09-16-2011, 07:15 PM
It has been a while since I have been on SB. Tony and Lizzy seem to be doing ok, I have some questions that have been piling up over the last month but havent had time to get on here for everyone's expert advice.
I have attached some recent pictures
Anybody who wants more info going back to 3 days old can look up a thread titled (baby red squirrel not gaining weight) back then I thought they were red squirrels but seem like we have come to the conclusion they are foxers.
They are now 16 weeks old and Tony weighs 560 grams and Lizzy 440 grams, is that about normal weight for their age?
We stopped weighing them for a long time because we only had a balance scale and once they got real active it was impossble to use. We got a different scale a few weeks back and have been weighing them every day since and their weight had not changed in two or maybe even three weeks.
Are they full grown?
I looked at some of the foxer pictures on SB and they look huge compaired to Tony and Lizzy, Most of the wild squirrels around my house seem only slightly bigger than Tony and Lizzy.
We still try to give them FV 3 times a day, sometimes they will not want any sometimes they seem desperate to get it but still rarely take more than 10 cc.
Tony definately drinks more FV than Lizzy.
They get as much henry's blocks as they will eat but it is maybe 2 or 3 blocks a day total for both. I have tried lots of different veggies but I throw away most of what I put in there each day. They like branches from the apple tree and walnuts picked up in the yard and also pine cones from the yard. I limit there walnuts to one small one in the shell each day.
As a treat each night after they eat the FV if they want it, I give them a 1/4 piece of shelled walnut each and a few pieces of apple. They eat both of those like they are starving.
Lizzy drinks a lot of water I never see Tony drink a all. In one of the pictures you can see my daughter holding the water bottle with Lizzy drinking. One time when the water bottle did not get filled Lizzy was so thirsty when I put the bottle in she drank seriously half of that bottle. I got worried she was drinking so much so I took it away for 5 minutes when I put it back she went right back to drinking did not stop until bottle was half empty. It is not like she had been with out water for days, could not have been more than half a day if that. I don't know where she put it all.
What do you think does this sound normal?
What changes should I make?
I have questions about releasing but I will save that for another time.
Thanks for your help
I have attached some recent pictures
Anybody who wants more info going back to 3 days old can look up a thread titled (baby red squirrel not gaining weight) back then I thought they were red squirrels but seem like we have come to the conclusion they are foxers.
They are now 16 weeks old and Tony weighs 560 grams and Lizzy 440 grams, is that about normal weight for their age?
We stopped weighing them for a long time because we only had a balance scale and once they got real active it was impossble to use. We got a different scale a few weeks back and have been weighing them every day since and their weight had not changed in two or maybe even three weeks.
Are they full grown?
I looked at some of the foxer pictures on SB and they look huge compaired to Tony and Lizzy, Most of the wild squirrels around my house seem only slightly bigger than Tony and Lizzy.
We still try to give them FV 3 times a day, sometimes they will not want any sometimes they seem desperate to get it but still rarely take more than 10 cc.
Tony definately drinks more FV than Lizzy.
They get as much henry's blocks as they will eat but it is maybe 2 or 3 blocks a day total for both. I have tried lots of different veggies but I throw away most of what I put in there each day. They like branches from the apple tree and walnuts picked up in the yard and also pine cones from the yard. I limit there walnuts to one small one in the shell each day.
As a treat each night after they eat the FV if they want it, I give them a 1/4 piece of shelled walnut each and a few pieces of apple. They eat both of those like they are starving.
Lizzy drinks a lot of water I never see Tony drink a all. In one of the pictures you can see my daughter holding the water bottle with Lizzy drinking. One time when the water bottle did not get filled Lizzy was so thirsty when I put the bottle in she drank seriously half of that bottle. I got worried she was drinking so much so I took it away for 5 minutes when I put it back she went right back to drinking did not stop until bottle was half empty. It is not like she had been with out water for days, could not have been more than half a day if that. I don't know where she put it all.
What do you think does this sound normal?
What changes should I make?
I have questions about releasing but I will save that for another time.
Thanks for your help