View Full Version : mites questions

09-17-2011, 03:38 PM
1: can you see the mites?

2: what medicine can you give them to make them stop itching?

3: does itching sometimes make them lose hair in one area?

4: should i wash her with soap and water or not?:dono

Jackie in Tampa
09-17-2011, 06:28 PM
1: can you see the mites?
sometimes, little white specs

2: what medicine can you give them to make them stop itching?
several different treatments are sq friendly...Revolution Topical Rx{selamectrin}; Advantage Multi, Rx; to name a couple, Ivermectin can also be used with high caution

3: does itching sometimes make them lose hair in one area?
absolutely, they can go bald and worse...
thick skin, secondary infections from scrtatching, crispy ears, inflammed eyes and skin..sometimes a steroid is given for itching.
boosting the immune system is recommended.

4: should i wash her with soap and water or not?:dono
I do not have any history of your squirrel, can't say what I would do.

I recommend a vet visit for a skin scrapping and meds, changing or pitching bedding often, use good hygeine
mites are zoonotic...quarentine away from all other animals etc...

can you post a pic?

09-18-2011, 08:23 PM
thank you soo much!! btw im happy to say she dos not have mites- and the baldness is going away (a little). what would you say is good for boosting the immune system? thank you!:thumbsup