View Full Version : Hello and Bless you all

09-15-2011, 08:01 PM
My daughter and I are relieved to have found this site. I'd like everyone to meet "Squeakers"

Squeakers was found two weeks ago under an enormous Maple tree. Now please understand, I'm a country girl and I was taught that 99% of the time what people consider abandoned babies are are usually still under the watchful eye of mama, so I hesitated to interfere. She was lethargic and cold and no Mom was in sight. A severe thunderstorm was moving in as well so I made the decision to bring her home.

I have in the past been successful in raising newborn kittens so I had a very good idea about the commitment I declared with my actions, but thank heavens for my daughter who shares the feeding and the cleaning tasks with me - I'm sure it's due to her dedication that Squeakers is doing so well... although now my daughter has declared that she does not want to become a mom anytime soon (Bonus! :rotfl :rotfl )

Knowing very little about raising a squirrel I tried to contact the nearest rehabilitation center three times but alas they are either overwhelmed or closed for I received no reply.

We had powdered formula available for my daughter's chinchilla babies so after raising Squeaker's core temperature we began to feed her. Initially I think more formula went on me than inside her but once she got the taste of what was in the syringe she was voracious. Poor hungry wee baby.

Before I found this site I was receiving so much conflicting advice from the net I wasn't sure if we were doing proper by this tiny life, but a google link brought me here and I am so thankful. It seems that every question and concern we have is covered and by such knowledgeable and caring individuals as I would ever care to meet.

As Squeakers gets older I'm confident that we'll be able to receive answers to our questions from the wonderful people of this forum.

Thank you again - From Mousehole and Minimouse

oh and of course....


from Squeakers

09-15-2011, 08:03 PM
HELLO there!!!Nice to have ya here!:multi

09-15-2011, 08:23 PM
Welcome. Squeakers is adorable. How lucky you are to have a little helper. How old is your daughter. What a wonderful experience for her to witness and be a part of helping a baby in need.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. There are no dumb questions and this is the best place to learn.


island rehabber
09-15-2011, 08:33 PM
:Welcome Glad you found us! Squeakers is beautiful and the same age as my newest little girl Mulberri. :) Now, as for formula are you feeding her Fox Valley? Is it on order yet? Jus' askin' :poke :D

09-16-2011, 04:30 AM
Thank you all for the welcome. :wave123 :wave123

mpetys - My daughter is 17 and she does the feeding and cleaning while I'm at work. She's the photographer. She has also selflessly volunteered her Chinchilla's hutch for a release cage - a large sacrifice on her part - but it is unfortunately unsuitable being only 5' x 4'. I'll be building a more appropriate one sometime in the near future and I'm sure the chin-chin's will be relieved.:)

We aren't certain if there are any viruses that can be cross contaminated so she is extra diligent about washing her hands and keeping sterile.

island - Thanks for the link island. I'll be sending off for some Fox immediately. Currently she's drinking the same formula we feed to the baby chinchilla's modified with a little heavy cream to make it richer.

OOps timer went off, I have just enough time to feed her before I scurry off to work. Have a good one guys.

island rehabber
09-16-2011, 04:38 AM
Just realized you're in Canada....if Royal Canin formula is available to you there instead, it is a very good formula as well and will save you the high shipping costs of Fox Valley. :thumbsup

09-19-2011, 09:47 AM

how is she doing?

did you get the fox valley?


09-19-2011, 10:19 AM
We will expect regular pics and updates... (please)It's wonderful that your family is involved in caring for Squeakers...

09-19-2011, 09:27 PM
Say hello to Squeakers! She's a cutie!

All the best,

09-19-2011, 10:20 PM
Welcome... and all the best to little Squeakers. She may not be out of the woods yet, but you're giving her a fighting chance. :thumbsup

09-19-2011, 10:58 PM
Hurray! A rehab spot has been found for Squeakers! A great big hug to Runestonez. I am so grateful and relieved. I live in a co-op, many houses close together, and the neighborhood has a huge feral/abandoned cat population. Not an ideal place to release a squirrel.

And to have experienced knowledgeable hands looking after her :D I am really really touched by all the support I received her on this board.

A lady from work has offered to drive me - or if our schedules do not coincide - to "chauffeur" the wee princess to Runestonez place by the end of this week.:thankyou

here's the latest pic it's a little blurrry I know but my daughter was sleepy.


eating always makes her sleepy as well:)

09-24-2011, 03:49 PM
Hello all, latest update...
Squeakers is now safely housed with Runestonez. She says that's she's a plump little girl so I hope we didn't feed her too much :)

So happy to hear that she's going to have some bunkmates to play with as Runes just got another batch today.

A great big thanks goes out to Carol- squirrelfriend, who gave up her day off to ensure that squeakers got to the center safe and sound as well as to everyone on this board. You were there when we needed you and you didn't let us down:alright.gif

I do have to watch how I phrase things at work though, Carol and my daughter called to leave messages letting me know that Squeakers was on her way. Everyone at work has been following the Squeakers saga and as I do not usually take personal calls ( unless emergencies ) at my workplace my co-worker was concerned as my name seemed to be constantly on the PA. She met me outside of the phone center and asked if everything was ok at home. Although I am so happy that Squeakers found an excellent rehabber, I was already missing her and my face must have reflected how sad I was that I wasn't there to say goodbye.

"Oh yeah," I said sighing, "it's just that Squeakers is gone." My poor co-worker nearly burst into tears until I realized what she thought I meant!:toung3 Ughhh Well it's nice to know that everyone at work has been so concern about her health and well being.

Here's last night pics...

Here's a good picture of a fed and sleepy little baby - big feet though:rotfl


same pic from a different angle, she needs a bath


09-24-2011, 08:16 PM
:D No you didn't feed her too much! We loves chubby babies! :D

I just did the last feeding for tonight and Squeakers is all bedded down in her bin with her soft pink blankie and a teddy for snuggles!
She had 5 cc's for dinner and called it a night!

No worries she is just fine!:)

island rehabber
09-24-2011, 09:10 PM
What a happy, wonderful thread! Thank you ALL who made this happen :grouphug:grouphug:grouphug:bowdown:bowdown:bowdow n.

09-24-2011, 09:24 PM
A great success story... and all the best to Squeakers. :grouphug