah down unless they decide she is in pain. Please work out please work out. This would calm my nerves and anxiety about finding these babies a good home.

09-21-2011, 03:39 PM
I'm so excited!!!!
A lady who works for Greenwood emailed me. She is licensed with the state. She works for Greenwood, and she only has 2 babies in her home. Not only that, but when they are getting ready to set them free, she is allowed to use Greenwoods outdoor setup. Where they will grow their winter coat, and survive through the winter. She feeds FV. She works with baby squirrels for a living. She only lives one town over. She cares for 40 of Greenwoods baby squirrels, and she only puts them down if they are in serious pain. I not only talked to her about taking my babies, but pointed her this direction (TSB) so she can help any other babies that may pop up here with no owner. I can think of 2-3 this month that have died in Colorado while still looking for rehabbers.

:grouphug I need everyone to think good thoughts so she takes them. My babies need someone like her. Leah especailly. She WONT put Leah down unless they decide she is in pain. Please work out please work out. This would calm my nerves and anxiety about finding these babies a good home.(I just came across this thread.)

That's great news! Hope this works out for you and the fuzzers; seems ideal!

Thanks for all the effort you're putting in to do well by the fuzzers, especially given the other challenges you're dealing with. :thumbsup

I'll be thinking good thoughts. :)

09-21-2011, 04:27 PM
she sounds amazing alison. cls.:D

09-21-2011, 06:51 PM

09-21-2011, 09:37 PM
I'm so excited!!!!
A lady who works for Greenwood emailed me. She is licensed with the state. She works for Greenwood, and she only has 2 babies in her home. Not only that, but when they are getting ready to set them free, she is allowed to use Greenwoods outdoor setup. Where they will grow their winter coat, and survive through the winter. She feeds FV. She works with baby squirrels for a living. She only lives one town over. She cares for 40 of Greenwoods baby squirrels, and she only puts them down if they are in serious pain. I not only talked to her about taking my babies, but pointed her this direction (TSB) so she can help any other babies that may pop up here with no owner. I can think of 2-3 this month that have died in Colorado while still looking for rehabbers.

:grouphug I need everyone to think good thoughts so she takes them. My babies need someone like her. Leah especailly. She WONT put Leah down unless they decide she is in pain. Please work out please work out. This would calm my nerves and anxiety about finding these babies a good home.

Oh, this is wonderful! Yay! Fingers crossed for you and the babies!

09-22-2011, 12:46 PM
Patty will be taking my babies. Now, the next mountain. My mans car broke down 2 days ago (head gasket, and it's in Castle Rock). I found a ride within the hour, and my babies are off to a wonderful (licensed) home with a wonderful lady.
gs1, you are AMAZING!!! Thank you for hours upon hours of discussion with me about these babies. If I didnt know better I would think you were their momma too.
You area all amazing for all your help. Expect it returned by 100 fold. Since I am now addicted to helping these babies.
I have added goodbye pictures and videos in the nursery.
:grouphug I love you guys, thanks for helping me save these babies.

09-22-2011, 01:09 PM
Aw, this is such good news. And if you are moving to FL - didn't you say that? - well I have it on good authority that some times of the year, baby gray squirrels rain from the sky so hard you need an umbrella... a squmbrella...

09-22-2011, 01:32 PM
:hidechair <-- my boyfriend after I read him your post Critter

:crazy <-- me after reading your post

Bear in mind though, even from Florida, I will be fighting for these little guys lives out here. This is completely and utterly ridiculous. NO ONE should be made to feel a criminal for trying to help mother natures creatures alive.
I feel like I was tested, to see how much these babies lives meant to me, every corner I hit a new brick wall. No one had any answers out here. My vets only option was to put them down (I still LOVE my vet and wish I could ship her to Florida with me).
It's not fair to the squirrels or the caring hearts of Colorado to have to go through this just to get help. :soapbox

You guys were AMAZING. These babies probably would have died without you. Each one of you saved their lives with me. Thank you for being by my side through it.

09-22-2011, 04:30 PM
Leah is on anti inflamitory meds and antibiotics. They think she may have swelling preventing her from doing well. The other 3 were perfectly healthy.
Leah was my smallest baby weighing in at 134 grams. Jack was my largest weighing in at 246 grams. Jill was 213 grams, Luke was 204 grams.
They are being put on a FV HHB mush. They were very upset and scared when we got them there. But they went into a great cage with a nest box and sticks.

Goodbye my babies

I shall now go concentrate on cleaning to avoid being sad. They are in wonderful hands though. You can move this thread or whatever you need to do.

09-22-2011, 04:34 PM

that's good to know about leah ...it's great that they have vets and staff that will take good care of her....

and the other three ....

and patty is wonderful ... she's so cheerful and calming at the same time....

:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

i'm glad they're still on fv and hhbs... :D

edit: they're going to love that cage!!! :thumbsup

09-22-2011, 05:50 PM
alison i'm so happy this worked out so well for you ... i know how heartbreaking and frustrating it was for you to try to find one good rehabber or person willing to take them and take good care of them for you.....

i admire you so much for all the work and stamina you put into finding these guys a home.... :grouphug

please get well ....:grouphug

and when in florida ask your boyfriend to build you an outside release cage (we have lots of ideas on this board :)...) you'll be using it ... and squirrels are legal in florida :D

plus if you are anywhere near one of our members you'll have your own ready made social group.... cause really ...once you've gotten involved with squirrels what else is there to talk about with people?:D