View Full Version : determining age and how much he should be fed

09-16-2011, 04:23 PM
http://i1094.photobucket.com/albums/i455/TheDoctorsCompanion11/311351_2430568166534_1321517654_2904684_950336120_ n.jpg

We think he's about 5 weeks but not sure. Also we're not quite sure how much to feed him. I've been giving him about a tsp of formula every four hours. Should I increase it? When should i start the squirrel block exactly? I'm sorry I just have so many questions.

09-16-2011, 04:34 PM
Well here is one question for you:

did you just find him? he does look a little underfed.

09-16-2011, 04:57 PM
I don't know when you found this little cute fuzzbutt:) , but usually, when they are found, they need to be warmed up and hydrated.
Hydration - for 24 hour, pedialyte (there is a homemade recipe).
After that, formula is introduced.

In order to determine how much he needs to eat, you need to weigh him. The rule of thumb is to feed 5-7% of body weight. But you still need to watch him: some babies eat a bit more, some a bit less.

Since he is still a baby, she still needs to be on formula. around 6-7 weeks old is when first solid foods are only begin to be introduced, but his main staple should be formula.
What formula is she eating?

You probably know already about Fox Valley. Fox Valley formula is the best formula for squirrels, can be purchased either at www.foxsquirrelnutrition.com or www.henryspets.com.

If you don't have FV yet, homemade goat's milk formula is recommended while you are waiting for your FV to arrive.

He should be on formula for as long as possible, never wean him, let him wean herself, and even then try to sneak some of it into heis food (e.g., ppl mix it with yogurt, sprinkle, it make BooBalls etc).

It is strongly recommended that the first solid food be a good quality rodent/squirrel block. Both - the block and the formula will be his insurance against MBD.
If he gets a squirrel block as her first solid food, it will almost guarantee that he will like it and will eat it for the rest of his life.

After he starts eat the block willingly, good green veggies should be introduced. Fruit and nuts - are treats only.

Squirrels have very specific nutritional needs, and to meet those needs a very specific diet is needed, consisting of a good quality squirrel block + good green veggies, some fresh fruit and a couple of nuts per day as treats.

A good squirrel block - Henry's Healthy Block - can be purchased at www.henryspets.com, or there is a homemade recipe for it in Nutrition Forum as well. All ingredients are available at henryspets.com as well.

Some people also use Mazuri, Kaytee, Harland Teklad etc.
But HHBs are, by far, most squirrels' favorite.

THere is tons of info in Squirrel Nutrition forum: healthy diet for pet (captive) squirrels etc etc etc. - please help yourself and don't hesitate to ask as many questions as will come up.
__________________________________________________ ______
Pedialyte Recipe

I quart warm water
3Tbs sugar
1tsp salt

Good for 24 hours

Do not administer for more than 24 hours.

Homemade Formula (Jackie in Tampa's)

1 cup goats milk
1/3 cup heavy cream
1/3 cup All natural vanilla yogurt (Liberty)

Mix well and keep in a glass container in the refrigerator.
Lasts 72 hours in the fridge.

Warm the formula to feed – only takes a FEW seconds in the microwave. BE CAREFUL NOT TO OVERHEAT, it will curdle the yogurt.

09-16-2011, 07:23 PM
We think he's about 5 weeks but not sure.
Also we're not quite sure how much to feed him.
When should i start the squirrel block exactly?
Feed 5-7 % of Body Weight
Introduce HHB Squirrel Block @ 7-8 weeks old
If 5 weeks - he will have teeth and white under coat on belly

09-16-2011, 10:37 PM
Anyone want to figure this out for me? i hate math! mine is .5 of a pound soo how much would i feed her? sorry I really dont want to go and figure out the math...:dono

09-17-2011, 12:18 AM
Anyone want to figure this out for me? i hate math!
mine is .5 of a pound soo how much would i feed her? IF we are talking 1/2 of a lb......
.5 pounds = 8 oz = 226 grams = 11.3 cc (per feeding) 5%

Does that sound right? - how old is your baby?

09-17-2011, 08:53 AM
Anyone want to figure this out for me? i hate math! mine is .5 of a pound soo how much would i feed her? sorry I really dont want to go and figure out the math...:dono

Here's how you can do it on your calculator. So you know, 1g on the scale is equal to 1cc in the syringe, it's just mass v. volume. So, if you have a gram scale, just weigh the baby on it. If you only have a pounds/ounces scale, you can convert that with this chart: http://www.asknumbers.com/OuncesToGramsConversion.aspx

So, 8 ounces is about 226 grams. On the calculator:

226 x .05 = 11.3, so you would feed 11.3 cc.

Hope that helps?

09-17-2011, 09:34 AM
yes it does! thank you!! she is 7 weeks today!!! so ya that sounds rite

09-17-2011, 01:28 PM
226 grams sound like an awful lot for this somewhat thin looking baby with a non bushy tail?

09-17-2011, 01:42 PM
nope shes actually pretty big- im not sure if thats her weight though because i may have an inacurate scale... so she weighs more probably. as inshe is WAY hevier than she was when we found her 3 weeks ago!