View Full Version : Rehabber
Mrs. Jack
12-27-2006, 03:27 PM
If any of you can help me to find a rehabber in the Seattle, Wa or outlying area, I would truly appreciate it.
12-27-2006, 03:48 PM
Mrs. Jack whats up??? Have you tried the ones located on the board?
Mrs. Jack
12-27-2006, 03:57 PM
In a place as big as Seattle, I've failed to find anyone except PAWS that's not hours away or focus on more 'exotic' wilds. I'm hoping one of our rehabbers here knows someone that is more in my area. I've got a very poorly squirrel. Her tail is strings, she's got bald patches on her head and back and her coordination is wack. She's very very alert though and a little tiger. But I do think I could catch her. She uses the nuthouse, I think she might even go into a crate if I put nuts in. or maybe with a blanket. But I would like to know for sure that I am taking her to someone who will help her and hopefully return her for release, although if there were a better place I'd agree to that too.
12-27-2006, 04:03 PM
Oh thank goodness you have found her. I hope somebody here can help.
Mrs. Jack, sorry I don't know know anyone in your area.
While you are waiting to hear from someone, think about the worst case scenario and rule that out. You do have a large population in and out of your yard and I'm wondering if she may be contagious. Do you think she may have mange? There would be crusty patches or very wrinkly looking skin in the bald areas. If that is the case, I would recommend trapping her and getting her out of the general population while you continue to seek a rehabber. I won't go into more details unless you think it necessary.
Mrs. Jack
12-27-2006, 04:22 PM
Thanks Gabe. I got close enough to her to take a close look, and the bald patches are smooth and pink. There's just no hair there. :/ She makes me want to cry although I think she may be a he.
How does the rest of her fur look? Thick or thin and wispy? You said her tail is stringy, but what about her back?
Mrs. Jack
12-27-2006, 04:54 PM
the rest of her fur looks good. One of her eyes looks like its a little swollen. do you think she was attacked by something or got blown out of a tree during the storm? The other squirrels avoid her and she charges them or leaps over them if they get near. him.
Wish you could get a picture. Have the other squirrels always avoided him? Could he be the "top squirrel" who is being challenged by a younger male? And fighting? It is so hard to do this over the internet. So frustrating!!!!
Mrs. Jack
12-27-2006, 05:20 PM
I will try to get pictures, I know that will help.
Mrs Jack - I'm not sure where in WA you are but maybe this list will help.
Good luck
12-27-2006, 05:38 PM
Mrs.Jack...If anyone can get to a squirrel, its you. You are just an Animal
Whisperer..What is happening today...DancingSquirrel has a sick squirrel, you
have a squirrel that needs help, Kathy56 is getting ready to release Rufus?
We need a Squirrel posse that travels from place to place to help.....:)
Henrismom, great idea. Round 'em up and bring them all to me. :)
12-27-2006, 06:25 PM
There never is a dull moment is there Henrismom?:rotfl
12-27-2006, 07:27 PM
Don't get me started on getting a posse together, because I surely would.
Let's see we were all worried to death over Mrs. Jack after the storm, and I
manage to get a posse of two to drive to her house.
This is the report that I got back from the posse "the house is still standing,
no one is outside, no tree on the house. What do you want me to do, I'm parked in front of her house?" "Good boy, go home she is sleeping" :)
A squirrel posse would be great.......Gabe since you asked first, your name is
top of the list. :D
No, never a dull moment around here.....:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
Mrs. Jack
12-28-2006, 08:01 AM
Mrs Jack - I'm not sure where in WA you are but maybe this list will help.
Good luck
Thanks Mars :).. That's the list I'm working off. Except for PAWS they're all pretty far away.. I'd love to find something closer. okay, I'd love to find someone like one of you on here, that I'd feel really good about trusting with this little snickerdoodle. I want to know that who takes her will really and for true want to help her.. not just take her, if you know what I mean. :/
I will do my darndest to get good pics today, Gabe.
Henri'smom, that will forever warm my heart that you went to so much trouble for me. I still wish I'd known they were there and could've said hi :D It's all so crazy and beautiful all at once, the stuffs life is meant for.
Mrs. Jack
12-28-2006, 08:18 AM
I read Dubshack said this from what he's found out:
but according to the law any Eastern in trouble like that has to be euthanized and um.. it's driving me mad.
Mrs. Jack
12-28-2006, 09:18 AM
guhhh. everything takes me back to paws. and this is what paws says:
For rehabilitation to be deemed successful released animals must be able to survive on their own and be an integral part of their species population, i.e., recognize and obtain appropriate foods, select mates of their own species to reproduce, and respond appropriately to potential dangers (people, cars, dogs, natural predators, etc.).
Those animals who sustain injuries or illnesses that prevent them from living successfully in the wild are humanely euthanized to end their suffering.
I'm afraid they'll take one look at her and.
You don't know that. I work under the same definitions and restrictions. Not all non releasables would survive placement. Not even in the most loving of homes. We see that over and over here on the board. And I dare to say most squirrels born to the wild are unable to make the adjustment. To force captivity on such free souls is worse than death. As a rehabber I have come to except that death is sometimes a natural part of the healing process. I have had to put my own fears and questions about death aside and do what is best for each individual critter. I never put an animal down just because. If I ever get to that point I should not be rehabbing. This not an easy job. It's not suppose to be. But I keep at it for the ones I can help. And to ease the suffering of the ones I can't.
Sorry about the rant.
Mrs. Jack
12-28-2006, 10:54 AM
I didn't see it as a rant, and even so, you don't have to apologize.. every time one of you 'rants' we all learn new things, and see the passion. I'm just scared. Paws is usually over-whelmed, and after our recent storm and floods I'd imagine even more so. The stress it would cause this little one to trap and transport, I want to know it's for the best. My wa state dept of game and fishing site was full of 'nature let take it's course' info.. so how do I know whether that is right or taking the chance is right? Because she looks awful, but she acts for all intents and purposes like a squirrel should, except the momentary balance issues, and from watching her yesterday, I'm thinking they aren't brain related but that maybe from whatever/however she was hurt. but I'm not an expert. what I wish is that you or gabe or IR could come over and LOOK at her. :( I want to do the right thing Mars. and I want to know it's right before I do it. is that possible??
Yes, and there are exceptions to all the rules. for one, did you know that it is illegal for a licensed rehabber in NY to possess a non releaseable animal? Unless that animal is used for propagation, scientific study or education we are not allowed to keep it. There are many rehabbers, some even on this board that just ignore that rule and do it anyway. There are many kind hearted rehabbers out there. We honestly did not get our license so that we could euthanize animals. We got our license because we have big hearts, want to help, and want to do things the right way. Each case is taken into consideration individually. There are times that euthanasia is the right choice. Euthanasia can be an end to pain and terror, a compassionate and moral alternative to a captive life so diminished in quality that it's maintenance is really an act of cruelty. This is more true in adult animals that have known freedom and are now reduced to spending their life in a cage. Are we being fair to them?
This is from the NWRA;
For all your long hours, and physical effort, and the expense, and the arguements with others over your priorities, and even your genuine affection for this creature you have come to love, there will be one thing missing from its life. And if you leave the cage door open, it will opt for that one thing above all others that were provided, and it will walk out of the door to freedom, and its death. Because this is the way of all wildlife.
Sorry, Mrs. Jack, didn't mean to go on about euthanasia, and I don't think this is what your squirrel needs at this point. It probably is quite treatable. We may be even to help it online. Just continue to update us and get us those pictures!! I sometimes treat foxes and adult deer on sight rather than transport them and scare them. Maybe we can do the same for you.
Mrs. Jack
12-28-2006, 11:45 AM
Thank you. Your encouragement means a lot. I've got the camera every time I go out, I'll be ready for her.
I'm not opposed to euthanasia. the term and application doesn't scare me.. I've had two very beloved kitties put down rather than have them suffer. I understand the kindness it can give. I just have also heard a lot of horror stories, and I'm a worrier. But I also am practical and won't let my fears stop me from doing what's right.
Mrs. Jack
12-28-2006, 11:57 AM
Gabe! she's here. I just got some pics, soon as dh is up I'll get them online. hopefully got some decent shots of the bald spot behind her ear, that's how she's facing. and get this- her tail looks fine now. yesterday was pouring, today is dry.. is it possible that she's soaking herself somehow en route to here when it's wet and that's not related to the baldness?
Mrs. Jack
12-28-2006, 02:12 PM
Great Pictures. I feel like I'm looking right at her. Actually, her being wet does bother me. The rest of your squirrels are in the same climate as her, yet they are not wet. There is plenty of places for them to get out of the weather. I think she is not waterproof for some reason. Is this the same squirrel that was wet after your storm? If so, I'll go back and look at those photos. Don't repost them here, as it takes forever for my computer to download. Just let me know, and I'll go looking for them. That will keep this thread easier to access.
She also has a problem with her balance, right? Is that better, worse or the same?
I'm wondering if parasites would make her lose her waterproofing? Maybe someone else will have an answer for that. In the meantime, if she is coming and acting semi normal I would say you should get another pic in three to four days for comparison. If it is getting worse, I would treat for mange. You may be able to do that if we talk you through it. Great job!!!
Mrs. Jack
12-28-2006, 02:47 PM
yes that is her after the storm, and that's how she looked yesterday when it was just pouring, but not a windstorm. when it rains, she looks like that. no one else looks even close, it's like she dunks in a puddle!. she can curl her tail over her back as you see, but often it is just hanging flat and is a bit wispy and thin. Today she sat up on the cedar planter and on a tree branch, and she seemed pretty balanced, much better than when I've seen her before, once she fell off the cedar planter.
Mrs Jack - I played with your pic a bit. Hope you don't mind :D My thought is the missing hair on her head is from a scab falling off taking the fur with it. With her vertigo and the storms I would guess a rather nasty bump to the head. And if her nest was destroyed during the storms her second chioce may not be providing her with dry shelter.
OK, I found her pictures. I think there were three of her. She did not look like any fur was thin or had any bald areas. Those pics were from 10 days ago. She may have been under a wheel well in a car, or near an engine during the storm for shelter. Her stomach looks so dirty, maybe even greasy. It is possible she has lost her nest and found a new shelter. Maybe she is crawling on her stomach to get under something such as a shed and there is a puddle just outside of her entry. Recheck your copies of the pics and see if there was anything unusual, I didn't see anything. Her balance is improving, so she is not getting worse. Maybe something did happen to her. Let's give her a few more days and see what direction she takes, or takes us in.
Mrs. Jack
12-28-2006, 04:31 PM
Yes.. when she came the other day all stringy tailed, I was with Timber on the phone, we did talk about maybe she had gotten into something, she did look oily or greasy.. there is a dead car next door, it is very possible she could've taken refuge there. And yes, when she was soaked, I didn't really see the bald spots that time, those first pics, I did see them the second time, I'm not sure they were new, like the scab falling off Mars mentioned because it does look the way new skin does, or if the hair was just plastered over them.. she does seem improved today, I am feeling a bit better.. Zappy was a mess when he first showed up and now he is fat, sassy and healthy. Maybe I can will snickerdoodle back to health too, with all your help and encouragement.
12-28-2006, 07:19 PM
Mrs. J, I can't give you any advise, but I can hold you hand while you try to
get this little baby better. You are really a good, good person....if I was a squirrel won't mind living in your yard.:)
I will keep popping in and out to see how you are doing and know that you are in my thoughts....:bowdown
Leaving now don't want to hold up any answers or questions....:Love_Icon
Hey Mrs. Jack, have you seen the squirrel?
Mrs. Jack
12-31-2006, 05:36 PM
yes, she's been here every day. In fact I was just coming in to write about her.. she took her time choosing which pecan she wanted from the handful I'd offered, so I got down close as I could to look at her. It sure looks like scar tissue.. in fact to me, it looks like burn scar tissue. I am beginning to wonder if this little snickerdoodle didn't just lose her nest in the storm, but perhaps tangled with a downed powerline at the same time.
12-31-2006, 05:44 PM
aww poor little precious.
Or.... If she was indeed near a car engine for heat? The oil on her tummy would explain her being less waterproof.
Mrs. Jack
12-31-2006, 06:04 PM
True.. there's lots of bits under a car she could've burned herself on. I'll be curious to see if the hair grows back there. She's doing pretty good though, and that's all that matters. Although I do wish she could tell me what she's been through.
I know, I really wish they could talk, in the meanwhile it is kind of fun playing detective.
Mrs. Jack
01-01-2007, 01:09 PM
It's raining today and once again her tail is stringy. But it's not nearly as bad as it was, whatever is on her is slowly coming out I guess. She let me walk right up and peer at her, her bald bits look clean and good. the fur on the rest of her body looks pretty good. She said no to a bath :/
Mrs. Jack
01-01-2007, 02:17 PM
It seems pretty good. I notice she runs even more bowlegged than the others do (I think they all look like Charlie Chaplin when you see them from behind) but she's using all her limbs, and climbing and perching well.
Good. :) Sounds like she is on the mends!! :thumbsup
01-01-2007, 03:30 PM
She sounds a lot like my guys. Weebles has that bowlegged walk. She reminds me of one of those dune buggies with the big wheels in the back. Her ballance has gotten a little bit better but not completely. Well, when she is walking it is better. when she is sitting she still wobbles and sometimes falls over. DOes this one fall over when eating or sitting? The bald patches remind me of Grumblebee. He had big scabs when I first got him. soon after the scabs fall off you will see a very short patch of hair growing over it. DOes this guy have that? I haven't had any greys yet only blacks so I don't know what the hair looks like when it grows back on them. They can lead good lives with their wobble. I am just concerned if they can defend themselves out there in the wild. Do you have an outside enclosure that you can keep him in (once he is cleaned up and gone through a quarantine period for the safety of your other guys)?
Mrs. Jack
01-02-2007, 11:42 AM
DOes this one fall over when eating or sitting? no, her balance seems connected to movement, she's getting much better though.
DOes this guy have that? her bald patches are pure pink and sort of striated just like burn tissue when it heals. No signs of new hair growth yet.
Do you have an outside enclosure that you can keep him in (once he is cleaned up and gone through a quarantine period for the safety of your other guys)? I don't. I'd create something in a minute if I thought someone needed it, but I truly think she's improved by leaps and bounds, I think I was lucky she found me at the time of her injuries and has had somewhere safe to get food and heal herself. I think before long she'll be as good as new! will keep you all updated, surely appreciate all the help and comments !
01-02-2007, 04:30 PM
Oh, that is good news then. Glad to hear it. Keep up the good work and make her nice and fat.
Mine that had scabs from falls or trauma not burns healed and refurred with no striations. Yes, yours sounds more like a burn. Poor little gal. How are her climbing abilities? YOu said she might be making home of a car? Sounds a little low for a grey.
Remember though, squirlfriend that they just had that big storm and lost alot of trees. Probably more are without good shelter right now.
01-02-2007, 11:22 PM
oh yeah, I forgot about that. You're right.
Mrs. Jack
01-03-2007, 08:21 AM
In yesterday's rains, everyone seemed soggier than normal. Snickerdoodle only slightly more than everyone else though, whatever is on her does appear to be coming out. Zappy's tail was soaked too, because it drags on the ground. I feel for them because there must be a lot of nest repairs to do and there just isn't much of anything to do it with. I wish I had a huge bag of dried maple leaves or something to put out.
Secret Squirrel
01-03-2007, 10:01 AM
Mrs Jack...that's not a bad idea....I can ship you some leaves!!! I know it sounds crazy....maybe there is a member who lives closer to you and is willing to haul you a truck load!!!! Just a thought. :D
Secret Squirrel great idea!!! I never rake my leaves, but they slowly disappear. :D Maybe someone that is close by will be able to do that. They won't weigh much.
Secret Squirrel
01-03-2007, 02:54 PM
I never rake my leaves, but they slowly disappear. :D
Hey Gabe....that's why they call the LEAVES!!!! They leave!!!!:jump
Mrs. Jack
01-03-2007, 02:56 PM
I've just unloaded a trunkload of them into the greenbelt :wiggle somewhere.. not here, I talked about a big nest I'd seen, I stopped to look at it and when I went in there, there were loads of leaves still on the trees for some reason, but loads on the ground too and those were dry where they were bunched up in and around the trunk of the tree!! so I dumped all the grocerys out of the bags and filled a bunch of them up to bring home I figured those squirrels had enough to spare.
01-03-2007, 03:25 PM
:rotfl Now I know you've done a lot of funny things for your squirrels but if someone was watching you do this, it would be the straw that broke the camel's back to land you in the loony bin.:D
Mrs. Jack
01-03-2007, 03:29 PM
Well especially if you add to that me standing in the driveway surrounded by boxes of nuts saying "as god is my witness, you'll never go hungry again!" and shaking my fist in the air.
01-03-2007, 03:36 PM
:rotfl the funny thing is, I know you really did that!
Mrs. Jack
01-03-2007, 03:38 PM
I did. in fact I did it twice because it was so fun :D
Momma Squirrel
01-03-2007, 03:45 PM
Way to go Scarlett O'Hara :thumbsup Which one of those beautiful dresses were you wearing :rotfl
Mrs. Jack
01-03-2007, 03:50 PM
oh well of course I had on a stunning ensemble stitched together from old seed sacks that still had some life in them!!
Mrs. Jack
01-03-2007, 03:52 PM
okay well this is in lala land now, shall it be moved to.. somewhere else?
hey, it's still about helping the squirrel. He needs to renest. :D
Mrs. Jack
01-11-2007, 02:01 PM
These are recent pics of Snickerdoodle.. what do you think.. I'm still concerned.. her balance is fine, her tail is looking better.. but..
Great pics Mrs. Jack :D From what I can see the skin where the hair is missing looks clear and healthy. Can you see any scabbing? Is she ichting or pulling at herself? You said she was covered something greasy. Do the bald spots corespond to where the stuff was? It's hard to say from this distance but my guess is she is healing fine.:)
Mrs. Jack
01-11-2007, 02:42 PM
Can you see any scabbing? no, just pink skin.
Is she ichting or pulling at herself? I haven't seen her do that, she acts just normal squirrel.
You said she was covered something greasy. Do the bald spots corespond to where the stuff was? I can't be totally sure.. she looks 'cleaner' though, my dh said my god she looks awful seeing the pics and I was like "i thought she looked better.." the rest of her fur and tail and stuff.
Mrs. Jack, You see her from better angles than we can, you also see her as a whole squirrel and we are focused on the bald patches. If you think overall she is looking better; tail, etc. Then let's continue to watch her and keep us posted.
Mrs. Jack
01-11-2007, 03:50 PM
okay.. I can do that. Like you, I was worried about mange, though the skin does look healthy.. I'd just hate it if it was and soomeone else got it. So although I can see her better, I would trust your judgement. I've been reading and looking at pictures though, and I don't see her exhibiting any of the symptoms they speak of.
I think it is mange. I'm thinking more on the lines of a milk burn caused by something sticky on the fur. Perhaps pine pitch? perhaps grease? It's patchy and random.
01-11-2007, 04:51 PM
Doesn't look like mange to me, either...especially if it's not rapidly spreading. Demodectic mange can have a "redder" appearance than sarcoptic (the kind that makes them bulge-wrinkle and get the really bad scabbing), but I still don't think this is mange.
I agree that it is likely pulled/lost hair for some other reason.
If she isn't getting worse, I would say she's going to be ok. In my experience, they get worse quickly when ill.
I had a normal-looking squirrel that was nearly bald in 10 days from mange. And I mean, fully furred to piffs of hair here and there.
She looks good to me other than her baldness and somewhat sparse tail fur...keep handing out those nuts, Mrs. J and I'm sure she'll do great! :thumbsup
Mrs. Jack
01-11-2007, 04:59 PM
:thankyou all for your expertise and reassurance. handing out nuts and cooing I can do with pleasure :D I'll keep you posted on her progress.
01-11-2007, 05:30 PM
Mrs Jack, my sweet Fluffer has the same condition! It is only on his left side, the right side looks totally normal. I see healthy pink skin and no scabbing, but he is very itchy. He has always had trouble using his left hind leg to scratch himself due to a very bad leg injury over a year ago so I thought that maybe the mites or fleas were hanging out on that side because he couldn't do much about it. I feel so bad for him, I wish there was something I could do about it but he does not like to be messed with!
This bald condition has happened to him several times before, and the hair comes back in fairly quickly. :thinking These photos were taken last week.
Mrs. Jack
01-11-2007, 05:52 PM
Oh poor guy :( Snickerdoodle doesn't itch, I've never seen her act like she even knows she's got these bald spots I'm fair certain at this point she's losing hair to get something else off her like tar or grease or oil. Timber was telling me about some kind of mite, maybe that is what darling Fluffer has, a sensitivity to them.. if he did need medication, would you be able to put it in water or on a nut maybe? Mars/Gabe/CQ do you know what I'm talking about, this mite? Is in trees/wood?
01-11-2007, 06:16 PM
Probably Ivermectin Mrs. J. but how could you give it to just her? Powerful drug but deadly at the wrong dosage.
Mrs. Jack, I was finally able to download and look at you pics. The first set showed baldness behind the right ear and on the right side of the face. This shows that the area behind the right ear has new fur coming in. Did you notice the right side of her face. You did not get a pic of that, so I'm thinking it did not strike you as needing to be photographed because the fur is coming back in there too. This is a positive note. If he is replacing fur in previous bald spots, it is just going to run it's course. If it were something else, the fur would not be coming back in.
Mrs. Jack
01-11-2007, 06:32 PM
:thankyou her behavior change has been so striking too...
I don't know Rippie, I'm the last person would give medication advice, it's nothing I know anything about.
Squirrels here are very susceptible to red mite mange. Is that what you are thinking of? It is self limiting, runs it's course and I only treat it if they are rehab squirrels, not wilds. It looks like they have tiny little red pin pricks under the fur and on the bald spots.
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