View Full Version : pic of squirrel, is this POX???

09-16-2011, 08:51 AM
He is on antivirals and baytril. So far he us happy and acting normal. Eating. No new spots.

You can see the spot on his nose, the buldge on the side of his head and the wrinkly flank skin.:thinking

09-16-2011, 10:12 AM

09-16-2011, 11:15 AM
He is on antivirals and baytril. So far he us happy and acting normal.Who placed him on medication? - you or the vet.....
from what I have seen (and I am no expert) this dose not look like pox from what I have seen on the forum --what makes you concerned that he has pox?

09-16-2011, 03:22 PM
My boss who is an exotics vet (im a technician) she was not 100% sure it was pox, but she has had success with baytril and antivirals if it was. I just dont know if it is or not. He seems a little quiet today, but is still eating and all, takes nutrical readily ect. I am concerned for several reasons:

1. he was found in a swamp- half drowned, covered in maggots and fleas.
2. My fiance put him in my nursery cage accidentally so he has been exposed to my youngest trio (who are fine so far)
3. The buldge on the side of his head- when aspiated- nothing came out, its really hard and he doesnt like it palpated.
4. I have never seen a "lump" on a squirrel like this- it doesnt look like pox, its too hard to be a bite from a bug (I got him from the swamp on saturday- bug bites should be gone), and in my experiance bumps are pox on squirrels....

Im really worried. I have 4 other squirrels and 1 in my soft release cage outside right now, I am afraid im going to lose them to this....Im a big soft bleeding heart person and I am worried sick.

09-16-2011, 03:48 PM
i am no expert by any means...
so, I am just trying to use common sense here (however much/little of it I have;-))

Since it is not diagnosed as pox 100% and at this point no one seems to know what this might be, baytril and aniviral meds might work whether it is viral or bacterial...
If he is acting normal, eating and pooping well, alert and overall fine, I would continue doing what you've been doing UNTIL someone suggests other possible diagnoses, or he is diagnosed with something conclusively (that would require a different course of action), or his behavior and overall condition begins to change...

since no one seems to be able to diagnose this right now, there is not much one can do, right?... except keep doing what you've been doing...

I do hope that either the meds will help, or someone figures out what this really is....:grouphug :grouphug

09-16-2011, 09:11 PM
Doesn't look like pox, at all.
Squirrel Downs?:thinking

09-16-2011, 09:35 PM
The lesion below his nostril looks quite like early pox to me. As the lesion develops, you'll know for sure. Early intervention with acyclovir may prevent progression of the disease. Time will tell!

What a cute little foxer!

09-16-2011, 09:35 PM
Thanks everyone. You guys have become great cheerleaders for me. Donovan is doing ok. He has seemed a little sleepier, but still eating/pooping/peeing, and gobbled up his medications laced with nutrical. He also seemed really sore on his swollen side earlier, so I ran him up to work, and he got some SQ fluids with a little b-complex and metacam.

Right now he is happy sleeping in a ball of fleece on a heating pad... Hopefully he does ok!!

:thankyou :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou :bowdown

09-16-2011, 10:08 PM
forgive my ignorance but is acyclovir an antiviral medication?...
should it be started now, early on to prevent the disease from progressing?...
will acyclovir be ok if it turns out to be something else, not pox? (I guess, what I am trying to ask whether or not acyclovir treatment can have side effects or any undesirable effects if it turns out that this is not pox?)

now, after I compared this lesion to little Marcus http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?p=684719#post684719 it does begin to look like early pox to me.
So, since pox is very contagious and very progressive, should Donovan start acyclovir treatment now?... in addition/instead of what he is taking now?