View Full Version : Bleeding from his nose

09-15-2011, 09:07 AM
Plz help fast. My cat brought me a baby about 5 wks old. At first he was doing pretty good. Started him on ampicillian (per vet) yogart and esbilac. After about 4 feedings he is now bleeding from his nose. At first it was watery blood but now it seems to be getting thicker and more. At first he was wanting to eat. Now its like it hurts to open his mouth and swallow. Someone plz help fast he is going down hill fast. Weaker and more thicker blood! From shameless from alabama

09-15-2011, 09:12 AM
Oh God....I don't think there is much you can do, keep trying to clear his nose. He most likely is bleeding out from the brain (brain injury). I'm so sorry. Did you call the vet to let them know?

09-15-2011, 09:14 AM
Plz help fast. My cat brought me a baby squirrel about 5 wks old. At first he was doing pretty good, Wed pm. Started him on ampicillian (per vet) yogart and esbilac. After about 4 feedings he is now bleeding from his nose. At first it was watery blood but now it seems to be getting thicker and more. At first he was wanting to eat. Now its like it hurts to open his mouth and swallow. Someone plz help fast he is going down hill fast. Weaker and more thicker blood! From shameless from alabama today is the 2nd day only been bleeding last three feedings. more each time.

Jackie in Tampa
09-15-2011, 09:15 AM
do you have a vet?
where are you min Alabama...area wise?
TSB has members that may help if they are close enough...
keep him warm, not hot {head injury}...
keep him hydrated...
keep him close so he feels your heartbeat and love...
He may just have a bloody nose that has re erupted...he may be ok...
gently clean his nose...
You are his eyes, please give all details...:grouphug

09-15-2011, 09:18 AM
Yes called the vet . He said hmmmmm???? Couldnt help me. I have cried and cried for the little guy. I feel like i have done something wrong. Why could he have been kinda good at first and NOW after i tried to help started bleeding? Did i do something wrong or am i doing something wrong??

09-15-2011, 09:20 AM
i am near Dothan Alabama, Enterprise. About 2 hrs away from Montgomery.

09-15-2011, 09:29 AM
Yes called the vet . He said hmmmmm???? Couldnt help me. I have cried and cried for the little guy. I feel like i have done something wrong. Why could he have been kinda good at first and NOW after i tried to help started bleeding? Did i do something wrong or am i doing something wrong??
Nope....now stay strong!! :grouphug Pull your chin up and listen to what Jackie just said.:Love_Icon
He may just be getting rid of the clot that stopped the bloody nose in the first place. Maybe he is acting uncomfortable while eating because he cant breathe through his nose...making it difficult to use the only other source of breathing...his mouth.
Be calm....he needs you to be right now.

09-15-2011, 09:47 AM
prob just gave him last feeding. Lifeless. Out of 5cc gave him about one. wont swallow and wont open his eyes now at all. Plz pray for him. i hope he forgives me for trying to help. Hope i didnt make him worse. Inside my shirt now next to my heart. HE WILL NOT DIE ALONE!!!
Tk u for all your help. I think i waited to long to ask you guys. Plz keep on trying to help Gods creatures. We are or should be there for them if they need us. Tk you all again.........Shameless in alabama

Nancy in New York
09-15-2011, 10:16 AM
prob just gave him last feeding. Lifeless. Out of 5cc gave him about one. wont swallow and wont open his eyes now at all. Plz pray for him. i hope he forgives me for trying to help. Hope i didnt make him worse. Inside my shirt now next to my heart. HE WILL NOT DIE ALONE!!!
Tk u for all your help. I think i waited to long to ask you guys. Plz keep on trying to help Gods creatures. We are or should be there for them if they need us. Tk you all again.........Shameless in alabama
:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon

09-15-2011, 10:54 AM

Nancy in New York
09-15-2011, 10:59 AM
Can you get private messages? OR can you email me, just so that I have your email? I have some info.

09-15-2011, 11:45 AM
Can anyone tell me what "might" cause the blood from his nose. when i keep him next to my body he seems to do alot better than when i keep him n the box in a warm room with no airconditioner.

09-15-2011, 11:51 AM
my eamil is shamelessw1966@gmail.com

Nancy in New York
09-15-2011, 01:08 PM
Can anyone tell me what "might" cause the blood from his nose. when i keep him next to my body he seems to do alot better than when i keep him n the box in a warm room with no airconditioner.
Cardboard can dry out their noses and may be the cause. Do you have him in a cardboard box? You can make him a rice buddy. Take 1 cup of uncooked rice put it in a sock, tie the sock. Microwave on high for 1 minute. Squish the rice around so there are no hot spots. This will also add a little moisture to his enclosure. Can you get him into a little plastic container with a lot of air holes drilled into it. I will get a picture and post it, may take me a minute though.
Here you go, I stole these pictures from Squirrel Steve :D

Jackie in Tampa
09-15-2011, 02:50 PM
can we get an update?
hoping for the best:grouphug

09-15-2011, 02:57 PM
well, to all my fast newly made friends i want to tk u for all your help. My little buddy passed away today at 2:27pm. He was in my arms and being loved every moment. I tried my best. It didnt help, but at least he knew he was loved when he left this world. To all of you that try and save wonded animal THAnk YOU and Keep up the GREAT work. To all of you that tried to help me a BIG BIG Hug to you all. He will be barried in my front yard next to a big pine tree and rose bush. God Bless you all for all your great work.......Shameless in alabama

Nancy in New York
09-15-2011, 03:01 PM
well, to all my fast newly made friends i want to tk u for all your help. My little buddy passed away today at 2:27pm. He was in my arms and being loved every moment. I tried my best. It didnt help, but at least he knew he was loved when he left this world. To all of you that try and save wonded animal THAnk YOU and Keep up the GREAT work. To all of you that tried to help me a BIG BIG Hug to you all. He will be barried in my front yard next to a big pine tree and rose bush. God Bless you all for all your great work.......Shameless in alabama

I am so very sorry that you lost your little one.
He died in your arms and that sometimes is the
best we can do for them.
Thank you for trying to find help for him and for
helping him to cross the bridge to eternal peace...:Love_Icon
Rest in Peace
Tiny Angel 149038

09-15-2011, 03:06 PM
I am so very sorry that you lost your little one.
He died in your arms and that sometimes is the
best we can do for them.
Thank you for trying to find help for him and for
helping him to cross the bridge to eternal peace...:Love_Icon
Rest in Peace
Tiny Angel 149038
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

09-15-2011, 03:09 PM
I am so very sorry. Many times, a head injury can cause swelling in the head, and blood vessel can burst, hence why the bleeding doesn't necessarily show right away. Know you gave him warmth, comfort and security along with love. RIP sweet little angel.

Nancy in New York
09-15-2011, 03:15 PM
well, to all my fast newly made friends i want to tk u for all your help. My little buddy passed away today at 2:27pm. He was in my arms and being loved every moment. I tried my best. It didnt help, but at least he knew he was loved when he left this world. To all of you that try and save wonded animal THAnk YOU and Keep up the GREAT work. To all of you that tried to help me a BIG BIG Hug to you all. He will be barried in my front yard next to a big pine tree and rose bush. God Bless you all for all your great work.......Shameless in alabama

Shameless in alabamas's little buddy...

09-15-2011, 03:16 PM
You guys are the best......Thank you all very very much.

Jackie in Tampa
09-15-2011, 03:38 PM
I am so sorry.
Rest in Peace Baby Squirrel:Love_Icon